Flexbeta: NeroLinux vs K3b

Flexbeta is running a side-by-side comparison (all-in-one page) of CD/DVD burners NeroLinux and K3b. K3b gains plenty of praise for its integrated user interface, look and feel, functionality, free license, and quite simply comes out on top. A good read if you need to be reminded of the goodness that is K3b.

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by David (not verified)

"Well, Sun aren't selling the Java Desktop as a development platform, and they don't mention Gnome at all in their branding. You're supposed to use Java/Swing, and they don't recommend using the GTK+/Gnome apis for custom application development."

Really, that's what they're recommending you do? Wow, JDS is really dead then. The first rule of desktop development, as practised by Microsoft (unfortunately, they do some things right), is to have development tools and methods that are in harmony and integrated with the base OS and desktop system. If the above is true then Sun just aren't going to learn, are they?

"To me that an example of how KDE shouldn't be marketed, because KDE's 'killer feature' is the application framework."

God no.

by dummyuser (not verified)

>however, we now have a bit of an odd situation here. the ISVs are starting to >venture onto the Open Source desktop with their closed source software, >something we've been hoping would start happening for a few years now

Its easy:

-Nero was too late, there are now better alternatives
-Adobe acoread will lose agains xpdf

and so on.
Some ISV do not need to exist on Linux.

by LD (not verified)

but if the ISVs don't see an ROI in the form of user base adoption, why should they bother? if all they get is negative press, why not slink back to WinLand and their MacDaddy where the glossy fan-mags will be happy to give them 4 and 5 star reviews?

If AHEAD is short sighted and arrogant enough to think they can release subpar software and have people praise and pay them for it then they are going to have a problem. I downloaded and installed this abortion of a cd burning app. after fooling with it, I went and Paypal'd Sebastion and Chris some money. They deserve it!!
All Hail K3B!

Ahead Software, actually TRY next time.......

by ac (not verified)

This is great, but I am still waiting for the self-burning K3b LiveCD.

by Anonymous (not verified)

lol, good one!

by Sebastian Trueg (not verified)


by Fast_Rizwaan (not verified)

1. can't create Bootable CDROMs with .IMA files?
2. Advance settings like "[ ] allow multiple dot in file names" get unchecked always :(

3. Mode2 cdrom (unable to copy multi track cdroms) though it should automatically try clone copy option.