KDE Commit-Digest for 29th October 2006

In this week's KDE Commit-Digest: Work on Decibel and the KDE-based NEPOMUK components accelerates. The Unity web rendering engine experiment is removed from KDE SVN, due to a change in the circumstances that prompted its creation. KTabEdit, a guitar tablature editor is imported into the KDE SVN playground. A branch of kde-pim for improvements in future 3.5 releases shows promise with the introduction of several new features. QMA, an experimental email client, continues to mature and is renamed Mailody. Usability and file format support refinements in Amarok. Speed optimisations in KViewShell and KFTPGrabber. More improvements in the state of games in KDE 4.

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by Corbin (not verified)

KDE vs GNOME is another example!

by Louis (not verified)

I'm sure there's also some pain when a competing app becomes dominant, thereby sending a developers years of hard work and nurturing to the second-class-citizen realm. I can definitely sympathize with a developer not wanting to "give up" and "work for the other guys." Competition is a good thing; it keeps the level of innovation high. Look at some of the great ideas that have become mainstream because a developer had the balls to start a new project.

by MM (not verified)

Never heard about Nepomuk. Does this mean that work on Tenor is definitely stopped?

by superstoned (not verified)

tenor has never seen any real work, except for some code which never even made it to the KDE repository (afaik). tenor was a concept, and nepomuk & strigi are implementing it.

by Jonathan Dietrich (not verified)

OK, I know that NEPOMUK is a Networked Environment for Personalized, Ontology-based Management of Unified Knowledge, however every time I see "NEPOMUK" my inner voice says "NEO-PUNK".

by superstoned (not verified)

wow, man, you have a weird problem ;-)

by Corbin (not verified)

Same for me... I think they _want_ us to think we're crazy!

by Poborskiii (not verified)

NEPOMUK is also city in Czech Republic ( http://old.nepomuk.cz/ ) and birthplace of Saint John of Nepomuk ( http://www.sjn.cz/ ).

by Tom Corbin (not verified)

And I thought it was just me. It freaks me out every time I see it because NEO PUNK just makes more sense.

After all, Neo WAS a punk! :)

by Felix (not verified)

Maybe it is a little to optimistic, but the first technical preview should be out soon (from the "release plan"). Is there already a new official date ?

by Gato (not verified)

I think a second Krash snapshot is in the planning.

by Andre (not verified)

"The Unity web rendering engine experiment is removed from KDE SVN, due to a change in the circumstances that prompted its creation."

Can someone please decode that message to me?

by Corbin (not verified)

Read the previous comments, it was answered near the top (merged with Apple's server).