KDE Commit-Digest for 24th December 2006

In this week's KDE Commit-Digest: A new game, KSquares, is imported into KDE SVN, with KLines starting on the (now familiar) path towards scalable graphics and general improvement. Usability and other improvements in Okular. Support for multiple "identies", alongside a festive basket of other enhancements in Mailody. Search support and plugin handling improvements in KGet. In Amarok, the "yauap" engine (a redeveloped GStreamer interface, using D-Bus interaction) progresses, with support for audio CD's. Improved OpenFormula specification compliance in KSpread. A much-enhanced implementation of "run-around text" comes to KWord. A work-in-progress python parser for KDevelop is imported into KDE SVN. Work begins on the Oxygen-themed widget style and window decoration for KDE 4.

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by ac (not verified)

Yeah, I look forward to that (flaming) discussion too. As long as we focus on what Dolphin can solve and how Konqueror could solve long outstanding issues for itself, we can keep some rational going in that discussion. Because IMO Konqueror has to prove, very clearly, that it can and will solve some longstanding issues in the 4th KDE round. Dolphin is here to help but Konqueror can always clearly demonstrate when it believes it needs none. Either way, the (added) benefits should be made obvious for either choice.

by otherAC (not verified)

I think a dolphin view mode for konqueror would be a better idea.
I think KDE would shoot itself in the foot if they move away from an advanced file manager like konqueror by replacing it with a simple manager like dolphin.

by Joergen Ramskov (not verified)

to everyone @ KDE!

And a happy New Year as well - may it become yet another great year for KDE!

by BenAtPlay (not verified)

Siraj Razick committed changes in /trunk/playground/base/kbfx_plasma

I was so happy when I saw that
Great work! i hope that kbfx actually gets a decent implementation of the plasmiod idea before the end of 2007! Then I guess it'll take over from kicker as the default bottom bar....

Happy holidays!