French KDE Day Conference Videos Available

To celebrate the release of KDE 4, the KDE French contributors and the Toulibre LUG organised a two-day event on January 25th and 26th 2008 in Toulouse, France. On the 25th, Kévin Ottens made a general presentation of KDE 4, and on the 26th there was a day of technical conferences featuring speakers such as David Faure, Laurent Montel, Alexis Ménard, Kévin Ottens, Aurélien Gâteau and Anne-Marie Mahfouf. The videos of all these talks, in French, are now available for download.

Here is the list of available videos, with their original french titles:

Meanwhile for English speakers Aaron Seigo's talk from LinuxTag KDE 4: Desktop interfaces in a mobile Web 2.0 world is available in video form. And coming up this Sunday is Kubuntu Tutorials Day with IRC talks on Usability, Plasma with Python and more.

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by Anon (not verified)

Thanks - I was hoping someone would post something like this!

by Daniel (not verified)

Thanks for posting a link to the ogg as I didn't want to set up Java for this.

If you are like me, you would also want the images of the slides. I found out that they have are URL like:
And a list of ids:

A small python script that gets all the images:

by Letroll (not verified)

The world would such a simple place if the french would put more effort in learning english :-P

by Orestes Mas (not verified)

Hi, there's an error in the first URL (that of Kévin Ottens). It lacks a /pub/ following the hostname. Thus the correct one is