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Updated: 9 min 8 sec ago

semaforo [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

Fri, 2024/02/09 - 2:59am
traffic light wallpaper in front of brick building, created with the help of AI

Apple Sonoma v1 SDDM [SDDM Login Themes]

Fri, 2024/02/09 - 2:59am
apple sonoma v1 is the first sddm theme that imitates the appearance of the new macos sonoma, was created using as base the theme ROUNDED-DARK by...

Circle Widget Music [Plasma 5 Multimedia]

Fri, 2024/02/09 - 2:58am

windows-eleven [Plasma Themes]

Fri, 2024/02/09 - 2:56am
based on win11OS by yeyushengfan258, add icons for notification widgets more similar to those of windows

Apple Monterey AltVersion [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

Fri, 2024/02/09 - 2:56am
This theme inherits all the elements and dependencies of Apple-Monterey-Dark. The only change is the wallpaper, since I want the theme to interest...

Yaru Plasma v1 [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

Fri, 2024/02/09 - 2:56am

Birch [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

Fri, 2024/02/09 - 2:55am

Nahua Dune Global Theme [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

Fri, 2024/02/09 - 2:55am
includes screenshot widgets. and the configurations, everything is automatic along with the installation and activation install this global theme...

Nahua [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

Fri, 2024/02/09 - 2:52am

Apple Sonoma Dark [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

Fri, 2024/02/09 - 2:11am
theme inspired by macOS Sonoma (MacOs 14)

Ketsa Colors V1 [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

Fri, 2024/02/09 - 1:52am
Ketsa Colors

coffee [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

Fri, 2024/02/09 - 1:49am

ladybug in abedul [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

Fri, 2024/02/09 - 1:46am
image created with the help of AI, using as a base an original illustration created in GIMP, composition and original color palette

Vector Clock [Plasma 5 Clocks]

Fri, 2024/02/09 - 1:37am
clock replica of job by ApexXx-SenSei in deviantart https://www.deviantart.com/apexxx-sensei/art/Vecto-813230727 The widget is not resizable yet...

beach impression [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

Fri, 2024/02/09 - 1:37am
inspired by sonoma beach, created with the help of ai, and with an elaborate gimp edition. This image is in 8k resolution, to obtain the complete...

Ventura light [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

Fri, 2024/02/09 - 1:27am

Ventura-Alt 02 [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

Fri, 2024/02/09 - 1:27am
Alternative wallpaper for apple ventura theme. created by artificial intelligence and edit in gimp

Deepin-Dark [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

Fri, 2024/02/09 - 1:24am
Deepin-Dark [b]Icon theme[/b] [url]https://www.pling.com/p/1414053/[/url] ****************** [b]Aurorae...