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KDE wins Linux Community Award 2000

Friday, 6 October 2000  |  Wes

Matthias Elter announced today that KDE has won the Linux Community Award 2000 at LWE in Frankfurt/Germany! Congratulations to all the KDE developers on a job well done and an award well deserved. Pictures are available here, including a nice shot of the KDE team with none other than Linus himself.


Re: KDE wins Linux Community Award 2000 - Manuel Román - 2000-10-05

it's great!!!! The people, the world, know what is the best.

Re: KDE wins Linux Community Award 2000 - HITMAN - 2000-12-20

yeah.. REAL the BEST Window Manager :)))))) Everyone knows this

Re: KDE wins Linux Community Award 2000 - reihal - 2000-10-05

Congratulations! Well deserved! (I wonder what Linus is smiling at on the screen there...)

Re: KDE wins Linux Community Award 2000 - jliechty - 2000-10-06

Excuse me for sounding so ignorant, but which one is Linus? I've never seen a picture of him before, so I don't know what he looks like.

Re: KDE wins Linux Community Award 2000 - Sandy Meier - 2000-10-06

The man in the middle (on the computer) is Ralf Nolden (KDevelop Team),left from him stands Linux Thorvalds and on the right side Martin Konold(KDE).

Re: Fat guy in grean shirt. - Forge - 2000-10-06

Title says it all. Linus is the fat guy in the grean shirt. Looking at that picture you have to ask; "Who says computers arn't bad for your eys ?"

Re: KDE wins Linux Community Award 2000 - Jeroen M - 2000-10-06

GOOD question and thanks for asking it coz I didn't dare to (beeing a newbie you're supposed to find it all in the FAQ's and the HOWTO's)

Re: KDE wins Linux Community Award 2000 - reihal - 2000-10-06

Well, it was this picture I was referring to. <A Href= Target=_new>Click here</ A>

Re: KDE wins Linux Community Award 2000 - Zeljko Vukman - 2000-10-05

Congratulations to KDE team. They deserve it.

Re: KDE wins Linux Community Award 2000 - Moritz Moeller-Herrmann - 2000-10-05

And you didn't even release KDE2. Meine herzlichsten Glückwünsche!

Congratuation!1 - Jamal - 2000-10-06

Good news for KDE developer and user alike. They really deserved it. But, I just wonder whether the award presented because this Linux Community exhibition was held in Germany rather than in US. Well, we all now that many linux users in US is Gnome fanatics. Jamal

Re: Congratuation! - Marco Krohn - 2000-10-06

<br>> But, I just wonder whether the award presented because this Linux <br>> Community exhibition was held in Germany rather than in US. <br>> Well, we all now that many linux users in US is Gnome fanatics. <p>I don't think so, just read: <a href=""> KDE Desktop Is Show Favorite at LinuxWorld Expo</a>. This one was held in San Jose, California. Personally I don't think that there is much difference between US and Germany but I can't offer any numbers.</p> <p>KDE you did a GREAT job and you are the reason that I have switched from Windows to LINUX (I even gave up the IMHO best compiler in the world: Visual Age C++) about a year ago and I am now using kdevelop (which is great too). Just want to say THANK YOU for this excellent desktop! Great job!!!</p>

Re: Congratuation! - erotus - 2000-10-09

"we all now that many linux users in US is Gnome fanatics" well, I'm American and I use KDE. I know many Americans who use KDE. I think you are refering to the Gnome foundation and the decision by major vendors to choose Gnome as the standard unix desktop. I don't agree with their decision. I will always use KDE as long is it relatively bug free and continues to improve. I congratulate the KDE team on a job well done. There are many of us who are anxiously awaiting the official release of KDE 2.0. Go KDE!

Re: Congratuation! - zeek - 2000-11-07

The beauty of it is we don't have to agree with their decision because we have a choice. Kudos to the KDE developpment team for their hard work! You guys deserve the recognition

Re: KDE wins Linux Community Award 2000 - Kafa - 2000-10-08

Congratulations from asia user :) Thanks for your excellent work,kders!

Re: KDE wins Linux Community Award 2000 - Abdul Rahim - 2000-12-09

Congrats !!! to the KDE team keep up the good work, you deserved it right.

Re: KDE wins Linux Community Award 2000 - Bill - 2000-12-10

You guys have done an excellent job!!! I love KDE2!! Excellent job guys!

Re: KDE wins Linux Community Award 2000 - Panos Polychronis - 2000-12-19

Congratulations! KDE is the BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: KDE wins Linux Community Award 2000 - Panos Polychronis - 2000-12-19

Congratulations! KDE is the BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!

Wowwww - Matteo - 2000-12-19

I start using Kde 1 week ago and i soon like using it!! I hope i can be like Kders to make Kde better than ever. Ciao

Wowwww - Matteo - 2000-12-19

I start using Kde 1 week ago and i soon like using it!! I hope i can be like Kders to make Kde better than ever. Ciao

Re: KDE wins Linux Community Award 2000 - Allister - 2000-12-27

I am reply from work; but as soon as I reach home I'm gonna install linux on my Pentium II PC. Congrats to KDE team on winning the Linux Community Award 2000. Wishing you guys success year 2001! \:-)) What's the best open source C++ compiler available for Corel Linux Lite? Merci! Gracias! Thanks! Please note I am a novice to Linux.