Kivio First Public Beta Available is pleased to announce the first public beta of Kivio, our diagramming and flowcharting tool for Linux/KDE.

Kivio is the first and most complete diagramming tool for KDE. Kivio has been integrated into KOffice through the use of KParts. This technology preview release is the first public beta of Kivio. There is a core set of functionality and features to start getting feedback from the Linux/KDE community.

A second beta will be released within a day of the final KDE 2 release to ensure compatibility and release some new features. You can find out more and download Kivio here. [Ed: Nice screenshots too. Only RPM available at this time.]

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by Shawn Gordon (not verified)

Currently they are static, we have some very interesting plans on making Kivio interactive with a number of different environments, some of which are sure to surprise you :). Good things come to those who wait :).

by Frank Rizzo (not verified)

KDE: Kind of like Windows only flakier.

by John (not verified)

This is fantastic. I've just recently had to start using Visio on MS Windows for the first time, to document a solution I've just built for a customer. It's great to see that a Linux solution to fill this niche is on the way.

What's the file format? Will it be able to read/write Visio stencil & template files?


by Shawn Gordon (not verified)

The file format is XML. Visio filters are on the "to do" list, but they are last on the list, we need a fully functional product first. So you will see them, I just can't say when.