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Open Content KDE Developer's Book

Thursday, 26 October 2000  |  Dsweet

A book called KDE 2.0 Development will be available online and in print starting in early November. Until then you can find prerelease versions of a KParts chapter by David Faure and an abridged KDE API reference on Andamooka. The book will be published under the Open Publication License.

KDE 2.0 Development was written by me and several people from the KDE community:

  • Kurt Granroth
  • Cristian Tibirna
  • David Faure
  • Espen Sand
  • Stefan Westerfeld
  • Ralf Nolden
  • Daniel Marjama"ki
  • Charles Bar-Joseph
  • with a forward by Matthias Ettrich
We hope that this will help current KDE developers learn about the new KDE 2.0 technologies/APIs as well as encourage new developers to try working with KDE.

The entire book will be available for online and offline reading and will be subject to section-by-section, moderated, community annotation. This should help to keep the information current and accurate while still keeping it organized.

Finally, translations of the book have begun: Joelle Cornavin (French), Pattara Kiatisevi (Thai), and André Goddard Rosa (Portuguese). Please contact me or one of them if you are interested in helping with translation.


Re: Open Content KDE Developer's Book - reihal - 2000-10-26

I ordered it a month ago from Amazon, do you know a date when it is out?

Re: Open Content KDE Developer's Book - David Sweet - 2000-10-26

It is being printed right now. It should be shipped in a few weeks. Dave

Re: Open Content KDE Developer's Book - KDE User - 2000-10-26

KParts chapter looks *great*! Keep up the good work.

Table of Contents? - Evan "JabberWokky" E. - 2000-10-26

Is there a Table of Contents yet? I'm interested if there is a kio_slave chapter. (Also just curious what else is covered, although I'll probably get it regardless). <p> --<br> Evan

KDE 1.1.2 ? - Thomas - 2000-10-27

I'm sorry for posting totally offtopic here ... <BR> Where are the KDE 1.1.2 sources ? They have been removed from the FTP site and it's server .... ARGH !<BR> I need them ! Thomas

Re: KDE 1.1.2 ? - Espen Sand - 2000-10-27

Alltough it has been some time since I have downloaded that version this it should be possible to use cvs with the correct TAG (KDE_1_1_2_RELEASE)