KDevelop 1.3 Released
KDevelop 1.3 is out. From the press release: "The KDevelop Team today announced the release ofKDevelop 1.3, a powerful, easy to use, Integrated Development Environment for the C and C++ Programming Language based on KDE. KDevelop 1.3 is a major update release that follows the successful versions 1.1 and 1.2 to enable developers for rapid application development for the new KDE 2.0 Desktop.". The full release is below.
New Release of the KDevelop C/C++ IDE for the KDE Desktop
New Version of Leading C/C++ Integrated Development Environment for Linux and Other UNIXes Ships
December 11, 2000 (The INTERNET). The KDevelop Team today announced the release ofKDevelop 1.3, a powerful, easy to use, Integrated Development Environment for the C and C++ Programming Language based on KDE. KDevelop 1.3 is a major update release that follows the successful versions 1.1 and 1.2 to enable developers for rapid application development for the new KDE 2.0 Desktop. KDevelop is the work of an international team dedicated in providing an IDE under the Linux and UNIX operating systems, their freely available product is known to be stable and improving productivity for any C/C++ developer.
The primary goals of the 1.3 release are to simplify the development process of new applications for the UNIX desktop KDE 2.0, to enable corporations to easily deploy the leading API of KDE 2.0 and ease their decision to create programs that are using the newest Office and Inter-Process-Communication facilities that currently arose on the UNIX desktop with the latest release of KDE.
Specifically the new development tools provided by Trolltech, the Qt Designer and the upcomingQt Linguist, as well as the KDE internationalization program KBabel are directlysupported and integrated into the development process. Another major feature, the Projectfile Generator included in KDevelop, allows to easily work on alreadyexisting automake projects with KDevelop as a matter of seconds that will bring the full sense of the GPL and other Free Software licenses to their destination of code-reuse where possible. Now developers can have a look at the full KDE sourcecode and any other project to look up the code for the functionality they want to provide in their application. The availability of the Qt and KDE API within the development environment simplifies and reduces the effort developers have to put into finding the information they need for programming under time-to-market aspects.
While KDevelop 1.3 is still based on KDE 1.1.2 code, the team provides a binary version that has proven to run on most Linux distributions without having KDE 1.1.2 libraries installed. Therefore, developers whose systems are not enabled to compile KDE 1.1.2 applications can still make simple use of the C/C++ IDE forrapid application development.
The KDevelop 1.3 IDE is available for free under the GNU General Public License (GPL) as KDE is available on Open Source licenses. Likewise, Trolltech's Qt 2.2.2, the GUI toolkit on which KDE is based, is also available for free under two Open Source licenses: the Q Public License and the GNU General Public License.
More information about KDevelop 1.3 is available on the KDevelop Home Page and on KDE's web site, along with developer information and a developer's KDE 1 - KDE 2 porting guide.
Downloading and Compiling KDevelop
The source packages for KDevelop 1.3 are available for free download at ftp://ftp.kdevelop.org/pub/ kdevelop/ or at one of the many KDevelop ftp server mirrors. KDevelop 1.3 requires qt-1.44, which is available from TrollTech´s ftp server at ftp://ftp.troll.no and the KDE 1.1.2 libraries, available at the KDE ftp servers at ftp://ftp.kde.org for compilation, for developing applications you can feel free to choose either version of the KDE 1.1.2 or KDE 2.0 as well as Qt 1.44 or Qt >2.2.1 libraries as both are directly supported.
For further instructions on compiling and installing KDevelop, please consult the installation instructions provided with the source package of KDevelop.
Installing Binary Packages
Some distributors choose to provide only packages of KDE 2.0 for certain versions of their distribution already. As this prevents compiling KDevelop due to a lack of a KDE 1.1.2 installation, the KDevelop Team provides a binary version that is known to work under most Linux versions. The binary version of KDevelop is therefore available for free download under ftp://ftp.kdevelop.org/pub/kdevelop/ or under the equivalent directory at one of the many KDevelop ftp server mirrors.
About the KDevelop Project
The KDevelop Project, started in summer 1998, aims to provide developers with a good, stable and useful environment which can compete with modern IDEs found on other operating systems. Since the beginning of the development, the team has grown from three members of the core team to over ten codewriters and a translation team with over 50 people all dedicating their free time to work on this project. In the meantime, a lot of successfull users of the KDevelop IDEhave joined and shared their experience to improve KDevelop in stability and functionality.
For more information about KDevelop, please visit the KDevelop web site.
Trademarks Notices. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Trolltech and Qt are trademarks of Trolltech AS. All other trademarks and copyrights referred to in this announcement are the property of their respective owners.
Press Contacts: | |
Ralf Nolden nolden@kde.org (49) 2421 502 758 |