Development Quickies: SMB, Java and Printing
Thursday, 25 January 2001 | Dre
In the last week several KDE developers delivered short reports about the status of their projects. The first was Wynn Wilkes, who gave a report on the status of Java support in Konqueror. The short version: all applets which can be run the jdk appletviewer should now work, the security manager (sandbox) is in place, and applet loading via proxy and over SSL is now working (for SSL you need the JSSE (Java Secure Sockets Extension)). Next came Lars Knoll, who reported on his progress on better font handling into the Qt PostScript® driver. The improvements concern X displays which have a resolution different from 75dpi, and support for embedded TrueType and Type 1 fonts. Finally, Wynn Wilkes (again) reported that the integration of smblib into the SMB KIO-slave was progressing well.
Re: Development Quickies: SMB, Java and Printing - 1 - 2001-01-25
KDE 2.1 beta 2 seems to be out...
Re: Development Quickies: SMB, Java and Printing - Andreas Joseph Krogh - 2001-01-25
Lets hope the RedHat-6.2 RPMS will be there soon:-) -- Andreas Joseph Krogh <>
Re: Development Quickies: SMB, Java and Printing - Iuri Fiedoruk - 2001-01-25
Bero told me he was going to create rpms for kde 2.1.....but when I don't know, he usually post rpms a week before everyone does.
Re: Development Quickies: SMB, Java and Printing - guy - 2001-01-25
SMB slave .. great ... Now we can save from any KDE2 app onto SAMBA shares ... Will someone PLEASE write a WebDAV KIO Slave??!! An experienced KDE developper could do this in half a day.
Re: Development Quickies: SMB, Java and Printing - kidcat - 2001-01-25
And another Q... Will SMB shares have BOTH client AND server possibilleties in the Kontrole Center? This would be awfully nice 4 us not-so-kewl-hackers ;) <br><br>/kidcat
Re: Development Quickies: SMB, Java and Printing - aleXXX - 2001-01-26
No, it won't have. You can use swat for this. Bye Alex
Re: Development Quickies: SMB, Java and Printing - Roberto Alsina - 2001-01-27
If I can ever get back in a coding groove, there will be a SMB serving capability (through SAMBA, of course). My current idea is to write a small proggie associated to he inode/directory mimetype that shares that directory. Or rather, marks it as shareable until someone runs as root a program to collate all shareables into a smb.conf) The logistics of doing this and not breaking everything while remaining even slightly secure are complex, but I think I have most of the design in my head now. It will be pretty paranoid (you can only share directories you own, you can not follow symlinks, and a dozen other things).
Re: Development Quickies: SMB, Java and Printing - Justin - 2001-01-25
Calm down. The SMB slave needed an upgrade since the old one was a bit flaky. I'm sure someone will get to a WebDAV slave someday (not that I know how it works or if it's possible, but..) They are doing this for free, so I'm grateful for getting anything. -Justin
Re: Development Quickies: SMB, Java and Printing - aleXXX - 2001-01-26
Well, the mentioned smb ioslave will probably be part of KDE 2.2. In 2.1 there is also a new smb ioslave, which is more compatible and faster than the one from 2.0, it is a wrapper around smbclient. Unfortunately it is read-only, you can't write to the shares, it would have been unacceptable slow if I had implemented it. Alex
Re: Development Quickies: SMB, Java and Printing - Pyretic - 2001-01-25
Does anyone have the same problem of java applets actually open in another window (kjas) while it should actually be embedded in konqueror ? Is this normal ?
Re: Development Quickies: SMB, Java and Printing - Richard Stevens - 2001-01-25
Hmm, not really, I'm running CVS from Jan 24 - 16:00 CET and things look okay. I actually never had one single applet that was not intended to open seperately open in another window. Cheers, Richard
Re: Development Quickies: [slightly OT] - arthur dent - 2001-01-25
I ve the same problem with mozilla embeded in konq ? any hint where this can come from ? if i say internal browser, it s external if I click external , nothing comes ... arthur
Re: Development Quickies: SMB, Java and Printing - Wynn Wilkes - 2001-01-26
That will happen under other window managers besides KWin. Otherwise that should not happen if you are running any version after 2.0.1. If you are already doing that and still have problems, send me an email with some info about your setup and we'll try to work it out. There's also a new Konq + Java HOWTO at now. Wynn
Re: Development Quickies: SMB, Java and Printing - Joe - 2001-01-25
Talking about developing and developers. Is mosfet still employed by MandrakeSoft to work on KDE? I haven't seen much from mosfet for the last 6-7 months. Only a couple of comments on the mailing lists, but not much code-wise. I really miss his work.
Re: Development Quickies: SMB, Java and Printing - Nikolai Kopanygin - 2001-01-25
Font embedding in Postscript is a VERY useful development. It is very difficult to get something printed nicely from under X in Russian, font metrics are usually spoiled and results are inconsistent. So thanks for good work and keep it up.
Don't use JPEG for screenshots - mbrubeck - 2001-01-26
Screenshots and other non-photographic images aren't suitable for lossy JPEG compression. You can get much better quality at the same compression levels with lossless compressed formats like PNG.
Re: Don't use JPEG for screenshots - Troels Nordfalk - 2001-01-26
I like PNG, but Netscape 4.x doesn't. If I open a PNG-page it crashes so I prefer JPG.
Re: Don't use JPEG for screenshots - Arseholio - 2001-01-26
That's what Konqueror is for, fool
Kword printing is not WYSIWYG - Magnus Pym - 2001-01-26
Hi, I did not fully understand Lars' report, but I hope he is addressing the problem where, in Koffice components, the printed output does not match the displayed one very well. For example, the fonts that are used for printing are quite different from that fonts that are chosen for the display. Furthermore, even though the display always looks well-formatted, the printed output looks chopped and blocky. The math fonts in particular render awfully on paper. Magnus.