Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Rob Kaper - 2001-02-27
Of course, kudos to the developers, artists, beta testers and everyone else who contributed! Fortunately I am installing Linux for a friend tomorrow so I can actually celebrate the release, it's not a real milestone for CVS users. ;-)
By the way, small typo on The Dot:
<i>It has a whole slew of improvements over 2.1</i>
Should be 2.0, right?
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Navindra Umanee - 2001-02-27
Yep -- Thanks.
PS Yahooo!!
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - reihal - 2001-02-27
Great! Again! Thanks to all of you!
YeeeHaw! - _shad - 2001-02-27
Propz out to Njaard, tronical, gis, dfaure.. the rest of you :)
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Baracuda - 2001-02-27
Mandrake packages are missing. I checked also Mandrake mirros, the result is: totally emptiness.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - ac - 2001-02-27
Mirror didn't pick them up?
You'll have to get in to which should have them.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Baracuda - 2001-02-27
Mandrake's RPMS still missing. They are not on I suggest you remove Mandrake's link to KDE 2.1.
Best selling Linux distro in USA, what a shame.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - craig - 2001-02-28
I'm disapointed in mandrake this is deffinately a black eye on them.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - RE: How about speed - 2001-02-27
Same goes to SuSE ones !!
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Rajil Saraswat - 2001-02-27
hey ,
I am also looking for mandrake rpms, :-( i could find them.
anybody got hold of any mirrors for this. no news at mandrakeforum also.
not finished? - renaud - 2001-02-27
The packagers probably didn't finished packaging.
The announce sais that KDE 2.1 is avaible, that means source code is avaible. I suppose binary packages will be avaibles in a couple of days.
Re: not finished? - yttrx - 2001-03-01
Then clearly the good people at KDE need to pull the link from this page. They were notified the day of the release that the link was no good (and neither are the links for *most* of the packages) and still they do nothing.
Oh, but KDE is still using QT. And its open source now. So thats good news.
I guess.
Re: not finished? - yttrx - 2001-03-01
Then clearly the good people at KDE need to pull the link from this page. They were notified the day of the release that the link was no good (and neither are the links for *most* of the packages) and still they do nothing.
Oh, but KDE is still using QT. And its open source now. So thats good news.
I guess.
hunh? - Jim - 2001-02-27
I didn't find the tar files up on, although the rpms, debs, etc are there...anyone know of a mirror when I can get them?
Re: hunh? - ac - 2001-02-27
Looks like you'll have to get them directly from (notice ftp not http). Ouch.
Re: hunh? - Rob Kaper - 2001-02-27
Nope, mirrors won't have anything the main site hasn't.
I contacted David Faure, he's the release coordinator and I'm sure he will fix the problem ASAP.
Re: hunh? - KDE User - 2001-02-27
Found a mirror that has it (from Slashdot):
Get Source Here! - KDE User - 2001-02-27
As mentioned below you can get the source packages from the <a href="">Debian directory</a> until this is fixed. Get all the *.orig.tar.gz.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Michael M Nazaroff - 2001-02-27
No source packages? - Rob Kaper - 2001-02-27
<i>The source packages for KDE 2.1 are available for free download at or in the equivalent directory at one of the many KDE ftp server mirrors.</i>
Unfortunately, none of the mirrors seem to have the source packages (many do not even have 2.1 at all, hopefully that changes soon) and it looks like the main FTP site doesn't carry them also.
There is no main site - Roberto Alsina - 2001-02-27 redirects to many mirrors, with a frequency depending on their bandwidt.
It seems that not all of the mirrors have updated yet. Be patient. Take 24 hours if you must ;-)
And no, I will not say how to reach the master server, since that would ensure no mirror will ever update :-)
So: KDE 2.1 will not rot in the morning. Doesn't this feel like christmas? Then all be good boys and girls and unwrap the packages in the morning (rpm as well as deb ;-)
Re: There is no main site - Rob Kaper - 2001-02-27
I ment the "KDE server" (on SourceForge) as mentioned in the announcement.
And actually in our family we exchange Christmas presents the evening before Christmas, so that must be why I am so impatient. ;-)
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - gunnar - 2001-02-27
its great. everything went smooth and these lines r hacked in konqueror 2.1
Try Debian Source! - ac - 2001-02-27
They will work just as well as generic source!
<a href="">potato/main/source/</a>
Get all the *.orig.tar.gz these are the original tar.gz files with no modifications.
Re: Try Debian Source! - lesha - 2001-02-27
Unfortunately, configure is missing in kdesupport_2.1-final.orig.tar.gz. Everything else seems to have it. I'm curious if it's a problem for debian source packages only.
Re: Try Debian Source! - KDE User - 2001-02-27
Good mirror here:
The kdesupport has a configure script in that one.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- with more KWin styles - Karl - 2001-02-27
There's also a new Win2K KWin style, which is missing in the changelogs ;)
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- with more KWin styles - Navindra Umanee - 2001-02-27
Thanks. :)
Conquer Your Desktop - Anon - 2001-02-27
Can't say it enough but this is the best Linux Desktop release ever! It's Fast, Stable, Pretty, and so many darn features and apps! If this does not bring Linux to the desktop, I don't know what will!
Re: Conquer Your Desktop - Adrian - 2001-02-27
pretty - Oh yeah, it looks great
stable - what I've tested in this short time, yes
fast ???
It seems to be even slower than 2.0.x, and can't still reach the old 1.4.x performance.
No, its definitly not fast.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - quinto - 2001-02-27
No apt-get line? Bit of a pain to manually download each package... - KDE User - 2001-02-27 has apt-get lines.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Scott Wheeler - 2001-02-27
ftp> prompt
ftp> mget *
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Bojan - 2001-02-27
Or you should download it using konqueror (if you have an older version of KDE installed) to download files via drag and drop. ;)
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Ian - 2001-03-01
No need to do that. Just add:
deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free
deb-src stable/non-US main contrib non-free to your /etc/apt/sources.list and apt-get update. You should then be able to apt-get install kdebase and the deps taken care of in the usual way. Alternativley, use dselect, update, and then you can select the parts of KDE2 you want from the menu, again with the deps taken care of.
The reason there are two sources listed above is because most sources I tried don,t carry the crypto and ssl libs for it for some strange reason. There may be mirrors nearer to you, but these worked for me.
Hope this helps any fellow debian users.
Regards, Ian
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Anon - 2001-02-27
Oh, and here's the link on <a href="">Slashdot</a> and <a href="">LinuxToday</a>.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Charlie Collins - 2001-02-27
2.1 is great(er). Thanks and congrats to all whom contributed. This truly is an "enterprise" ready desktop and has allowed me to get rid of that other OS I had used at the office for years.
<br /><br />
Check out my experience on switching over via this small article on TotSP: <a href=""></a>
<br /><br />
Thanks again KDE!
Can't find it at main ftp site,i tried some mirror - chinese_guy - 2001-02-27
here it is
bad news: i just costed 8 hours to install kde 2.1 -beta2 in my computer,so this time i have to install qt-2.2.4and kde 2-1 again,anyway,i fell exciting about it
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Craig black - 2001-02-27
I can't find a mirror with mandrake rpms. Has anyone found one?
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Alexander - 2001-02-27
<p>Can't find Mandrake packages either.
I haven't made it onto the clogged, but I did try rsync with it, and it seemed to be missing the Mandrake rpms as well.
<p>I'd be curious to hear from ANYONE who actually found them somewhere... I beginning to think they just didn't make it. :(
<p>Also, if anyone can confirm/disconfirm rumors about the debs supporting anti-aliasing, I'm curious about that too.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Nikunj Bansal - 2001-02-27
Well, I did make it into a few minutes ago and have confirmed that they are no there either. :-(
Do we know if someone is working on making Mandrake packages?
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Chris Adams - 2001-02-28
This may explain the lack of KDE 2.1 RPMS for Mandrake.
<a href="">Chris Molnar</a>:
I can no longer speak for Mandrake as I am no longer working for the company,
but here is my guess: There was probably a slight confusion over who is
responsible for making the new RPM's. I had been creating all RPM's for the
7.2 KDE updates until about 2 weeks ago. It takes time to reassign
responsibilities. I have had some email with people who know what is going on
and they are working on building rpm's for kde 2.1. You have not been
forgotten about.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Carbon - 2001-02-27
Absolutely awesome! I have constantly heard idiots on ZDNet, CNET, etc, claim that although Linux is great on the server, it'll never be as good on the desktop as linux! All we need now is a better KOffice, and a merge or compat with GNOME (no easy task, but I'm positive that the hard working KDE developers can accomplish it) and within 5 years, M$ will be making nothing but mice! Summary : KICKIN! Also, kudos the the awesome developers at Enlightenment, GNOME, WM, and all other OSS projects! The future of computing rests on OSS's shoulders, but I am not worried in the slightest.
No Red Hat 7.0 i386 aRts RPM - Anonymous - 2001-02-27
The precompiled aRts RPM is missing from the Red Hat 7.0 i386 directory.
Re: No Red Hat 7.0 i386 aRts RPM - Leon - 2001-02-27
I get the same, also missing libmng :-(
Re: No Red Hat 7.0 i386 aRts RPM - bero - 2001-02-27
Thanks for not letting me know.
I forgot to upload it, it's in the packager home directory now, waiting for someone to move it over to ftp.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Greg - 2001-02-27
I have missed Kdevelop so much!!
That will deffinately be on my top two things to be happy about... but there is so much more... what to pick for my second??????
Maybe I'll just have to define the rest with a Doctor Suse word, preferably made up of letters after z.
Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - Benjamin Atkin - 2001-02-27
Gnome is way better than KDE! It kicks butt. I've tried KDE, KDE2, and KDE2.1b, and I am not impressed with any of them. KDE is actually the best of the three. Gnome has a cleaner interface. It has better Apps and no need for tools such as Krash. It's installation is so easy! Plus, it's really free (unlike KDE, which uses software from TrollTech). It looks much, much, much cooler!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - Jesús Antonio - 2001-02-27
Go away
Re: Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - k0 - 2001-02-27
Installationg might be more complicated, but I think KDE works a lot better than gnome. Kmail is the best Linux mail client out there I'd say. Konqueror, is a great browser, not slow like netscape or others. No Kde component has ever crashed on me (2.0.1) and I hope it continues this way with 2.1.
Re: Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - Harald - 2001-02-27
I use gnome AND konqueror.
It' s no problem to use a gnome application with
KDE or a KDE application with gnome.
So I don't understand the discussion KDE versus
GNOME. Both are cool.
Re: Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - Locando - 2001-02-27
<I>Plus, it's really free (unlike KDE, which uses software from TrollTech).</I><P>
Last I knew, the QPL was pretty darn free. If you don't believe me, go to GNU's website and look at what licenses RMS himself considers to be free. In any case, isn't it clear we're having fun celebrating 2.1 here? You don't like KDE, write some bug reports or something; don't whine. As for the coolness factor, perhaps you haven't heard of klegacyimport. *sigh*
Re: Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - Jagasian - 2001-02-27
KDE2.1 is GPLed, so it is just as free as Gnome.
Anyway, you must be trolling, so I won't respond further.
Both KDE and GNOME deserve enormous praise. - Sridhar Dhanapalan - 2001-02-27
While we are all entitled to our own opinions, that is no reason for you to be a troll. While I prefer GNOME as a desktop, I still like KDE and I find that the main apps I use are from KDE (namely Konqueror and Kmail). A major reason I chose GNOME in the first place was because of QT's restrictive licensing. This, however, has been rectified, with QT now having a GPL-compatible license. There is no longer any real political reason to choose one over the other. Both are technically brilliant, and I hope that the competition between the two continues so that they push each other to new heights. This doesn't mean that they cannot cooperate on simple things like drag and drop.
In short, congrats to the KDE team for version 2.1 and good luck to the GNOME team for version 1.4. And long live free software!
Re: Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - Benjamin Atkin - 2001-02-27
I am against TrollTech. I will troll all I want because I hate TrollTech and there stupid not really free Qt development kit.
Re: Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - Alex Hamer - 2001-02-27
It is free. It is GPL:ed
Re: Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - Bojan - 2001-02-27
There is absolutely no need to hate Trolltech. They are marvelous programmers, they have created the best toolkit ever in the history of computer science and they put it under GPL license, so what do you want more from them???
If you want, you can use their toolkit for free, absolutely free. Talking about stupid development kit, I personally think that, if any of the two, GTK+ fits more to this description than QT. QT is really OO, has clean interface, implements some features that are not in the GTK+ (yet), ... I also don't understand why you complain in the KDE site about this. If you don't like it, just don't use it and please stop critisizing people who put their free time into creating better, GPL-ed desktop. Instead, they deserve praise and admiration from all of us.
Re: Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - Jonathan Bryce - 2001-02-27
QT is available under the GPL. Unless you are a BSD fanatic, that should be as free as you can get. If you are a BSD fanatic, you won't like Gnome's licence either.
No Brains. - g - 2001-02-27
<p>Flame on.
<p>You sir, are an idiot. Oh, and a troll...but you even admit that (I'm surprised you've got the two brain cells to rub together for that level of honesty).
<p>In the off-chance that your semi-literate whining is in some way real, let me just say that -you- are a prime example of why the Linux community is going rapidly down the toilet.
<p>Qt is GPL'd. GEE-PEEE-ELLL'd. In other words, for you Slashdorks out there, "Free as in speech" and "Free as in beer".
<p>People like you seem to be desperate for 'something' to hate TrollTech for, now that they've released Qt under the GPL....I bet you miss the good old days of the Cold War, too! You're so desperate to find a villan to hate...well let me tell you, TrollTech has done a LOT for the Linux community, despite the mountains of heaping BS that has been foisted on them by ungrateful mouse-jockeys like yourself over the past several years.
<p>So us all a favour...return to Slashdot, LUsenet or whatever your favourite cesspool hangout is.
<p>Flame off.
Re: No Brains. - Craig black - 2001-02-28
LOL i think i'm in love. I'm sick of the "slashdorks" as well.
What about cross-platform devel? - Benjamin Atkin - 2001-02-28
QT is not free for windows, nor dos it work well. GTK is free for Windows and it works well. GTK is better, faster, cooler, freeer, than QT. KDE is the worst thing for Linux. They get a bunch of good developers behind them and make sophisticated programs that are all meant to be used only under KDE. KOffice, Konquerer, etc, could have been made for X desktops in general and with the Krap left out, even using the Qt toolkit, having a different name/about/etc and be much more useful to the Linux/BSD community.
Re: What about cross-platform devel? - bert - 2001-02-28
You just want to dig yourself deeper, don't you?<br>
<I>QT is not free for windows</I><br>
So port the X11-version to Windows, nobody's stopping you.<br>
<I>, nor dos it work well. GTK is free for Windows and it works well. GTK is better, faster, cooler, freeer, than QT</I><br>
This removes any possibility, that you have actually tried to program with either one.<br>
<I>KDE is the worst thing for Linux. They get a bunch of good developers behind them and make sophisticated programs that are all meant to be used only under KDE.</I><br>
How bout trying to come up with something more substantial than that general handwaving?<br>
<I>KOffice, Konquerer, etc, could have been made for X desktops in general and with the Krap left out</I><br>
That "Krap" you want removed is exactly what makes these programs so sophisticated. Konqueror for example is, for most part, just a wrapper to this "Krap". Go back under the rock, troll.
I never was under a rock, idiot. - Benjamin Atkin - 2001-03-01
I never, never was!
Your true intentions .. - Macka - 2001-03-01
You obviously don't use KDE, or even like it. So the fact that you are prepared to go out of your way to venture onto this site and say what you're saying proves that you are only here to:
1) cause trouble
2) demonstrate to everyone your complete lack of respect for others who support of the Open Source way!
3) show us what a complete moron you are
Get lost!! We don't want your kind on this forum.
Re: Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - Frédéric L. W. Meunier - 2001-02-27
We have the KDE developers and TrollTech.
You're just a troll (not tech). Kid, grow up. If you don't like it, just don't use it.
Re: Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - Craig black - 2001-02-28
KDE users unite agaist the rabid slashdorks!!! LOL
Re: Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - Richard - 2001-02-27
Hmm, as far as I know, QT is dual licensed. Either GPL or QPL. Choose what you like. Please explain what's more free than free. I you don't have to pay a single cent for a pice of GPLed Software. How can there be something that's more free than that?
Re: Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - Kev - 2001-02-27
Of course when we talk of free we mean source code and not cost. But that's by the by.
Re: Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - Juergen - 2001-02-27
It is GPL, therefore free as in speech as well as free as in beer.
Re: Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - Michael M Nazaroff - 2001-02-27
I really don't think anyone is impressed with your comments.
Krash = bug-buddy aren't they the same?
Anyways there is room for both Kde and Gnome, so do me a favor and just go troll around there should be something of interest for you there.
Have a nice day and hopefully I won't see you around! :o)
Re: Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - Erik Engheim - 2001-02-27
Clean interface??!!! KDE2 has a much better and cleaner interface. Gnome is just a fucking mess. Too many gnome apps have too many little windows floating around. KDE2 is genereally cleaner because everything is neatly organized in one window.
Gnome need a installer because it was such a pain to install. KDE has allways been easy. Just download the rpms and type : rpm -ivh *.rpm.
How hard is that??
And Gnome doesn't look much much better. It looks like shit. The widgets are layd out terrible (probably because Gtk's layout manager sucks). The shape and sizes of buttons and widgets are almost allways wrong. Either too small or too large. The icons is disgusting with their military brown green color. And since KDE2 can use Gnome themes I don't see why Gnome can look better.
Re: Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - craig - 2001-02-28
Qt is free you moron.
Re: Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - fukkat - 2001-02-28
And get depressed.
Clean my #$%?. Its the most depressing interface I've seen (And believe me I've seen lots.).
Apps? I'm trying to find a simple PCB design tool that works correctly under GNOME.
And Mr. Rip-Van-Winkle The new QT has ben made free way back. You should read more often.
GNOME at best is good to prove that people should continue using KDE2.
GNOME crashes and since all crashes are unrecoverable its no use giving an app like KRASH. I ran out of patience recording GNOME bugs and said "Forget it!! Why bother?"
GNOME might be best used to play FREECELL for two hours (Cause it crashes after that).
Re: Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - Mathias - 2001-02-28
cool... RMS trolls on
Re: keep cool! - thilor - 2001-02-28
this gnome seem's like a little guy
who try to be important by making much noise.
childish reaction.
You are the weakest link - GoodBye!! *nt* - Anonymous Coward - 2001-02-28
Re: Tough Installation - Try GNOME!!! - luisdlr - 2001-03-02
nowadays, everybody likes to use KDE and GNOME at the same machine. I am not the exception, I like both.
Of course, this war is good for Linux/Unix. KDE and GNOME are growing very fast and they are improving too.
THE SOLUTION ARE BOTH.Both are really cool.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - k0 - 2001-02-27
I'm having some trouble with the RH 7.0 RPMs. The kde-multimedia package, fails to find some dependencies. any ideas?
Everything else works great... Thank you. is needed by kdemultimedia-2.1-0.70.2 is needed by kdemultimedia-2.1-0.70.2 is needed by kdemultimedia-2.1-0.70.2 is needed by kdemultimedia-2.1-0.70.2 is needed by kdemultimedia-2.1-0.70.2 is needed by kdemultimedia-2.1-0.70.2 is needed by kdemultimedia-2.1-0.70.2 is needed by kdemultimedia-2.1-0.70.2
Re: Trouble with the RH 7.0 RPMs - Holger - 2001-02-27
I have the same problems and found, that the same applies to kdelibs-sound-2.1-0.70.2.i386.rpm
Re: Trouble with the RH 7.0 RPMs - Dan Frezza - 2001-03-01
I have some strange problems. I've lost my settings for sound and in superuser mode, I finally got sound to work but it was strange and don't know how exactly I did this. Biggest problme was finding a way for midi. I could see one selection that wasn't set, and did it.
However, when not in superuser mode, settings are gone and can't figure it out. I tried doing the same thing when I was in superuser mode but nothing shows up to select!
Could somebody tell me how to get my sound settings back?
Also, something happened in the installation and I also the sounds settings for Gnome! Help!
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - greg - 2001-02-27
the reason is that artsd is missing in the red hat 7.0 packages.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Diego Gallina - 2001-02-27
Best solution I could find was to pull the arts.rpm file from the last 2.1beta2 rpm directory for RH 7.0. Perhaps a bit backlevel, but it works fine and resolved all those dependency issues... Regards, Diego
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Nathan Gopen - 2001-09-04
Yes, I'm having trouble also! On Suse 7.1, I downloaded all the RPMs needed to upgrade to KDE 2.2, and I try installing kdelibs-2.2.0-1.i386.rpm first (since the install instructions say to install that one first).
I get the error message: is needed by kdelibs-2.2.0-1 is needed by..... (etc...)
If you get a resolution to this, please let me know!
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - rezach "chipset" - 2001-10-27
:)... just install audiofile.rpm which you can download from SuSE server...
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Tick - 2001-02-27
When do you think it will be ok to remove the word "will" from the KHTML description?
It makes it seem like it does not support everything that is listed yet.
It might be better to say that it supports most of them.. ?
kdesdk: Wrong CVS tag ? KDE_2_1_RELEASET ? - Frédéric L. W. Meunier - 2001-02-27
Hello developers. Congratulations! Now a question. I just upgraded my CVS sources to the KDE_2_1_RELEASE tag. But I noticed the module kdesdk I got with cvs co was downgraded to admin/ and various *.desktop files. Doing a cvs status -v Makefile.cvs (thanks Johannes!) I see there are KDE_2_1_RELEASET (shouldn't it be KDE_2_1_RELEASE ?), KDE_2_1, and KDE_2_1_BETA2 tags.
BTW, KDE 2.1 should build without major problems with the upcoming gcc 3.0 (no, I won't use the snapshots) ?
Anyone tried the FreeBSD binaries? - kdeFan - 2001-02-27
The release says that a precompiled package is available for FreeBSD. I'm trying to decide if I want to try it, or build kde from source. I've had problems with binaries (on Linux Mandrake) in the past (they were *slow*) so I'm wondering what this batch is like.
Re: Anyone tried the FreeBSD binaries? - ac - 2001-02-27
Compiling from source is always a safe bet I would say. Also, I fear those binary packages are a myth.
We really need a kde-freebsd list to make sure KDE is always kosher.
Re: Anyone tried the FreeBSD binaries? - bison - 2001-02-27
I've been using it since this morning on my FreeBSD 4.2-STABLE and I haven't find any significant bugs. Everything works great and fast. I think there's no reason to compile from source unless you want to make some optimizations (like -mpentiumpro and so on).
I'd like to thank all the KDevelopers! Thank you guys, KDE rocks! :)
What happened to my Nice AA fonts? - Dr_LHA - 2001-02-27
I just upgraded from 2.0.1 to 2.1. I was using the Redhat Wolverine XFree 4.0.2 and qt which gave me nice AA'd fonts on 2.0.1. I didn't upgrade qt - only the KDE packaged and the AA fonts have dissappeared. Is there an option in 2.1 to switch them back on?
They still appear in kdm and in the splash screen BTW.
Re: What happened to my Nice AA fonts? - Evandro - 2001-02-27
K > Settings > Look N Feel > Style
(the names may not be the same as i described, i'm using kde in pt_BR)
Re: What happened to my Nice AA fonts? - Dr_LHA - 2001-02-27
Evandro wrote:
>> K > Settings > Look N Feel > Style
I don't see anything there relating to AA fonts. I'm using the RH7.0 RPMS for KDE2.1 BTW.
Re: What happened to my Nice AA fonts? - Evandro - 2001-02-27
hum.. if you have XFree86 4.0.2 and qt-2.2.4-4 you need the wolverine packages.
Re: What happened to my Nice AA fonts? - Dr_LHA - 2001-02-27
Makes sense. Thanks - I'll try that.
Re: What happened to my Nice AA fonts? - Dr_LHA - 2001-02-27
That worked! Cheers.
Re: What happened to my Nice AA fonts? - Ted Roden - 2001-02-28
I am having this same problem with redhat 6.2<br>
Anyone have any ideas?
Re: What happened to my Nice AA fonts? - pm - 2001-04-20
Re: What happened to my Nice AA fonts? - Andreas Joseph Krogh - 2001-02-28
What is "wolverine"? Can I download XFree-4.0.2 with AA-fonts RPMS somewhere?
Re: What happened to my Nice AA fonts? - Dr_LHA - 2001-02-28
<p><i> What is "wolverine"? Can I download XFree-4.0.2 with AA-fonts RPMS somewhere?
<p>It's the latest Redhat 7.1 Beta test. With a few downloads I got the XF86 4.0.2 RPMS to work under RH7. With this and the wolverine qt rpms I magically got AA fonts with KDE 2.0.1.</p>
<p>Get wolverine here (or mirrors) <a href=""></a>
NS plugs - man - 2001-02-27
I want use NS plugins. I read that I should go to "Preferences/WebBrowsing/Netscape plugins". But there is (at preferences/webbrowsing) no any item like "netscape plugs" :( what's wrong?
Re: NS plugs - Thomas - 2001-02-27
Just got to Settings -> Configure Konqueror and choose Netscape Plugins on the left of the appearing dialog... it's simple
Re: NS plugs - Thomas - 2001-02-27
Just go to Settings -> Configure Konqueror and choose Netscape Plugins on the left of the appearing dialog... it's simple
Re: NS plugs - man - 2001-02-27
yes, of course. I understand it.
but what I want say it's _there is no_ such thing!
so there are:
file manager, file assoc, konquer brows, enchans brows, cook, prox, crypt, user agent.
and there is no NS plugins!! :(
something is wrong. but what?
Re: NS plugs - SubPar - 2001-02-27
It isn't in Konqueror itself, actually. It's under Web Browsing in the KDE Control Center.
Re: NS plugs - Evandro - 2001-02-27
you need to compile kdebase with lesstif installed.
Many, many thanx! (-) - man - 2001-02-28
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Jorge - 2001-02-27
just let me say THANK YOU
You are the reason i ever tried Linux
You guys are the reason that actualy let me use linux as my only desktop.
Again thanks
Best regards
From Portugal
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Anonymous Custard - 2001-02-27
Take off all Kparts .. For great justice! - ZiG - 2001-03-01
Re: Take off all Kparts .. For great justice! - Varda - 2003-09-03
What on earth is this topic about!?
Make your time!
Re: Take off all Kparts .. For great justice! - w00t - 2004-02-13
What you say !!
Re: Take off all Kparts .. For great justice! - Zig zag - 2004-03-02
All your zig are belong to us.
Re: Take off all Kparts .. For great justice! - Zig zag - 2004-03-02
All your zig are belong to us.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Gunter Ohrner - 2001-02-27
Am I the only one having problems or are there broken packages? I downloaded two copies of the kdebase-2.1 SuSE 7.0 rpm packages from two different mirrors with my V34 modem but I get an "cpio: bad magic" error if I try to install any of them... :-(
And I was really looking forward to testing KDE2.1 this evening... :-((
Gunter Ohrner
sweet - eze - 2001-02-27
This is polished! I couldn't wait, I am play with the system as the rest of it compiles. All of the righ edges in 2.0 have been polished into beauty. Kde developers are true code artists.
No sound in Redhat 6.x? - Karl Garrison - 2001-02-28
Is anyone else who is using the Redhat 6.x packages having problems with sound? Sound worked fine under KDE 2.0.1, but as soon as I upgraded, it no longer works in KDE. Other applications that use sound are unaffected.
I've tried testing sounds under System Notifications, and testing sound in the setup of the sound server, and I don't get any errors, but hear no sound. My volume settings are at max.
Anyone have any ideas on this?
Re: No sound in Redhat 6.x? - mathi - 2001-02-28
i too have the same problem. For some reason arts doesn't work with my Redhat 6.2 and I couldn't listen to music. When I start the KDE mediaplayer, it just core dumps
Things were fine with KDE 2.0.1 and 2.1 beta 2
Apart from that, things look great.
congratulations KDE team,
Re: No sound in Redhat 6.x? - Karl Garrison - 2001-02-28
I forgot to mention the media player core dump; I get that as well.
Re: No sound in Redhat 6.x? - not me - 2001-02-28
See the posts farther up about the missing aRts packages for Red Hat. If you still can't find them, try the old aRts packages from 2.1 beta2.
Re: No sound in Redhat 6.x? - Karl Garrison - 2001-02-28
Actually, the arts package for Redhat 6.x was there, and I did install it. I think it was only missing in the Redhat 7.0 directory.
Re: No sound in Redhat 6.x? - Anthony Meijer - 2001-02-28
The Arts rpms for Redhat 6.x appear to come without sound-plugins. Only the null-plugin appears to be compiled in (artsd -A will give this info). Installing the arts rpm for 2.1beta2
fixes the problem if you use oss. If you use alsa you're still out of luck.
Re: No sound in Redhat 6.x? - Yogeshwar - 2001-03-02
That means compiling a src.rpm should help
am I right?
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - tbecker - 2001-02-28
This version does look very polished, but what is up with the application logging? After having KDE2.1 up and running for 10 minutes, my .xsession-errors file is up to 1081436 blocks(it started at 0) Come on guys, this stuff needs to be taken out. I don't like my home directory being a dumping ground for debug messages.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - KDE User - 2001-02-28
Sounds like the packager did not compile the packages with debugging off?
Strange... That's a really huge .xsession-errors. What's in it?
Same problem here! - I have no name - 2001-02-28
I have the same problem with KDE 2.1. Redhat 7.0-packages. My .xsession-errors grew yesterday to huge size, until I deleted it. Now it's growing again, though a bit more slowly. The file seems to contain just information about what DCOP, kio, kdecore, kicker, etc. are doing - not even errors or warnings.
Re: Same problem here! - tbecker - 2001-02-28
I should note that I am using the RH 7.0 packages as well, apparently little care was taken when making these up. As mentioned above, aRts was left out as well. . . Can someone at KDE look into this?
Re: Same problem here! - ac - 2001-02-28
You need to contact the person/distributor who made the packages. Try bero @ redhat . de . KDE proper itself does not usually take responsibility for packages.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Cire - 2001-02-28
2.1 looks good, but I am having a display problem on my Sony VAIO notebook computer (it was actually there with the 2.1 beta as well though I didn't try 2.0). I installed RH6.1 on it, and when I run the default KDE 1.1.2 or even Gnome, the display looks very crisp and sharp. However, whenever I run KDE2, the disply is very grainy. I can see the pixels quite easily and it is annoying. Anyone know what might be going on? I thought maybe it was an X problem, but since KDE1 and Gnome display correctly, it would seem to rule out X. Thanks for any help as I would really like to get it looking good on my portable.
Other than that, it looks really good. Thanks again KDE team.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Cire - 2001-02-28
I figured the problem out last night. I'm not sure why I had to, but I ran the Xconfigurator program again and set up my adaptor and display. After doing this, KDE 2.1 looks beautiful. I'm not sure why I had to configure again though. As I said, KDE1 and Gnome displayed properly all along.
Now on to other fun stuff.
Problems getting it to start - Chris Aakre - 2001-02-28
Anyone else having problems getting KDE 2.1 to start w/ Redhat 7.0 rpms? It just sits there for me, saying "Setting up interprocess communication"
the last lines that xfree puts out to the console are as follows:
kdeinit: Launched DCOPServer, pid = 783 result = 0
DCOPServer: SetAPRoc_loc: conn 0, prot = local, file = /tmp/.ICE-unix/785
kdeinit: Launched KLauncher, pid = 786 result = 0
hmm thanks for help in advance :)
Re: Problems getting it to start - Chris Aakre - 2001-02-28
Structured Text: (sorry)
Anyone else having problems getting KDE 2.1 to start w/ Redhat 7.0 rpms? It just sits there for me, saying "Setting up interprocess communication"
the last lines that xfree puts out to the console are as follows:
kdeinit: Launched DCOPServer, pid = 783 result = 0
DCOPServer: SetAPRoc_loc: conn 0, prot = local, file = /tmp/.ICE-unix/785
kdeinit: Launched KLauncher, pid = 786 result = 0
Thanks for help in advance :)
Re: Problems getting it to start - Patrick Lafarguette - 2001-03-02
I also have this problem.
Same message and nothing else after that.
Re: Problems getting it to start - Daemeon Reiydelle - 2001-10-07
I am having a problem (RH 7.1) as well. The underlying messages indicate that the dcopserver process is not started, and that the kdcop process cannot communicate with the server.
contents of .xsession-errors ...
xset: bad font path element (#42), possible causes are:
Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
Directory missing fonts.dir
Incorrect font server address or syntax
Xlib: extension "RENDER" missing on display ":0.0".
/usr/bin/startkde: line 232: 1469 Bus error LD_BIND_NOW=true kdeinit +kcminit
Bus error
Xlib: extension "RENDER" missing on display ":0.0".
Bus error
Could not register with DCOPServer. Aborting.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed (mostly) - Christopher Specker - 2001-02-28
Everything seems to have installed smoothly except for kde-base-2.1.0-2 package doesn't install.
Apparently I'm missing the following:
These don't seem to be in any of the kde or x rpm's for SuSE 6.4 (i386). Anyone know where these are hidden?
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed (mostly) - rinse - 2001-02-28
I had the same dependency problem on SuSE 7.0, and ignored it. Until now KDE works fine without these dependencies on my system.
Kind regards, Rinse
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed (mostly) - Mathias - 2001-02-28
try to install the packages icons and cdparanoia...
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed (mostly) - Christopher Specker - 2001-02-28
I'll have to look for the cdparanoia package, but I can't find icons. That package doesn't seem to be anywhere in my kde rpm's or my (x, xdevel, etc) rpm's either.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed (mostly) - Adrian - 2001-02-28
icons is an old "unresolved dep", I had it in my old SuSE 6.4 with kde 2.0 install, too.
You can find an old icons.rpm on, it should also exist somewhere on your CD's,
SuSE series xwm
(what rpm -q -i icons says me)
Since SuSE has packed some icons into xf* packages, this can really be "--nodeps"-ed.
ANTIALIASING - t0m_dR - 2001-02-28
Someone on Slashdot said that the Debian Packages , have antialiasing precompiled in(!) Does anybody know more about this? Do other packages have antialiasing precompiled? Or is this just plain false altogether?
Re: ANTIALIASING - True in Debian Unstable - benmhall - 2001-03-01
In case you haven't found out yet, it's true indeed! Debian Unstable has AA compiled in. Also, thw file is 4.7MB leading me to believe that they compiled that properly too! (There was a note on Slashdot about QT and KDE optimizations that the package managers should adhere to.)
Also, in case you try this, you can turn off AA by going to K->Preferences->Look 'N Feel -> Style and unselecting AA.
Why would you do this? Well, while AA looks great, I found that I lost access to most of my TTFonts (I'm sure there's a fix for this) and everything seemed noticeably slower. My video card is a Voodoo3 2000m so it's no slouch (though not the best) in the graphics speed dept.
I also noticed that Konsole (and other apps) had problems with some of the fonts displaying screen garbage. I'm not sure if that's an X, Qt, or KDE bug, but in any case it was annoying enough for me to turn AA off.
Pretty cool though, I can't wait for that to get a little more solid..
Speakings of solid, be sure to check out the new KDevelop! WOW!
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Rob - 2001-02-28
Has any one else had a problem with the kdemultimedia rpm package for RedHat <b>6.x</b>?
I get an error unpacking the archive when I try to install it.
QT 2.2.4 - rv - 2001-02-28
Downloaded nearly all sources (except i18n). Cant find qt 2.2.4 sources in the mirrors (or I don't know where to look). Main ftp site of trolltech is too slow for me. Is there an http mirror available for the same?
Re: QT 2.2.4 - Nicolas - 2001-02-28
Go here:
Then click on "ready-made search" in "TAR FILE" chapter.
You will have a list of mirror sites.
Re: QT 2.2.4 - rv - 2001-03-01
Got it. Thanks. Problem is that most sites on the search are ftp. Anyway speeds are improving :-)
Hurry up.... - Chris Adams - 2001-02-28
This may explain the lack of KDE 2.1 RPMS for Mandrake.
<a href="">Chris Molnar</a>:
I can no longer speak for Mandrake as I am no longer working for the company,
but here is my guess: There was probably a slight confusion over who is
responsible for making the new RPM's. I had been creating all RPM's for the
7.2 KDE updates until about 2 weeks ago. It takes time to reassign
responsibilities. I have had some email with people who know what is going on
and they are working on building rpm's for kde 2.1. You have not been
forgotten about.
Re: Hurry up.... - John - 2001-02-28
Finally, some clarification. Hopefully they will be out sometime this weekend.
Re: Hurry up.... - Timo Viinanen - 2001-03-01
And hopefully the packages binary rpm packages are compiled against Mandrake 7.2 glibc and other libraries ;-)
It's nice... or it would be if it would compile - Yrd - 2001-02-28
In the absence of Slackware packages I decided to do what I normally do anyway and compile 2.1 from source. Will it compile? Will it hell. Undefined symbols all over the place at link time.<p>
Can anyone say what versions of glibc and similar libraries KDE is supposed to work against?<p>
No doubt it's just my screwed up system... one day I'll get around to doing a proper upgrade to Slackware 7.1... or maybe when 7.2 comes out...
Re: It's nice... or it would be if it would compile - Roberto Alsina - 2001-02-28
Without knowing what symbol is missing, how can anyone know what library is the culprit?
KDE doesn't require any particulat glibc. It doesn't even require glibc in particular.
Re: It's nice... or it would be if it would compil - Yrd - 2001-02-28
It's not a problem anymore - in trying to fix the symbol problem I somehow arranged it so that configure doesn't like my libXext. I think I'll be getting binaries, and doing some serious maintenance on my distro.
Re: It's nice... or it would be if it would compile - Capt Pungent - 2001-03-01
Hi. I have Slak 7.1, running Kde 2.0.1 and QT 2.2.3 currently. None of the 2.1 releases (betas and final) have compiled. The problem is kdelibs, in particular kdecore/klocale.o. I hacked around that, then kdeui/kedit(?) then gave me problems, and I cannot hack around it. In fact, I cannot even find the problem line!! I searched all over the sources, the offending string just isn't there. I cannot remember the string off hand, I'm at work on a Win95 machine. Last night I compiled QT 2.2.4, but I haven't tried recompiling against it yet. Any suggestions?
Re: It's nice... or it would be if it would compile - Will Stokes - 2001-03-01
I'm having trouble too. I'm running Slackware 7.1 and I had trouble compiling as well. I noticed there were some packages up there and so I installed them. howeve,r after removing my old configure files in my home dir and starting it up, I ran into two problems:
1.) the dcopserver wasn't eruning. that was easy enough to start form the comand line, just unclear why I never hadthis problem with kde2.0????
2.) after that it just gets to a dead grey screen. what is going on? I snagged the error messages, here they are, any ideas people?
(II) Keyboard "Keyboard1" handled by legacy driver
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Mouse1" (type: MOUSE)
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/,
removing from list!
ksplash: error while loading shared
libraries: /opt/kde/lib/ undefined
symbol: focusNextPrevChild__14QMultiLineEditb
kdeinit: error while loading shared
libraries: /opt/kde/lib/ undefined
symbol: focusNextPrevChild__14QMultiLineEditb
knotify: error while loading shared
libraries: /opt/kde/lib/ undefined
symbol: focusNextPrevChild__14QMultiLineEditb
ktip: error while loading shared
libraries: /opt/kde/lib/ undefined
symbol: focusNextPrevChild__14QMultiLineEditb
DCOP: register 'anonymous-32592'
ksmserver: KSMServer: SetAProc_loc: conn 0, prot=local,
QSocketNotifier: Multiple socket notifiers for same socket 6 and type read
Re: It's nice... or it would be if it would compile - Capt Pungent - 2001-03-01
Yeah, thats the string!!! A problem with QMultiLineEdit::focusNextPrevChild.<br>
I think I found the problem, well, with mine anyway. <i>****Side Note****</i> Are you using the Kde 2.0.1 SlakPaks? I couldn't use them, they are compiled against glibc 2.2, which apparantly is what the next Slak is going to use. I'm stubborn, and I don't like to update things like that without upgrading the whole distro. I'll wait until Slak 7.2(?)<br>I discovered that, when I compiled Kde 2.0.1 for my machine (I like to compile from source for my machine on <i>everything</i> to get it optimized), it failed. So, I recompiled QT 2.2.3, <i>with -no-g++-exceptions</i> and then tried KDE, again, it failed. Recompiled Qt 2.2.3 <i>with</i> g++ exceptions, ran my compile script (simple bash: <br>arg=$1 <br>./configure $arg && make && make install )<br> and it compiles. I had forgotten this when I compiled Qt 2.2.4 and used -no-g++-exceptions, and my results are above. Last night it hit me when I tried recompiling Kde 2.0.1 to restore the old libs (the new ones seriously conflict with 2.0.1) and I received the MultiLineEdit error. It then occurred to me what I did wrong and recompiled Qt with g++ exceptions, but it was late so I haven't tried recompiling Kde 2.1 yet but I expect it to work. <br>As for your errors, I can't help, since I didn't use the Slak Pak version of Kde 2.0.1 or their Qt, but I do suggest that you use the source Slak Paks (from their ftp or you should have gotten it with the distro) and recompile Qt and Kde, hell, maybe the entire distro if you want, for optimisations. I have been hearing people say here lately about such and such program is running slow, when they don't compile <i>anything</i> for their CPU's. I'm not saying you, I just noticed that a lot, especially with users of RPM systems. Really, how hard is it to use a script (like the one above) to install software? It is painless and you get a binary that is perfect for your CPU. And, you can rip "features" out of the code that you don't want, like programs that use sound that don't need it. I have a firewall program, really nice one to, but it plays sounds when the wall takes a hit. Some people may like this, I really don't care, and yes, I can turn it off, but it is better for me to rip the code out. Result: smaller binary, faster load. And extremely easy (especially with sound). I'm not attacking you, that rant was about other posts I'm seen in the past few days. That actually had nothing to do with you.<br>ummm...yea. Try recompiling Qt without the -no-g++-exceptions flag during the configure. But, you can leave the Slak Pak installed, that way their is a record of it and you can remove your Qt compile by removepkg qt2. Just rename your current /usr/lib/qt2 to something, but DON'T delete it until you verify that the new compile works. Then, rm -R (insert old qt directory), rm /usr/lib/qt, and ln -s /usr/lib/qt-2.2.x /usr/lib/qt <br>Hope that helps<br><br>C Pungent
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Craig black - 2001-02-28
Now that KDE is out I hope the majority of development will shift to koffice.
(just a wish)
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - PedroG - 2001-02-28
Oh My,
I have been using gnome for quite some time but I went ahead and installed 2.1 out of curiosity. It's still here today :)
It is very impressive. I'd say it's quite a step over kde2.0
Konquerer is quite impressive.
The extra bit of polish on everything speaks highly of it's professionalism.
I would still like some more configurability of the panel (like gnome) but I will live.
Nice work kde/qt developers - very nice
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - cm - 2001-02-28
Will there be a bugfix release 2.1.1. <br>
any time soon, the way it has been with 2.0? <br>
Regards, <br>
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - jack - 2001-03-01
using redhat 7, i can't get kdebase to install. it keeps giving me a "" dependency. all the other rpms will install just fine. i did get qt 2.2.4 to install ok, and have downloaded and installed the latest aRts rpm, but still no luck with the kdebase install. any help would be greatly appreciated. ..jack..
me too .. and what about libmng ? - FlipFlop - 2001-03-01
I eventually installed with --force because i got fed up :)
Seems to work but id like to know what does :)
Another thing:
Wasn't there supposed to be a libmng package in the redhat7 dir ?
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - jack - 2001-03-01
using redhat 7, i can't get kdebase to install. it keeps giving me a "" dependency. all the other rpms will install just fine. i did get qt 2.2.4 to install ok, and have downloaded and installed the latest aRts rpm, but still no luck with the kdebase install. any help would be greatly appreciated. ..jack..
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Inorog - 2001-03-01
Install lm_sensors rpm
<a href=""></a>
The RH-7 packager used those on his system to compile ksysguard.
The good part of this hassle is that you will be able to read info about your processor's temperature etc directly in your ksysguard.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Jimbo - 2001-03-01
KDE 2.1 just kicks ass ! Konqueror is totally stable, except of some java script problems and ...... why the fuck am i wasting 2 gigs of my HD to windows ??????
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - peter - 2001-03-01
i *wonder* if i am the only one who has *always* problem getting kde to work . I just installed debain 2.1-final-1 packages , und whoops , konqueror sometimes does not use a new URL when i enter it.
und beside that , source from the head branch does not compile completly , that sucks , i compiled about 10 times :-( , is there something like mozilla-tinerbox for kde ? a dedicted compile box that checks which parts of the codebase is ok , an presents it on a nice webpage , and if something is broken show's which user is the Bad Guy. This was very cool feature in mozilla development.
btw. is there a list of depended software packages beside QT , which are needed for *full* compilation of kde ??
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - peter - 2001-03-01
yeah i forgot to complain about the smb support in konqeror. while i know that the smb protokoll is not that nice to implement , i would say hat it is NOT usable at this point , i cant browse throuh my entire windows-network looking at shares and playing divx or mp3 . it always wants to download the stuff to my computer ..
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - peter - 2001-03-01
yeah i forgot to complain about the smb support in konqeror. while i know that the smb protokoll is not that nice to implement , i would say hat it is NOT usable at this point , i cant browse throuh my entire windows-network looking at shares and playing divx or mp3 . it always wants to download the stuff to my computer ..
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Thorsten Schnebeck - 2001-03-01
Try komba:
Thorsten Schnebeck
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Alessandro Magni - 2001-03-01
After upgrading (from 2.0) I noticed it was impossible to login at the kdm screen.
All went well passing from console and using startx.
I noticed from the logs it seem to be a PAM problem (never upgraded, it's a RH6.2 box - it should be version 0.72) but I dont know PAM and fear to upgrade and remain closed outside my PC (smile - if you can...).
a) never saw mentioned in the requirements that PAM is required.
b) which PAM version is recommanded?
c) how to upgrade PAM withou problems?
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Thomas Olsen - 2001-03-01
I experience the same on an old RH6.1. I've switch to using xdm, so I don't really have the log entry present, but it seemed that I was missing a file <tt>/lib/</tt> or similar.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Thomas Olsen - 2001-03-01
Oops - sorry for repeating myself - I got a timeout on the server so I didn't think it got submitted.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Thomas Olsen - 2001-03-01
I experience the same on an old RH6.1. I've switch to using xdm, so I don't really have the log entry present, but it seemed that I was missing a file <tt>/lib/</tt> or similar.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Thomas Olsen - 2001-03-01
I experience the same on an old RH6.1. I've switch to using xdm, so I don't really have the log entry present, but it seemed that I was missing a file <tt>/lib/</tt> or similar.
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Yogeshwar - 2001-03-02
Last time I tried pam-0.72 rpm
but then my system wont let me login at login prompt ( telinit 3 ) at any login
any suggestions how to avoid this problem?
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Owain Vaughan - 2001-03-01
Are there any binary tar files available for RedHat-like systems?<p>
I can't seem to install the RPM of kdebase. All the others install fine, but rpm exits with return code 1 and no error message. My RPM database is completely screwed up but I'm using --force and --nodeps along with --relocate /usr=/opt/kde2 which works for all the packages except kdebase.<p>
I have looked at the binary tgzs for slackware, but they are still at 2.0.1 (despite what the announcement said!)<p>
Any ideas?
SuSE rpm's - bits missing? - markes - 2001-03-01
First of all let me add my thanks to all the wonderful people at KDE for making being stuck in front of a computer all day a lot more fun than it used to be!
When I installed the 2.1beta1 rpm's (SuSE 7.0 i386) I was really impressed with the customizable taskbar and the dock for WM applets, but these features disappeared when I installed the beta2 rpm's and are still missing in 2.1final. Is this a problem with the SuSE rpm's or have these features been left out for a reason?
Also, since installing 2.1final I've noticed that my swap file fills up really quickly, even with just Kmail, Star Office, and Konqueror open (I'm using a PentiumII with 96Mb ram). Has anyone else had this problem?
Thanks for any suggestions.
Re: SuSE rpm's - Swap file problems - markes - 2001-03-01
Whoops! OK, I found the taskbar and WM dock. Still have problems with the swap file filling up though, which has now caused KDE to dump me back to the login a couple of times. Any ideas?
Re: SuSE rpm's - Swap file problems - Waldo Bastian - 2001-03-02
Press Ctrl-ESC and have a look which process is exceptionally large.
Re: SuSE rpm's - Swap file problems - markes - 2001-03-02
It seems to be a problem with Xfree86 (4.0.1). Even just swapping between desktops several times is enough to fill up the swap file and bring the computer to a halt. The last time it caused a total system lock out and I had to hard reboot. I couldn't even Alt-Ctrl-F1 to a text console to kill the process.
This problem has just started since I installed the 2.1final rpm's. I also notice that when I swap desktops there's a delay before the background colour catches up. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong, or if upgrading to Xfree 4.0.2 would help?
Swap file problems Help!! - markes - 2001-03-02
OK, Help! I logged out of KDE2.1 and restarted the X-server, and now when I start up KDE2.1 up pops Krash with a sig11, neither Kicker or Kpanel appear, and I can't even left-click on the desktop to access the applications menu. What's happening?
suse's kdesupport misses libaudio - RIchard Bos - 2001-03-02
It looks like that kdesupport from suse-7.0 misses the library libaudio. Is it only me that encounters this problem or is it a known problem?
I downloaded de rpm's from:
When installing kde-support using rpm -Uvh kdelibs-2.1.0-0.i386.rpm, rpm complains about
libaudio missing. libaudio is part of kdesupport....
Looking forward to a updated kdesupport rpm for suse-7.0
Re: KDE 2.1 Has Landed -- At a Server Near You - Rick Kreikebaum - 2001-03-12
what's up with all the missing dependencies in RedHat 7 RPMs? the following is a list of packages i tried to install and the missing dependencies i got.
kdelibs-sound-devel: audiofile-devel
there's a reply somewhere here that shows you where to download a package to fix the first dependency, so i fixed that, but i don't know about the others. i suppose i could either force install them or find the dependencies on RPM Find or something, but i suppose don't really need them anyway. still, these things should IMO be taken care of in the original RPMs.