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KDE 2.1.1 is Out!

Wednesday, 28 March 2001  |  Numanee

As everyone has been gleefully pointing out, KDE 2.1.1 is out. The main features of this release over KDE 2.1 are bugfixes, additional language translations, and numerous documentation updates. As an added bonus, you can now also "paste" a URL to Konqueror and have it automatically load the website. I'm also told that KPilot 4.0.1 is in pretty good shape in this release. See the ChangeLog for more details, and the full announcement here. Enjoy!


Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - Mayhem - 2001-03-27

Enjoy! You know we will Go KDE!

Breaks AA in SuSE 7.0 - kde_user - 2001-03-27

I installed this on my suse 7.0, now anti-aliased wont work. Probably a SuSE thing and not a KDE bug. Other than that it is great. Completely flawless. Thanks too all those involved in the making of the KDE experience. Q: Are you ready for the KDE experience

Re: Breaks AA in SuSE 7.0 - flYtRONiX - 2001-03-27

I have the same problem with SuSE 7.1. When i used my compiled qt-2.3 version AntiAliasing works.

Re: Breaks AA in SuSE 7.0 - Roberto Alsina - 2001-03-27

> Are you ready for the KDE experience Since KDE means "Kalle Dalheimer Experience"[1], you are repeating yourself ;-) [1] Let's see who can dig up the original reference for this!

Re: Breaks AA in SuSE 7.0 - Tick - 2001-03-28

I thought it was Kurt's Desktop Environment? :-) (Do you know where that reference is from?)

Re: Breaks AA in SuSE 7.0 - not me - 2001-03-28

They keep telling us that the K stands for nothing. This is the official dogma.

Re: Breaks AA in SuSE 7.0 - Roberto Alsina - 2001-03-28

No dogma, it's just as it is :-) It *used* to mean something, but it was something completely arbitrary. Now, the same people who made that arbitrary decision took the meaning away.

Re: Breaks AA in SuSE 7.0 - jliechty - 2001-03-29

I thought it meant "Kool".

Re: Breaks AA in SuSE 7.0 - Roberto Alsina - 2001-03-29

Used to. Doesn't anymore :-)

Re: Breaks AA in SuSE 7.0 - nap - 2001-03-29

I think you need a way more totalitarian project control than what kde has to "change facts", as it seems not everyone ( is aware of or agrees with the change :)

Re: Breaks AA in SuSE 7.0 - Roberto Alsina - 2001-03-29

Hey, it's a free world ;-)

Re: Breaks AA in SuSE 7.0 - Mark Hillary - 2001-03-29

Says Who. I am in complete control.

Re: Breaks AA in SuSE 7.0 - Tick - 2001-03-29

No, that was a joke made by Kurt Granroth in a slashdot-radio interview about a year and a half ago. They asked him what the K stands for, and he said "Nothing" Then they joked about it being Kurt's Desktop Environment, and Kurt was like "Yeah, it's my desktop environment." :-)

Re: Breaks AA in SuSE 7.0 - GeZ - 2001-03-30

I've read a semi-joke saying it meant "Komponentorientiert Desktop Environment"...

Re: Breaks AA in SuSE 7.0 - Adrian - 2001-03-29

SuSE 7.0 does not come with XFree 4.02 so it is not possible to get AA support. On SuSE 7.1 you have to install the qt-experimental package and to enable the AA support inside the kcontrol. hope that helps adrian

Re: Breaks AA in SuSE 7.0 - RE: How about speed - 2001-03-30

SuSE 7.0 had Xfree 4.02 under its update section. It now has 4.03 too. These are provided by SuSE themselves and kickass right out of the box. They have specific instructions too. What do you want more in life ?

Re: Breaks AA in SuSE 7.0 - Paul C. Leopardi - 2001-03-31

This is entirely true. I am currently running SuSE 7.1 with the SuSE versions of XFree86 4.0.3 and KDE 2.1.1, including qt-experimental version 2.3. Everything works except if you turn on anti-aliasing before setting up the fonts properly, DCOP has a heart attack and the symptom you see is no kpanel and no frames around windows - ie KDE window manager apparently not running. I will post this as a bug report, but it looks like it is a SuSE bug, not a KDE bug, so it will go to

Re: Breaks AA in SuSE 7.0 - Greg - 2001-03-31

How should the fonts to be set up properly? I simply selected clearly-yu in the fonts dialog in kcontrol but received the decribed problems: DCOP dying and a disappeared kpanel. (SuSE 7.1, XFree86 4.0.3, KDE 2.1.1 and qt-experimental version 2.3) Thanks for any hints!

Re: Breaks AA in SuSE 7.0 - Mayhem - 2001-04-06

I have the same problem.

Windows decorations, please! - zack - 2001-03-27

Maybe it's me but one thing that's lacking so far in kde2 for me are nice windows decorations. Just look at sawfish, god these windows decorations are awesome. The aqua interface, brushed metal, etc. They are simply so much better. I think kde2 would gain a lot if we had decorations like those. ( and no I'm not a graphic artist, I couldn't draw a sun ( and that's just sad) not even mentioning decorations).

Re: Windows decorations, please! - Rinse - 2001-03-27

If jou want Aqua in KDE, go install the Aqua theme from Kind regards, Rinse

Re: Windows decorations, please! - not me - 2001-03-27

The aqua theme doesn't install new window decorations. In fact, as far as I can tell, none of the new themes provide actual new window decorations. A few provide new widget sets, but only a few. Most of the themes that are there are just the default widgets with a different color scheme. We don't need more color schemes and wallpapers on, we need new, cool-looking window decorations and widget sets! I haven't yet seen a theme that truly uses the full theming power of KDE2 (perhaps because there is so much theming power there :-)

Re: Windows decorations, please! - JP Morris - 2001-03-27

I had this problem when 2.0 came out. My problem was that kwm wasn't running, or it was still running the version from 1.x. Everything worked except for the widget replacements. KDE 2.x -does- support window decorations, but only if it's working properly ;-)

Re: Windows decorations, please! - not me - 2001-03-28

Yes, of course it _supports_ window decorations. The problem is, there are no KDE 2 themes that actually provide any! There are still KDE 1.x themes, and they include window decorations sometimes, but the support for KDE 1 window decorations in KDE 2 isn't perfect (flickers a lot and some other stuff). Besides, KDE 1.x window-decoration themes are terribly restricted when compared with KDE 2 window-decoration themes. About widget replacements: There are several out now, the most notable being Aqua, but none have made me feel compelled to switch yet. And there is only a tiny piddling number compared to GTK+ widget themes (of which there are hundreds). Of course, KDE can supposedly import GTK+ themes... I haven't tried that yet. I think I'll go do that right now!

Re: Windows decorations, please! - Rinse - 2001-03-28

Well, aqua changes my system dramaticly, at least all the widgets are changed, and of course the backgrounds of the windows, kicker etc... Aqua indeed does not change the decoration of the window itself, but other themes do so. Please check them out. I agree with you that a lot of themes only change the color setting, but if you look further, you wil find some cool themes that change KDE dramaticly Kind regards, rinse

Re: Windows decorations, please! - Antialias - 2001-03-28

Rinse, you missed the point, he is talking about titlebar decorations. It is not possible (at least not succefully) to theme titlebar yet. Decorations are hardcoded, and theming doesn't give good results. Maximize/minimize buttons change their look if you resize windows, and borders sucks.

Re: Windows decorations, please! - Rinse - 2001-03-28

Aha, but I thought this was possible to theme. I remember using an old theme that did so, I'll check it out soon :) Kind regards, Rinse

Re: Windows decorations, please! - Thomas Eller - 2001-03-28

There are other windows decorations accessible through the new Theme-Manager introduced in KDE 2.1. Simply chose "MGBreizh" for example and you get a new window decoration which is not implemented in source code !

Re: Windows decorations, please! - not me - 2001-03-29

Yeah, but that's a KWM theme, from KDE 1. The new KDE 2 window decorations are much more flexible (different sized buttons, more flexibility in button placement and behavior, etc), and they do require C++ programming.

Re: Windows decorations, please! - Carbon - 2001-03-28

There are widget sets galore, from what I can see, but I agree that we need new window decorations. What daunts people with that is that no-one seems to be able to find docs for building window decorations, me included. And speaking of cool looking stuff for kwin, how about tons of neat animations for window exits and entrances, and iconifications?

Re: Windows decorations, please! - Boudewijn Rempt - 2001-03-28

Well, there are one or two quite nice themes out. I currently use KwiX, which has relocatable buttons. Then there's Quartz, which has a nice, clean look. Since KDE 2.1 there's a Windows 2000 theme, too... Making a new client really isn't difficult - if you take a simple one as an example, such as the Windows 2000 theme, you should be able to get good results quite quickly. But I can really recommend KwiX - it has replaced System++ as the fixture on my computers. See:

Re: Windows decorations, please! - Rinse - 2001-03-29

I tried to download KwiX, but TheKompany demands a username and password. filling in anonymous fals, What am i doing wrong? Kind regards, Rinse

Re: Windows decorations, please! - Boing Ball - 2001-03-28

I have problems compiling kwix under Debian testing, here's the error message: configure: error: We need a working libXext to proceed. Since configure can't find it itself, we stop here assuming that make wouldn't find them either.

Re: Windows decorations, please! - Jaldhar H. Vyas - 2001-03-28

You probably need to install the xlibs-dev Package. -- Jaldhar

Re: Windows decorations, please! - Boing Ball - 2001-03-28

I have problems compiling kwix under Debian testing, here's the error message: configure: error: We need a working libXext to proceed. Since configure can't find it itself, we stop here assuming that make wouldn't find them either.

Re: Windows decorations, please! - Christian A Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno] - 2001-03-27

There's 3-6 new decorations on the way for 2.2, and hopefully more people will get interested by this and start writing their own decorations and committing these..

Re: Windows decorations, please! - jliechty - 2001-03-28

/* hopefully more people will get interested by this and start writing their own decorations and committing these.. */ I would like to make and contribute my own window decorations, but haven't an idea where to start. If you could point me to the right web site where it tells about how to do this, I would appreciate it much.

Re: Windows decorations, please! - not me - 2001-03-28

There's a nice tutorial on widget theming at I don't know how much detail it goes into about KWin theming, though. And since Mosfet seems to have dropped off the face of the Earth (at least as far as updating his webpage is concerned) I don't know when we can expect his tutorial to be updated.

Re: Windows decorations, please! - kdeFan - 2001-03-28

IIRC, it doesn't talk much about actually coding a window decoration. I wanted to give it a shot a while ago, but simply didn't have the time to figure it out without a tutorial. I think I remember that there were very few comments in the source, and while some people don't need them, I'm a documentation freak (especially because my C++ is rusty). Unfortunately, this meant that it wasn't worth the required effort (not to me, anyway).

Re: Windows decorations, please! - Yogeshwar - 2001-03-28

Download KwiX window decoration from thekompany website or The source is out there Also u can contact it's author for further info

Re: Windows decorations, please! - rikkus - 2001-03-28

There will be a tutorial on writing a kwin style real soon now. Rik

Re: Windows decorations, please! - Antialias - 2001-03-28

I hope you will do that ;)

Re: Windows decorations, please! - Mayhem - 2001-04-01

I look forward to it.

Re: Windows decorations, please! - reihal - 2001-03-28

There used to be a Widget Designer on Mosfets site. What happened to that? You can see the linked button to it, on this sceenshot:

Re: Windows decorations, please! - Karl - 2001-03-28

Well here's one new one by me - Quartz :)<br> <a href=""></a> <br><br> Look at kde-look mailing lists for more info about this stuff, and possible future plans and ideas.

Re: Windows decorations, please! - zack - 2001-03-28

They're great! But where can I get them? There aren't any links on your website.

Re: Windows decorations, please! - Karl - 2001-03-28

Quartz is in CVS HEAD / developers branch. I just put it in a week or so ago. It'll be in the next stable kde version hopefully :)

Re: Windows decorations, please! - Mayhem - 2001-03-28

Could you make a tarball of it and post it on yer site. Thanks anyway, it look goooood.

Re: Windows decorations, please! - gallium - 2001-03-28

If you want more info about a scriptable kwin client, post your ideas to the kde-look thread, where I give some thoughts and ideas about this stuff. Believe me, I'm working on it, but its not trivial, so we need user input, esp. on what features the kwin scriptable client should have to make kwin the best scriptable window manager ever.

Re: Windows decorations, please! - jd - 2001-03-28

Quartz looks great! (The W2K is a little icky... ;) But, can't someone please bring back the configurable buttons of KDE1?? When Win95 came out with minimize-maximize-close all in the right hand corner I thought it was the most stupid thing I'd seen. Everything in the same place? I don't know how many times I've seen someone (especially newbie users) close a program by mistake! This is a dreadful piece of UI and we shouldn't just ape MS on it just because it is common. What I personally want is what window maker does - close and minimize, clearly separated, and everything else on a popup menu when and if I need it. BTW, the stay-on-top feature of KDE 2.1? RULES!! :)

Re: Windows decorations, please! - dblr - 2001-03-28

I have to agree with that As a gnome convert, what I really miss is nice looking kwin themes (those included in KDE are nice but a bit plain), and a sound mixer applet comparable to that of the gnome panel (ie being able to set the main sound without running kmix in a new window or have a dozen unconvenient mixers in the panel)

Re: Windows decorations, please! - not me - 2001-03-28

You don't have to have all the mixers in the KMix applet at once. You can right click any of the channels and click "hide" to hide it. That way you can make the applet very small :-) I can only agree about the kwin themes, though.

Re: Windows decorations, please! - Arthur - 2001-03-28

Thank God this threads on Window decoratins is winding down.

Re: Windows decorations, please! - J. J. Ramsey - 2001-03-28

Mosfet was working on KWM theme support for Kwin. I don't know if he's still working on it or not. Offhand, I'd say that with some modification, it would make a good basis for pixmap-based window frame themes. IMHO, you've spotted the big weakness in Kwin theming. It seems that only those who know C or C++ can make new window frame themes. IMHO, the only things one should need for theming are a good eye for aesthetics and a knowledge of a graphics program like the GIMP.

Re: Windows decorations, please! - not me - 2001-03-28

KWM theme support now works perfectly, allowing you to theme KWin with no knowledge of C++. However, doing the more complicated things that are possible now does require some C++ programming. It doesn't have to be that way, though. If someone who knew C++ wanted to, they could design a window frame theme that looked into a configuration file for all its paramaters, allowing you to configure it with no knowledge of C++ (that's what the KWM theme support plugin does, but it still has the limitations of the old KWM). That's the beauty of a window manager that uses plugins!

Re: Windows decorations, please! - J. J. Ramsey - 2001-03-28

"KWM theme support now works perfectly, allowing you to theme KWin with no knowledge of C++." Ah, it's actually there already. I thought Mosfet was still hacking on it.

Right click the titlebar - Capt Pungent - 2001-03-28

Umm, I assume you are referencing the min/max/close buttons, since you are referencing Sawfish. All you have to do is rightclick the titlebar, select "Decorations"(I think. I'm at work on Win95 box), and select your style. I was mad when 2.1 moved the close button back over to the right (I makes more sense to have it on the left, out of the way), til I figured that out. I run Kde with the Aqua theme and the Aqua-like decorations. Well, in Slak, anyway.

Re: Right click the titlebar - zack - 2001-03-29

Look at the posts above, that was not what I was saying. I said that the kwm decorations, at this time look a lot worse than those on other windows managers. When you're saying aqua-like decorations I presume you mean ModSystem decorations which don't really look like aqua in the first place and decorations don't depend on a distribution since they're installed by default with kwm.

Re: Windows decorations, please! - Mark - 2001-06-15

I don't think I should post this question here but I am looking for filters or software to generate aqua interface-like typografy. Anybody? Thanks Mark

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - Azanian - 2001-03-27

I updated from 2.1 -> 2.1.1 and now KControl is broken. It still runs but I just get a blank left panel. :-(

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - KDE User - 2001-03-27

You can't upgrade KDE while in KDE. ;-) If you do, you should logout and login. If that's not what you did, try "kbuildsycoca". As a test you might want to logout, move your .kde directory and relogin and see if that fixes anything. I don't see what the problem could be honestly, unless broken packages.

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - Azanian - 2001-03-27

I actually did logout from KDE and shutdown X before I upgraded. I used 'rpm -Uvh *.rpm' which worked without any problem. I'll try your recomendations though. Thanks.

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - David Faure - 2001-03-28

Assuming you are using Mandrake, also try "update-menus". For some reason still to be determined, this isn't run automatically, apparently. The KDE desktop files are created from the "menu" files and the .directory in /usr/share/applnk/Configuration/KDE/ misses the X-KDE-BaseGroup=setting key (adding this by hand in another way to fix this). Still not sure why this happens.

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - Evan "JW" E. - 2001-03-28

> adding this by hand Could you do me (and probably anyone else using Mandrake) a favor and post the fix? Not only is my KControl empty, I have a bunch of Generic App icons (the gear) replacing some of my applications - the .desktop files were removed or replaced in the upgrade. And Mandrake people... did you test this? It's not the smooth upgrade from you guys that I'm used to. (Incidently, the Mandrake update included XF 4.0.3, presumably for AA support - it nuked my dual-head setup (G400)). -- Evan

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - David Faure - 2001-03-28

I did "post the fix" in my explanations above !! Here it is again: The .directory in /usr/share/applnk/Configuration/KDE/ misses the X-KDE-BaseGroup=setting line. Just add it (and run kbuildsycoca or restart KDE).

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - jorge - 2001-03-28

i can´t get AA to work was it suppose to work out of box thank's btw it's enabled in kcontrol

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - Per - 2001-03-29

Thanks. Now I only have a few roblems. I can't change language to Swedish. Almost nothing happens when I change language in kcontrol. Only that page is translated. I can't move to position A1 in kspread with <CTRL>+<HOME>.

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - Mark Hillary - 2001-03-28

Are you an mandrake user (or debain). If you are it is a problem with menudrake and kde conflict. I think that you need to delete you .kde dir, (I think). Anyway best thing to do is to head on over and subscribe to the expert (newbie) lists. Because they will know the anwser their. Check the archives first I think people have asked before.

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - David Faure - 2001-03-28

Shouldn't matter. If you try, however, back it up first, and if it does change anything, look under ~/.kde/share/applnk/ for any .directory file containing X-KDE-BaseGroup... There shouldn't be any, but one never knows...

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - Antialias - 2001-03-28

This happens because mandrake replaces kmenu by its own menu, and in Kmenu there is Preferences entry (this is actually X-base grup or whatever). Mandrake puts it to Configuration > Preferences and that causes problems. Kde looks for Preferences as a base entry in Kmenu not as subdirectory in Mandrake's Preferences. So, to solve this problem people just have to copy Preferences directory from /usr/share/applnk.kde to /usr/share/applnk or to /.kde/share/applnk in your home dir. I hope this helps. Regards,

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - David Faure - 2001-03-28

No, KDE doesn't look for a directory by name or location, it looks for the .directory file that has X-KDE-BaseGroup=settings in it. The thing to investigate if KControl shows up empty, is how many such files you can find in the "applnk" directories, and if you have 0 or 2 such files, then there's something wrong. If it works when you copy stuff out of applnk.kde, it's because that one has the "magic entry". So it may be that Mandrake's (applnk/) has 0 matching files - and that's a bug in the 'update-menu' generation then. I'd like to know if that is the case for anyone, and if yes, whether running "update-menus" as root creates the missing .directory file.

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - Mark Hillary - 2001-03-29

The reason I posted was becasue this happened to me between updating from 2.0 to 2.1. The problem hasn't occured in Kde 2.1.1. Don't know why. I think it becasue I delete the mandrake kde menu and replaced it with the default kde menu from /usr/share/applink.kde/settings/ <P> Anyway the incons are far nicer then the drab folders that mandrake uses.

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - Pradeep - 2001-03-28

Where can I get RedHat rpms ? I cannot find them on ftp site.

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - Franklin Kazior - 2001-03-28

I was reading from a page off about Redhat distrabution. There quote is "Please check the servers periodically for pre-compiled packages for other distributions. More binary packages will become available over the coming days and weeks. In particular RedHat packages are expected soon."

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - Steve G. - 2001-03-30

Find them...heck, I can't even get connected to and none of the mirrors seem to be complete...they have source rpms for RedHat but it doesn't look like they are all there on the mirrors that I have been to (the 2 that weren't maxed out)

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - Stuart - 2001-03-28

Hey, I have a problem. I tried to upgrade qt by compiling the scource and messed my system up bad. well since then I have reinstall(built new machine). I dont know how to correctly change the profile file in red hat. When I messed up my system last I made it so you could do anything in command line or startx. NO command worked!! anyone know how do it correctly or maybe what i did wrong?

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - szcyber - 2001-03-28

When I do "make check",there are some error message: kmdcodectest.cpp: In function `int main (int, char **)': kmdcodectest.cpp:360: cannot convert `bool' to `const char *' for argument `2' to `MD5_string (const char *, const char *, bool)' make[3]: *** [kmdcodectest.o] Error 1 make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/kdelibs-2.1.1/kio/tests' make[2]: *** [check-am] Error 2 make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/kdelibs-2.1.1/kio/tests' make[1]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/kdelibs-2.1.1/kio' make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1 totally no idea, does someone know the solutions? Thanks.

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - David Faure - 2001-03-28

Forget about "make check", it builds test programs for developers. No idea how to fix the above, that's something for Dawit or Alex I guess.

A Request for Redhat Packager - Yogeshwar - 2001-03-28

Bero! Maybe this request is little late for 2.1.1 But for 2.2 at least can you have rpm's similiarly split as debs It will save us a lot of downloading time It's waste of bandwidth to download whole kdemultimedia package even when i just want noatun Please considere this request The sizes of all deb files are really small this way Cheers!

Problems wit AA-Fonts on XFree86 4.03 - Bernd - 2001-03-28

Hi, I have installed KDE 2.1.1 on my SuSE 7.1 system with X4.02. I have compiled QT 2.3.0 from source with the flag for AA fonts. On X4.02 AA works fine. Than I have installed X 4.03 (because I have some trouble with 3D in X4.02). After I installed it AA don't work, but the truetype fonts are still there and can be used (without AA). Maybe someone have the same problem and solved it?

Maybe switch them on? - Moritz Moeller-Herrmann - 2001-03-28

AA is now configurable via GUI: Look under Style in LooknFeel, you can switch it on or off there. It defaults to off.

Re: Maybe switch them on? - Bernd Lachner - 2001-03-29

Thank you, that solved my problem :-) But one problem is still there. I can not choose a font for the fixed font setting. I can only choose fixed, but KDE don't accept this and choose Abadi Condensed by itselfs. But, I have installed the Courier font in my truetype directory. Maybe someone can help?

Re: Problems wit AA-Fonts on XFree86 4.03 - Evandro - 2001-03-28

support for AA is not on by default (at least on 4.0.2; i haven´t compiled 4.0.3 yet). read the docs in the xc/ dir.

Help on installing KDE 2.1.1 in Mandrake 7.2 - jamal - 2001-03-28

I downloaded all the rpms for Mandrake 7.2, both for XFree 4.0 and KDE packages (include the latest qt). I login to my system on console mode as a root and then type rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force *.rpm in the directory where rpms are located. When I typed startx, KDE 2.1.1 doesn't show up. It showed empty window and then back again to console mode. I reinstalled again with command rpm -Uvh *.rpm This time it display some error messages, something like is needed by K*... When I run englightment I notice mandrake menu doesn't have KDE menu's entries. What's going on?

Re: Help on installing KDE 2.1.1 in Mandrake 7.2 - not me - 2001-03-28

Download the latest libmng. At you will find the source.

Re: Help on installing KDE 2.1.1 in Mandrake 7.2 - Per - 2001-03-28

> rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force *.rpm You should hav done like this: rpm -U --test *.rpm You don't need to be root to test. Note all failed dependencies you get. Head over to and search for the files you are missing and get the RPMs. This doesn't help you at this point though. If you can't start KDE and don't want to use serh the web in text mode, try this: xinit (this will give you bare X if you didn't break X in the process) startgnome, starticewm or some other window manager. Press <TAB> after start and select one. From here you can start a graphical web browser (probably not konqueror though) and resolve your failed dependencies. Hope this works.

Having problems (again!) - Janne Ojaniemi - 2001-03-28

I downloaded and installed KDE 2.1.1 RPMs I found on SuSE ftp-site. Everything went well, and it seemed to work. For the first time that is. When I started KDE2, I got the normal splash-screen, everything is OK. But after the spalsh-screen, I get a popup-windows complaining that "Dial-out is not configured in rc.config. Please use Yast to set it up" (or something along those lines). And I noticed that KNotes (you know, the "post-it" program) started automatically for some reason. Well, those were annoying, but not fatal. Everything else worked fine. That was the first boot. After that, it wont work properly. When I boot KDE2 now, It wont load the panel! The splash-screen says that "loading panel", it thinks for a while, and then it takes me to the desktop, but with no panel. Also, I can't run any programs by clicking the icons! Only exception is Netscape. And it complains about missing dial-out, and KNotes starts just like it did in the first time. It has the same problem no matter if I'm a user or the root. First boot worked, second wont. Altrough Root doesn't suffer from that KNotes & Dial-out-problem. What's wrong with my system? My comp has never had dial-out, so why does it complain about it?

Re: Having problems (again!) - EKH - 2001-03-28

You probably just need to move your ~/.kde directory out and try it again. Did you have an older version installed?

Re: Having problems (again!) - Janne Ojaniemi - 2001-03-28

I did had KDE1 installed on the system, that's all. Actually the entire system was just installed. I'll give your suggestion a go when I get back home.

Re: Having problems (again!) - Adrian - 2001-03-29

You have maybe delete the --quit switch behind the kinternet call in startkde ? bye adrian

Missing panel - Janne Ojaniemi - 2001-03-29

OK, I found out why the panel disappears. Whenever I enable AA-fonts, it disappears after I restart KDE. I can get it back by deleting .kde2. If I don't mess around with AA, everything works. Does anyone know why it does that? I installed QT 2.3.0 with xft enabled, I have installed Xfree 4.0.2, I have latest drivers from NVIDIA, which supports AA-fonts, I have enabled the render-extension... Everything seems to be right.

Re: Missing panel - Anonymous - 2001-03-30

> Everything seems to be right. nope, you have the latest drivers from NVidia ... ;-)

Re: Missing panel - Janne Ojaniemi - 2001-03-30

"nope, you have the latest drivers from NVidia ... ;-)" What's wrong with those? 3D-performance is good, 2D-performance is good. When I read the reviews, people seem to think that NVIDIA-linux drivers are among the best there is. Sure they may not be Open Source, but...

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - Joergen Ramskov - 2001-03-28

Has anyone tried (or is anyone using) KPilot? What works? What doesn't? Is it stable?

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - JC - 2001-03-29

The core functionality works great, but I haven't tried any of the conduits that sync your data up with the KDE PIM stuff. What I would really like to see is an AvantGo conduit, but I'll just have to live with malsync for now.

Should AA work for mandrake out of the box ?? - jorge - 2001-03-28

if not what must i do because it's activated in kcontrol but it don't see any differences thank's

Re: Should AA work for mandrake out of the box ?? - not me - 2001-03-28

It depends if your graphics card supports the X Render extension or not. Try opening a Konsole and do this: xterm -fa courier This tries to start an xterm with AA fonts. If you see the message "Extension RENDER missing on display 0.0" or something like that, it probably means your graphics card isn't supported. If you don't see that message, and your xterm uses AA fonts, then I don't know what could be wrong.

Re: Should AA work for mandrake out of the box ?? - jasenko - 2001-03-29

See the changelog: Mandrake RPMs don't support AA they disabled freetype2 in 4.0.3.

Re: Should AA work for mandrake out of the box ?? - Jorge - 2001-03-29

where's the changelog anyome from mandrake can tell me why please why why why

Re: Should AA work for mandrake out of the box ?? - Craig Black - 2001-03-29

I'm going to try and download the 4.03 src rpm and rebuild it and see if that works. Craig

Re: Should AA work for mandrake out of the box ?? - Craig Black - 2001-03-29

That explains why i can't get AA after i upgraded to 4.03 from 4.02. It worked just fine in 4.02. Craig

Re: Should AA work for mandrake out of the box ?? - Rikard Anglerud - 2001-03-29

The Cooker freetype2 rpm's install fine under 7.2

https - Mike - 2001-03-28

Hmm, https does not work again :-( with 2.1 it did work okay, but now i get that "died unexpected" error. Any hints?

Re: https - Justin - 2001-03-28

I encountered the same problem when I tried to use KDE on a different system than the one I built it on. Turns out that I had different versions of OpenSSL installed, and so there was probably a shared library issue. Recompiling kdelibs on the new system solved the problem (although IMO it shouldn't have been necessary.. Now I understand the heck that people go through when they deal with binary packages.)

Re: https - David Faure - 2001-03-28

Ok, I just added a section to about this kind of problem. Please follow the instructions there.

small complaint - KDE User - 2001-03-28

It was really nice when everything we needed was in kdesupport now we have to all over the place to find optional modules and dependencies that don't work. :( Please put everything in kdesupport again! It will be just like qt-copy.

Re: small complaint - David Faure - 2001-03-28

You want KDE to ship * lesstif * openssl * libpcre * all sorts of database access stuff * libsmbclient * etc. etc. ? kdesupport would be 40 MB, and you would _have_ to get it all, even if you don't care about most of the stuff, and even if your system already has it ! At least, as it is currently, ./configure adapts to what you have decided to install, without _requiring_ you to download everything. If compiling and grabbing stuff is too much for you, use a distribution's CD, it's all in there.

Re: small complaint - David - 2001-03-29

Common sense answer. Taking to the extreme why not add qt to kdesupport? It just doesn't work. David, what is libcre for? Is limsmbclient availble now, I guess os? and does this mean samba io-slave is actually @ a usable version that works well?

Re: small complaint - David Faure - 2001-03-29

libpcre is for the regexp support in KJS (the javascript module for konqueror) configure in kdelibs warns if it can't be found. libsmbclient isn't released yet, AFAIK. But you don't need it with KDE 2.1 - only with 2.2, which will finally have full-fledged SMB support. You can try this out in CVS - but you have to get libsmbclient from the samba CVS.

Re: small complaint - David - 2001-03-29

As always, great info, thank you. I'm off to raid samba's CVS :-) Also, *real* good support for windows shares is another great step for KDE in 2.2 along with the new printing lib that combines most KUPS. I feel that two issues that I would like to see addressed are now been worked on, I use KDE for everyday tasks anyway and have long since ditched M$ on my home machine. I've been fighting with printing for a while and it does now work, the same thing with file copies, FTP is a make and mend solution here. So thanks to the developers, I'm looking forward to what kde 2.2 brings. Keep up the great work with Kword David, this is begining to look very very impressive. Thanks again David

Re: small complaint - wim bakker - 2001-03-30

quote: "You want KDE to ship * lesstif * openssl * libpcre * all sorts of database access stuff * libsmbclient * etc. etc. ?" No, but is there a list of all optional libraries that any of the kde parts might wish to use when enabled (lesstif, openssl and libpcre I knew about but libsmbclient is new for me) That would be convenient e.g lesstif -----> konqueror netscape plug-in's some sort of list like that TIA wim bakker

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - Manolo Sampedro - 2001-03-28

Any plans to release binary rpms for those who are still using Red Hat 6.2?

Redhat 7 RPMS? - Rimmer - 2001-03-28

I still can't find Redhat 7.0 rpms. All I see are Mandrake and SUSE rpms. Anyone suggest someplace to look for these? Rimmer PS - using RedHat is a pain now that I use KDE *sniff*

Re: Redhat 7 RPMS? - Evandro - 2001-03-28

they will be released soon.

Re: Redhat 7 RPMS? - Bill Vinson - 2001-03-28

That is what the release notice says, but I wish they would come soon. The spec files in at least kdelibs and kdebase leave something to be desired. The do not handle qt-2.3 as they come and they also don't include an icon file the spec seems to require. This can be fixed, but seems rather painful when building RPMS from the generic src tar. I typically compile a lot of my RPMS and the only painful experience thus far has been the kde sources. Bill

Re: Redhat 7 RPMS? - Carg - 2001-03-29

get qt-2.3.0 packages from rawhide ( get the srpms of kde 2.1 from and edit the spec changing the Version tag to 2.1.1. add kdeXXX-2.1.1.tar.bz2 to /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES and do a: rpm -ba /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/kdeXXX.spec in the order: kdesupport kdelibs kdebase kde_any_order_now

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - Ross Baker - 2001-03-28

I installed the SuSE 7.1 RPMs, but had a few problems -- I wound up not installing the qt-experimental rpm. Why are there two qt-2.3's and can the experimental be made to work?

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - Adrian - 2001-03-29

qt-experimental has suport for OpenGL and AntiAliasing. Since there are several X drivers (particulary with NVidia binary only) which are not stable with these features they are not enabled in the default qt package. Not qt is the problem, but it might trigger the problems in the drivers. bye adrian

Re: KDE 2.1.1 is Out! - Antialias - 2001-03-28

Can anyone tell why legacy theme importer doesn't work. I actually never worked here (since 1.9.2 release). I installed kde (both rpm & cvs) and tried every single pixmap gtk theme and never been able to get it work. It changes fonts to unreadable small size, it crashes kde (so Ctrl + Alt + backspace is the only way to get out) etc. I run Mandrake, but have everything compiled here: Xfree, Qt, KDE from cvs, etc. I've heard that some people run it successfully, so I am wondering if it is possible to run it on Mandrake. Any clue?

KDE and RedHat Linux - Asif Ali Rizwaan - 2001-03-28

It seems that KDE is against RedHat, I am much annoyed when I see KDE apps don't work (mostly Kaiman, noatun, artsd, kdm, etc) on RedHat Linux. The sources are also making many errors. Are you KDE people against RedHat? I never had a proper KDE installation on RedHat since KDE 1.94 till now...

You're kidding right? - Rimmer - 2001-03-29

I'm sure the KDE guys want to see KDE on as many desktops as possible. That being said... I also had major problems with noatun. Often trying to pause and then play an mp3 cause noatun to freeze hard (taking arts with it). I have to use "artsdsp xmms -p" to play mp3's when I click on them in Konqueror. I have not noticed any problems with arts otherwise (even playing system sounds while an mp3 is playing or with Q3A). Installation of KDE 2.1 was a breeze otherwise (I installed using rpms from The only problem I had was Konqueror looking for an older verions of a library I had (which was easily fixed with a sym link).

Re: You're kidding right? - wim bakker - 2001-03-30

>Installation of KDE 2.1 was a breeze otherwise Yes kde 2.1 was good, and compiled straight from the generic source packages, but none of the generic source packages can be compiled on RH-7.0 all of them exit with errors, so I'm sticking to kde-2.1.

Re: You're kidding right? - engage - 2004-02-08

I realize this is an old message but I was searching for a solution to my xmms problem with google and this link came up. My problem is somewhat related. I have this problem with artsd randomly preventing xmms from playing. Killing artsd fixes the problem. I'm running Mandrake 9.1, kernel 2.4.21-0.27mdkenterprise, KDE 3.1, on a Presario notebook.

Re: KDE and RedHat Linux - Waldo Bastian - 2001-03-29

No, we are not against RedHat. Companies like SuSE and Mandrake employ several full-time KDE developers. As a result KDE works very well on these distributions. RedHat seems to be less interested in the desktop market and does not have any full-time KDE developers on their payroll. That, combined with a poor choice of C++ compiler, makes your KDE desktop experience on RedHat Linux less optimal. Cheers, Waldo -- Disclosure: I work full-time on KDE for SuSE Labs.

Re: KDE and RedHat Linux - Carg - 2001-03-29

i don´t agree that redhat has chosen a poor C++ compiler. from ¨is almost fully ISO C99 and ISO C++ 98 compliant, unlike any previous version of gcc.¨. and that´s why it may not compile kde. bero, which mantains kde packages for redhat, has send a few patches to kde-core-devel to make it ISO C++ 98 compliant, so it would work with gcc-pre3.0. while the desktop is not redhat´s focus, they have full-time desktop developers on their payroll. not working on KDE, but on another free desktop. -- Disclosure: i don´t work for redhat, inc.

Re: KDE and RedHat Linux - Waldo Bastian - 2001-03-29

> don´t agree that redhat has chosen a poor C++ > compiler. from ¨is > almost fully ISO C99 and ISO C++ 98 compliant, > unlike any previous version of gcc.¨. and that´s > why it may not compile kde. Well, that might have caused some problems but those are fairly easy to solve, not in the least thanks to the patches send by bero. But that's only half the story. Based on the bugreport/complaints from RedHat users that I see coming by, I can not conclude otherwise than that you will run into a lot of problems with a stock RedHat 7.0 and KDE due to their choice of compiler. You need to install the "correct version of gcc 2.96", e.g. a bugfixed version, to get correctly working binaries. > while the desktop is not redhat´s focus, they > have full-time desktop developers on their > payroll. not working on KDE, but on another free > desktop. Maybe they should consider hiring a full-time KDE developer as well then to serve the KDE users among their customers better :-) Cheers, Waldo

Re: KDE and RedHat Linux - John - 2001-03-29

RedHat want's to support a compeletly free linux solution for all there customers, if you don't know non GPL Qt cost alot of money, also hiring people cost money, supporting 1 desktop reduces support cost ALOT.

Re: KDE and RedHat Linux - Evandro - 2001-03-29

redhat chose to support another desktop. suse chose to support kde. if you think redhat is wrong, why isn't suse?

Re: KDE and RedHat Linux - nap - 2001-03-29

Well, SuSE has hired at least one Gnome core hacker to develop Gnome (Martin Baulig)

Re: KDE and RedHat Linux - Roberto Alsina - 2001-03-29

Well, Red Hat hired Preston Brown, who used to code for KDE (korganizer). Sadly, he's management now, so can't code too much. And I can sympathize with his situation :-|

Re: KDE and RedHat Linux - nap - 2001-03-29

Management? Sounds like a cruel and unusual punishment

Re: KDE and RedHat Linux - not me - 2001-03-29

"RedHat want's to support a compeletly free linux solution for all there customers" "if you don't know non GPL Qt cost alot of money" QT is completely free! RedHat would have no need to buy any version of QT. What are you talking about? Yes, to get a non-GPL QT you need about $1500, but a non-GPL version of GTK can't be had for any price. I fail to see how that's an advantage for GTK and GNOME (except for those truly hardcore GPL zealots out there). Will KDE never be rid of this "non-free" nonsense?!

Re: KDE and RedHat Linux - Scott - 2001-03-29

It's only been that way for about six months. Prior to that the Gnome project really took off because KDE was only released under their own liscense. As a matter of fact, that's a lot of why Gnome exists at all. KDE had a strong start and it really scared a lot of free software ( people (myself included). Note, we're talking (to use the standard GNU example) free as in free speech, not free as in free beer. Qt repented and has now been let back into the fold, but not with open arms from everyone. Of course, I'm about to switch to SuSE.

Re: KDE and RedHat Linux - Stuart Williams - 2001-03-29

Hey I use Redhat 7.0, but I didnt like their version of gcc at all. I went back to the stable version that just got released 2.95.3. it is great. Why did Redhat want to you a version of pre3.0 compiler, i dont have a clue. Good job-- looking for to the redhat rpms.

Re: KDE and RedHat Linux - mathi - 2001-03-29

I'm also totally against Redhat in using a pre3.0 version of the gcc compiler in their distro's. I too had problems installing KDE in Redhat 6.2 (Most of the time the audio won't work) I strongly believe the Linux Standards Organization should come with some sort of restriction to make the distro's not to use any non-standard software c'mon gcc 2.95.3 is out and redhat is planning to ship its next distro with it's own compiler version called 2.96RH which is not at all released by, the people who develop gcc. Why do they do such things? I don't have anything against Redhat. But simply don't agree with their policy of taking a snapshot of a development version of some software and release it even with out the knowledge of the developers who worked hard for the software. How is this different from stealing?

Re: KDE and RedHat Linux - Evandro - 2001-03-30

¨I'm also totally against Redhat in using a pre3.0 version of the gcc compiler in their distro's. I too had problems installing KDE in Redhat 6.2 (Most of the time the audio won't work)¨ redhat 6.x is compiled with egcs 1.1.2. ¨I strongly believe the Linux Standards Organization should come with some sort of restriction to make the distro's not to use any non-standard software¨ the LSB shouldn´t (and won´t) make any restriction of any kind about what software a linux distribution should use. ¨ c'mon gcc 2.95.3 is out and redhat is planning to ship its next distro with it's own compiler version called 2.96RH which is not at all released by, the people who develop gcc. Why do they do such things?¨ you can read the full text on * gcc 2.96 is actually more standards compliant than any other version of gcc so far, not counting CVS snapshots of 2.97. It may not be "standards compliant" as in "what most others are shipping", but 2.96 is almost fully ISO C99 and ISO C++ 98 compliant, unlike any previous version of gcc. * gcc 2.96 has more complete support for C++. Older versions of gcc could handle only a very limited subset of C++. Earlier versions of g++ often had problems with templates and other valid C++ constructs. * gcc 2.96 generates better, more optimized code. * gcc 2.96 supports all architectures Red Hat is currently supporting, including ia64. No other compiler can do this. Having to maintain different compilers for every different architecture is a development (find a bug, then fix it 4 times), QA and support nightmare. * The binary incompatibility issues are not as bad as some people and companies make you believe. First of all, they affect dynamically linked C++ code only. If you don't use C++, you aren't affected. If you use C++ and link statically, you aren't affected. Second, the same issues appear with every major release of gcc so far. gcc 2.7.x C++ is not binary compatible with gcc 2.8.x. gcc 2.8.x C++ is not binary compatible with egcs 1.0.x. egcs 1.0.x C++ is not binary compatible with egcs 1.1.x. egcs 1.1.x C++ is not binary compatible with gcc 2.95. gcc 2.95 C++ will not be binary compatible with gcc 3.0. Besides, it can easily be circumvented. Either link statically, or simply distribute libstdc++ with your program and install it if necessary. Since it has a different soname, it can coexist with other libstdc++ versions without causing any problems. Red Hat Linux 7 also happens to be the first Linux distributions using the current version of glibc, 2.2.x. This update is not binary compatible with older distributions either (unless you update glibc - there's nothing that prevents you from updating libstdc++ at the same time), so complaining about gcc's new C++ ABI breaking binary compatibility is pointless. If you want to distribute something binary-only, link it statically and it will run everywhere. Someone has to be the first to take a step like this. If nobody dared to make a change because nobody else is doing it, we'd all still be using gcc 1.0, COBOL or ALGOL. No wait, all of those were new at some point... * Most of gcc 2.96's perceived "bugs" are actually broken code that older gccs accepted because they were not standards compliant - or, using an alternative term to express the same thing, buggy. A C or C++ compiler that doesn't speak the standardized C language is a bug, not a feature. In the initial version of gcc 2.96, there were a couple of other bugs. All known ones have been fixed in the version from updates - and the version that is in the current beta version of Red Hat Linux. The bugs in the initial version don't make the whole compiler broken, though. There has never been a 100% bug free compiler, or any other 100% bug free non-trivial program. ¨ I don't have anything against Redhat. But simply don't agree with their policy of taking a snapshot of a development version of some software and release it even with out the knowledge of the developers who worked hard for the software. How is this different from stealing?¨ redhat contributed to the development of gcc and you say they´re stealing? what the hell are they stealing? redhat doesn´t use a gcc snapshot. they´re using a patched to make it stable. all of their patches made it into the branch of gcc 3.0 (and 3.1).

Re: KDE and RedHat Linux - mathi - 2001-03-30

Evandro, thanks for your post. very informative...

Re: KDE and RedHat Linux - Craig Black - 2001-04-01

That's alot of knowledge for someone that i thought was a Mandrake user. Craig

Re: KDE and RedHat Linux - jafar - 2003-09-23

hello i want to work c language on linux (redhat) ,pls give me the instruction for that thanking you jafar

Re: KDE and RedHat Linux - Evandro - 2001-03-29

> But that's only half the story. Based on the > bugreport/complaints from RedHat users that I > see coming by, I can not conclude otherwise than > that you will run into a lot of problems with a >stock RedHat 7.0 and KDE due to their choice of >compiler. You need to install the "correct >version of gcc 2.96", e.g. a bugfixed version, to > get correctly working binaries. indeed, the compiler provided by gcc-2.96-54 has its bugs, gcc-2.96-79 fixes most of them. redhat's next release will be released in days. if you try to compile kde with it, you'll see warning that will show you BUGS and you can get them fixed for KDE. > Maybe they should consider hiring a full-time > KDE developer as well then to serve the KDE > users among their customers better :-) you're right.

Re: KDE and RedHat Linux - JimJamJoe - 2001-03-29

Awright, quit pussyfooting around. Truth is Red Hat don't give a Rat's Arse about KDE. They are enamoured wit de Gnome. KDE gives more thought to Redhat than vice versa. I suspect the originator of this post was hoping for a little flame fest. Shame on me for taking the bait.

Re: KDE and RedHat Linux - JoeJamJim - 2001-03-29

I don't think so, JimJamJoe! Visiting Red Hat at CeBIT here in Hannover, Germany I discovered that on _all_ desktops KDE was running. On Monday I checked the release and it was KDE 2.1.1! So wait a little bit - there will be RPMS. P.S. There are some "rumors" that RedHat will switch to KDE as their default desktop for the European market. But note: RedHat is not relevant in europe. Bye

Feature ideas - Mikael Helbo Kjær - 2001-03-29

Well, I am not quite ready to join the KDE project yet (give me a couple of months to settle into my new job and programming for linux), but I have quite a few ideas, which I think could go into KDE. BTW shoot me with flames if this is already possible I would make my nights more pleasant to know we can already do this. 1) Animated background picture Eye candy for those who want an MNG in the background. 2) Better Icons: Icons which aren`t always underlined. Icons which animate/play sounds on mouseover (pure UI candy I know), Allowing for configuration of placement of text (for internationalization) top, bottom or down/up one of the sides. I think the African/Asian/Middle eastern crowd can use this to make the UI more useful for them (allowing them to use the UI in a readable fashion). Possibly the addition of functionality ala the KIO layer of Konqueror. If certain icon of file dragged over icon of program then if filter present then program activated using filtered/transformed data. Or finally we could have previews for most mime/types (configurable of course) so that not only Konqueror would be able to show files as previews, it should even be possible to configure which form of preview is wanted (HTML as text or as KHTML rendered page, which is cached as picture). 3) WebDAV KPart or IOSlave for Konqueror. This could ease up the life for those writing web publishing software and make us all happy. Imagine taking a page from the webserver opening it for editing and when you save it back then it simply goes back in corrected form to the webserver. I think this is possible (if not easy) 4) CVS KPart or IOSlave for Konqueror This could make us programmers happy if it`s possible or feasible. Anyway these are off the top of my head ideas for projects in KDE (2.2, 2.3 or maybe 3.0?). I`ll be happy to help a little later on. Mikael Helbo Kjær

Re: Feature ideas - Mikael Helbo Kjær - 2001-03-29

Whoops forgot a little thing. I heard recently that the default keybindings in KDE suck. Now I know of the policy of leaving stuff up to the user, but should someone do something about it and add a default (and smart?) set of keybindings to most programs in KDE2.X. This alone would help I think. I hope there is some KControl module for doing this easily and somewhere for programs to get default keybindings from as well? So that if Joe User can say: I want Ctrl + S to be Save in all programs using the default keybinding. Again I am only firing ideas off into the wild. Mikael Helbo Kjær

Re: Feature ideas - not me - 2001-03-29

>1) Animated background picture Total fluff, and it would take lots of memory. I don't think we'll see this anytime soon. You're welcome to add it yourself, however, if you really want it. >Icons which aren`t always underlined KControl -> Desktop -> Appearance -> Underline Filenames >Icons which animate/play sounds My icons are set to light up on mouseover, and my panel icons zoom in on mouseover. They have a little animation when you click on them, too. You can configure the mouseover effect in the control panel. You'd need MNG icons to do anything more sophisticated than that. Sounds aren't available, but I don't think it would be hard to add to the Notifications Control panel. >3) WebDAV KPart or IOSlave for Konqueror. I don't know what WebDAV is, but this has been suggested many times before. I feel certain it will be added eventually. >4) CVS KPart or IOSlave for Konqueror I think CVS might be a little complex for an IOSlave. Check out Cervisia for a GUI CVS program. >I hope there is some KControl module for doing this easily and somewhere for programs to get default keybindings from as well? KControl -> Look and Feel -> Keybindings All KDE programs automatically respond to the changes made there. You can save and remove schemes. BTW, the current default keybindings are parallel to the default Windows keyboard shortcuts. It would be quite easy to make a scheme for more Unix-like shortcuts (although there's no way to make 2-stroke shortcuts like C-x C-s).

KDE2.1.1 font problems - Rikard Anglerud - 2001-03-29

When I upgraded to 2.1.1 my fonts have been givng me trouble. drakfont sees and displays all fonts correcly, but the kde font manager seems to substitute all the fonts with a default one. In the fonts control, my choises have been limited to 8 fonts (Bitstream courier, Courier, Courier 10 pitch, cursot, Lucidux Mono, Lucidux Sans, Lucidux Serif and Utopia. - 4 families, and an unusable cursor font) Konsole (and the fixed font selection) also only contains one font "fixed" which is nearnly unreadable when aa is enabled. Is anyone else experiencing this, or know how to fix it? Rikard

Re: KDE2.1.1 font problems - Thorsten Schnebeck - 2001-03-29

Try XFree 4.0.3 Bye Thorsten

Re: KDE2.1.1 font problems - Rikard Anglerud - 2001-03-29

I should have mentioned. I am using Xfree86 4.0.3, freetype2 from Cooker, Mandrake7.2, Qt2.3.

Re: KDE2.1.1 font problems - eric sperano - 2001-03-29

i experience the same problem.

Re: KDE2.1.1 font problems - Glenn Alexander - 2001-03-30

The release docs said Chinese font problem was fixed, but I can't get it to work still. It just either puts nothing (not even empty space) everywhere or gobbledygook that looks like utf8 printed as ASCII. What must I do abnd can the instructions be added to the docs? Thanx.

Re: KDE2.1.1 font problems - Glenn Alexander - 2001-03-30

The release docs said Chinese font problem was fixed, but I can't get it to work still. It just either puts nothing (not even empty space) everywhere or gobbledygook that looks like utf8 printed as ASCII. What must I do abnd can the instructions be added to the docs? Thanx.

Konqueror authentication problems... - Jan Gutter - 2001-03-29

I got the diffs and patched my source code for KDE 2.1 -> 2.1.1. I recompiled, installed and suddenly Konqueror can't authenticate with our firewall! It gives "Unsupported Action: Unknown Authentication Method" errors. Where did I slip? Which package (aside from kdelibs and kdebase) should I recompile? Suggestions, flames? Thanks!

Fixed font problem wit Antialiasing - Bernd Lachner - 2001-03-29

I have a problem with fixed fonts and antialiasing. I can not choose a font for the fixed font setting. I can only choose fixed, but KDE don't accept this and choose Abadi Condensed MT by itself. But, I have installed the Courier font in my truetype directory. Maybe someone had the same problem and solved it?

Re: Fixed font problem wit Antialiasing - Kevin Puetz - 2001-03-30

if you are using X4.0.2, it's handling of monospaced fonts via the RENDER extension is buggy. Upgrading to 4.0.3 should help. There are some other people here who have been complaining of problem even with 4.0.3, I have no idea what's wrong there. Hopefully you won't become one of them :-)

Re: Fixed font problem wit Antialiasing - Bernd - 2001-03-30

I'm using 4.03 but the problem is still the same as under 4.02 :-(

Re: Fixed font problem wit Antialiasing - Matt - 2001-03-30

Make sure you don't have old files related to the old KDE font manager...

Re: Fixed font problem wit Antialiasing - Bernd - 2001-03-30

Thank you for your answer, but can you write me: Where are this files in the .kde2 directory? Which files are related to the font manager?

Difference in the Debs at SourceForge & ? - Mark Chase - 2001-03-30

Can any one explain the difference between the deb packages at Sourceforge and KDE release announcement directs you to Source Forge. They have packages for stable ( no potato) for 2.1.1 For 2.1 they had them for potato and stable. Over at they are for potato. Sorry for asking what is prob a dumb question? Much obliged for any response.

Re: Difference in the Debs at SourceForge & ? - not me - 2001-03-30

For debian packages, I use Much easier than downloading and installing packages manually! Simply add deb potato main crypto optional kde2 to /etc/apt/sources.list (or use one of the other mirrors listed at and then run apt-get install task-kde That gets you the guaranteed latest version, downloaded and installed automatically, no hassle!

Anyone else have a problem installing these? - Greg Walrath - 2001-04-01

The upgrade went great on my SuSE Pro 7.1 machine, with the exception of: kdebindings-mozilla kdevelop For the first one, I get a bunch of errors about missing lib files (e.g.,, I figured it was because I didn't have mozilla installed (though I did have Netscape 6.01 and 4.76). Even after I installed Mozilla 0.8.1, I got the same errors. With kdevelop 1.4.1, it insists on having html-dtd installed, though html_dtd is installed. Any ideas?

Re: Anyone else have a problem installing these? - Julien Faivre - 2001-05-01

i have the same pb with the suse pro 7.1 the solution is to use kdevelop rpm from suse -dju-

Problems installing AA-Fonts with SuSe 7.1 - Greg - 2001-04-01

SuSe 7.1 seems to have problems using AA-Fonts. After installing qt-experimental version 2.3 and selecting AA-Fonts in the style-dialog in Kcontrol KDE starts without the taskbar and problems with DCOP. Maybe the Fonts have to be set up properly before but what does that exactly mean? (SuSE 7.1, XFree86 4.0.3, KDE 2.1.1 and qt-experimental version 2.3) Thanks for any ideas!