KDE 2.2.2 Released
Thursday, 22 November 2001 | Dre
The KDE Project has announced the release of KDE 2.2.2, a service and security release. A fairly complete list of changes from KDE 2.2.1, released two months ago, is available here. If you are using KDE in a multi-user environment, you are strongly encouraged to upgrade for the security enhancements incorporated into the release. If not, you are still encouraged to enjoy the many improvements. This may well be the last release of the KDE 2 series, given that the first stable KDE 3 release is scheduled in about 3 months. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you! - Janne - 2001-11-22
Off to download (that is, if Debian-packages are ready)!
Re: Thank you! - ac - 2001-11-22
not yet..
Re: Thank you! - ealm - 2001-11-23
It is in sid!!!
Re: Thank you! - Janne - 2001-11-23
Got it! Running 2.2.2 as we speak :)! I have already found few annoying bugs that have been squashed with this latest release (like moving/copying multiple files in Konqueror. It used to give me problems before, but not anymore :)! And Konqueror seems a bit smoother when in filemanagement-profile than before. But it could be that I'm just seeing things. All in all, an excellent release, as usual :)! Now if only you could fix the one thing that annoys me... Meaning the multicolumn-view in Konqueror. I just can't make it look nice. In Windows (Boo! Hiss!) it looks nice, because it shows entire filename without cutting it to several lines. If I remove word-wrap, Konqueror shows only part on the filename. In Windows (yeah, I know), it adjusts the horizontal distance of the files according to the longest filename. There already is a wishlist-item on this matter. That is the ONLY onnoying thing that I can think of right now. Speed is OK, but of course, more wouldn't hurt ;) Thank you for an excellent desktop! Looking forward to KDE 3.0!
Dowmloading the RedHat 7.2... - lanbo - 2001-11-22
I cannot believe it's so easy for RedHat! Finally! Thanks Kde developers. I really hope it'll be faster... :-)
Re: Dowmloading the RedHat 7.2... - emuman - 2001-11-23
Yes, no problem this time for Redhats. KDE 2.2.1 was cool, KDE 2.2.2 is faster, has less bugs, simple great! What comes with 3.0? Orgasm while using it?
Re: Downloading the RedHat 7.2... - Joe Reale - 2001-11-23
I downloaded all the RPMs, burnt a CD and installed all the packages in less than 30 minutes ! My RedHat 7.2 / KDE is now flying ! Many thanks. Joe
Re: Downloading the RedHat 7.2... - Rick Loga - 2001-11-23
Exactly what rpm packages need to be downloaded and from where? Plus in what order do they need to be installed? Thanks for any help. I have only fresh installed Red Hat releases in the past, never upgrading anything due to not knowing how.
An idea to search dependencies of rpm packages - Asif Ali Rizwaan - 2001-11-24
Usually, you don't have to worry about which comes first. If you get all the packages just run 'rpm -Uvh *.rpm' the sequence is automated, it will install kdelibs, arts, kdebase ... a good approach is to install kdelibs first, check which 'blahblah.so.blah3' is missing, use 'rpm:blahblah.so.blah3' in konqueror to get to know the package from http://rpmfind.net. It would be easy for anybody to search the package by mere library or an executable file from rpmfind.net. like you want 'kmines' game but you don't know where or in which package it is present, just do a 'rpm:kmines' or visit rpmfind.net and search with the keyword 'kmines' or any library file like xxx.so.3 or gohome.png. Hope this helps. Rpmfind.net is a nice place for rpm users. :)
Ben's rpms - Iuri Fiedoruk - 2001-11-22
Ben made packages for Redhat 7.2 that uses Ksplash/ML instead of normal ksplash and have some fixed from cvs posted after 2.2.2, have objprelink, etc. For me those rpms are much better than the redhat official ones. I don't know if those redhat 7.2 rpms on the kde.org ftp are the same, if not here goes the url: ftp://ftp.opennms.org/people/ben/redhat-7.2/RPMS/
Re: Ben's rpms - Oliver - 2001-11-22
Hard to believe, that Bero's packages aren't build with objprelink, since 2.2.2 is launching faster than Redhat-7.2 Gnome now. Overall performance is from acceptable to great, maybe some gcc-RH improvements here?!
Re: Ben's rpms - shivers - 2001-11-23
Bero has been commenting to the story on slashdot about KDE2.2.2 - he (and other RH guys) arent keen on objprelink as its a KDE-only hack - 'prelink' is preferred, which can prelink most ELF binaries or so I'm told. (but yes, the RH 7.2 RPMs were built with an updated GCC - possibly with some compiler updates/optimisation from Jakob @ RedHat as well [this info also from bero's comments on slashdot]. Slashdot story here: http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/11/22/141233&mode=thread Bero's link to prelink here: ftp://people.redhat.com/jakub/prelink/
Re: Ben's rpms - David Faure - 2001-11-23
Doesn't objprelink make all webpages with javascript crash konqueror ? AFAIK it does - both SuSE and Mandrake tried to make packages with objprelink, and in both cases khtml was crashing when dlopening kjs. Is this about another kind of objprelink ?
Re: Ben's rpms - Iuri Fiedoruk - 2001-11-23
Well, I tested and javascript isn't crashing konq here. Maybe it's a version of objprelink that dosen't have this bug anymore.
Re: Ben's rpms - Joe - 2001-11-23
Speaking for myself and probably some more: I tried Konqueror and quickly came to the conclusion that javascript support sucked, which made me go back to Galeon. You know what? Javascript was turned off. It never crossed my mind that javascript would be disabled by default. The option to turn javascript off should of course be there and people expect that there's a way to turn it *off*. But to have javascript disabled by default really seems like over protection. Trust me, nobody will blame Konqueror for being unsafe just because it has Javascript turned on and someone visitied a malicious js site. The issue is on another level. Javascript is not a banned language or something, it's used for a lot of good things.
Re: Ben's rpms - David Faure - 2001-11-23
But javascript support in 2.x was quite incomplete, so websites could easily crash konqueror. Javascript in KDE 3.0-CVS is activated by default, and is much much better. It will make you come back to Konqueror, I can assure you. David, currently ironing out the last KJS bugs, and closing tons of bug reports...
Re: Ben's rpms - Joe - 2001-11-23
Well, that's just great! And thank you for a kind and friendly answer as usual, Mr. Faure.
Kwin not mentioned in the changelog - cbcbcb - 2001-11-22
Have they fixed the bugs in kwin which cause to to variously freeze up and/or crash? I reported this for 2.2.0 and it was still broken in 2.2.1. I'm using packages from Debian unstable. (To reproduce, hammer all the mouse buttons and keep pressing Ctrl-Tab until it stops working. To recover, right click on the title bar of a window)
Re: Kwin not mentioned in the changelog - Andreas Pietzowski - 2001-11-22
How the hell did you find out THIS Bug? It looks like an easter-egg-like bug. Perhaps there is another bug which comes up if you press Ctrl-Alt-NumLock, open the CD-ROM twice and ping the network-interface once after you click in the left-upper corner on your KDE-screen *g* SCNR Pietz BTW: I also hope that this Ctrl-Tab-Moude-Hammer-Bug disappears in KDE-3
Re: Kwin not mentioned in the changelog - Anno v. Heimburg - 2001-11-24
<i>(To reproduce, hammer all the mouse buttons and keep pressing Ctrl-Tab until it stops working. To recover, right click on the title bar of a window)</i> As a warkaround: Don't do the above. Use a punshing ball for your aggressions instead ;-) Greets, Anno.
Re: Kwin not mentioned in the changelog - MwtrV - 2001-11-26
I noticed a lot of quirkyness with KDE 2.2.1 in terms of random crashes after a certain mouse click. Hopefully this will improve with 2.2.2. Infact, after crash #8 (note they didn't occur all the time for me but enough to be substantially annoying), i was so angered I simply removed 2.2.1 from my machine. I'm tired of being without the ease of use KDE offers so I'm giving 2.2.2 a good try. I really like KDE -- I just hope stability becomes the number one concern. I used GNOME for quite awhile because despite it's many shortcomings rarely did GNOME/sawfish take the session down (and no, I didn't try or want to try Nautilus.) Features/bells/whistles won't mean a damn thing if the core is dumped.
Why Qt-2.3.1 when 2.3.2 is available? - Loranga - 2001-11-22
From the announcement: Library Requirements. KDE 2.2.2 requires the following libraries: Qt-2.2.4, which is available in source code from Trolltech as qt-x11-2.2.4.tar.gz, though qt-x11-2.3.1.tar.gz (rather than Qt-2.3.2) is recommended;
Re: Why Qt-2.3.1 when 2.3.2 is available? - Sashmit Bhaduri - 2001-11-22
2.3.2 was deemed to be buggy
Re: Why Qt-2.3.1 when 2.3.2 is available? - Christian - 2001-11-22
I do confirm. Moreover, some KDE packages miscompile with it (easy to fix, but 2.3.2 is not advisable).
Re: Why Qt-2.3.1 when 2.3.2 is available? - cyanide - 2001-11-23
As usual, Mdk seem to use it anyway...
Re: Why Qt-2.3.1 when 2.3.2 is available? - shivers - 2001-11-23
As do RedHat... I've only been using it this afternoon, but no problems so far...
Re: Why Qt-2.3.1 when 2.3.2 is available? - emuman - 2001-11-23
Downgrading to 2.3.1 is recommend, because 2.3.2 + klipper => slow kfm.
Re: Why Qt-2.3.1 when 2.3.2 is available? - Janne - 2001-11-23
I used to have a similar problem. When I pasted text (url for example) many times system just seemed to freeze for a while. I eventually tracked the problem down to klipper. I just killed it and everything has worked flawlessly ever since. But to my knowledge I have been running Qt-2.3.1 (running Debian testing/unstable). Haven't tried with KDE 2.2.2 yet.
Re: Why Qt-2.3.1 when 2.3.2 is available? - Hey - 2001-11-23
Dont beat me, please where can I get qt 2.3.1 rpms for my SuSE 7.3 box?
Re: Why Qt-2.3.1 when 2.3.2 is available? - Bryan Feeney - 2001-11-23
Have fun! http://download.at.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/2.2/SuSE/i386/7.1/
Re: Why Qt-2.3.1 when 2.3.2 is available? - Abraar - 2001-11-24
And why not qt3??? Available at trolltech ftp: qt-x11-free-3.0.0.tar.gz Using it with rh7.2. Run fine but takes a _LOT_ of time to compile even on my smp box.
Re: Why Qt-2.3.1 when 2.3.2 is available? - Bryan Feeney - 2001-11-24
Because having QT 3 on your box in no way affects KDE 2.x's performance, it still uses qt-2.x.x. I hope. It *really* shouldn't work otherwise (or else the people working on KDE 3 are gonna be seriously pissed off ;-)
FreeBSD? - bruno m. - 2001-11-22
I have to ask, since I'm considering setting up a FreeBSD box after leaving it a few years ago: will '2.2.2 packages be made for it (i.e. for V4.4)? Actually, will the KDE project endeavour to make 'BSD packages for KDE 3.x, or is it the responsability of the various 'BSD projects? Thanks.
Re: FreeBSD? - Rinse - 2001-11-22
KDE only supplies sources, the Unix-Linux teams are responsible for the corresponding binairies etc...
Re: FreeBSD? - Ilya Martynov - 2001-11-22
KDE have been supported in FreeBSD port collection for long time. 2.2.2 is not yet where but I suppose ports will be updated soon.
Re: FreeBSD? - David Johnson - 2001-11-27
The FreeBSD binaries of KDE are the responsibility of the FreeBSD project. You can either install via ports, or using a precompiled package. I fully expect that 2.2.2 packages will be made available for FreeBSD soon. As of right now they aren't available, but give it a week. Currently 2.2.1 is running just fine.
KDE 2.2.2 for SuSE 7.3 - new suse user - 2001-11-22
Do I need to make some modifications to YaST Online Update settings(?), because it does not show KDE 2.2.2 as avaliable update (and I know it is avaliable). Or do I need to download each rpm and install them via package manager?
Re: KDE 2.2.2 for SuSE 7.3 - new suse user - 2001-11-22
never mind, I got it. (its YaST not YaST2!)
kde rocks - gunnar - 2001-11-22
thanx for the work. its very nice and i love it. -gunnar (a very happy kde user)
What about DIFFS - 1st Time Write - 2001-11-23
Perfect... but: what about diffs?
Re: What about DIFFS - Hywel Mallett - 2001-11-23
<a href="http://www.hmallett.co.uk/diffs/">http://www.hmallett.co.uk/diffs/</a> may be just what you need...
Re: What about DIFFS - 1st Time Write - 2001-11-23
Perfection again(for a slow connection like mine) :)->< !!!!Thank you!!!!
Re: What about DIFFS - Sam Halliday - 2001-11-23
YOURE KIDDING!!!!! i am honestly on the last 5 minutes of downloading the sources on my 56K connection at home, i searched and i searched, but i did not find!! ill know for again, Sam, Ireland
DIFFS - 2.2.2 - 3.0 - Hywel Mallett - 2001-11-23
I'm not sure quite how viable diffs will be for 2.2.2 - 3.0. (More viable than 1.x - 2.x due to the nature of the changes though). Rest assured though that if they are viable, I'll make them and put them up in the same place. Hywel Mallett
Re: DIFFS - 2.2.2 - 3.0 - Sam Halliday - 2001-11-23
just to let you know, the kdelibs-2.2.1-2.2.2 diff threw an error back at me with one of the files (sorry, i forgot which one). i remember looking at what didnt get patched, and it didnt look too important, it was an error function or somethign... sorry i cant provide more info... just have a wee check of the diff. i already had the kdelib-2.2.2 downloaded anyway by that stage. Sam, Ireland
Cut&Paste scheme - new suse user - 2001-11-23
I wonder if it will be possible to implement the following cut&paste scheme in future KDE releases: 1. Enable selection with middle mouse button 2. If selection was made by holding middle mouse button coppy the selected text into the clipboard 3. If selection was made by left mouse button nothing should happen to the contest of the clipboard 4. When middle mouse button is peressed and released the contents of the clipboard should be coppied in to the place where the cursor is, or if something is selected the contents of the clipboard should replace that (i.e. "paste over"). Thank you.
Re: Cut&Paste scheme - Kevin Puetz - 2001-11-23
No, your idea (though creative) goes in the bit-bucket for now :-) KDE runs on X windows; even though we could be deliberately different than every other app there, we wouldn't want to be without a _very_ good reason. It takes a lot to justify that degree of confusion, and I don't think X11's behavior is bad (in fact, it's one of my favorites when done right). However, I'll certainly admit kde2's handling of the clipboard is pretty broken by any standard. The flak it has drawn is well-deserved; unfortunately, most of the complaints show up as people wanting to do away with copy-on-select :-(. Thankfully, qt3 (and thus kde3) do do much better in this regard, since they finally follow the X11 spec for clipboard behavior fully. It now works as follows... hopefully this satisfies almost everyone :-) <really quick answer> It works now. Trust me. You can paste over selections, etc, the behavior should be what you expect if you come from anywhere except kde2 :-) Even then, the only behaviors that should have changed are the ones y'all hate. <blasphemy> GNOME apps are also reasonably compliant if you want to play with the new behavior and don't have time to try kde3. Not all of them have both kinds of copy implemented, but those that do for the most part get it right (I'm not aware of any exceptions). </blasphemy> <quick answer> selection and clipboard no longer interfere - middle-click is 'quick paste' and duplicates the contents of the selection (as in kde2.2); copy/paste have no effect on this. The clipboard used by Paste changes only on explicit Copy and is not directly affected by the selection. Basically, if you only use one style or the other (select->middle button vs. control-C/control-V or similar), it should do what you'd expect, only people that currently use control-V expecting to get the selection (or vice-versa, middle-click to get the clipboard *after* clearing/changing the selection) have anything new to learn. If you are one of those people, read on :-) <long answer> The selection is now stored distinct from the clipboard. The selection changes whenever the user selects something (hey, how sane is that). The clipboard does _not_ change when the selection does; only explicit copy (control-C, menuitem, whatever) will changes the clipboard. Copy replaces the current contents of the clipboard with the current contents of the selection (ie, copies the selection to the clipboard). There are (will be) two kinds of paste, which I will call (for lack of better names) quick-paste and clipboard-paste. quick-paste (X11 stype: shift-insert, middle button) pastes the contents of the selection, regardless of the contents of the clipboard. Clipboard-paste (control-v, menuitem, toolbar, etc) paste the contents of the clipboard, regardless of the contents of the selection (recall that the clipboard does not change on selection). And there was great peace and harmony among users of the clipboard (I hope) :-). You're still with me? wow.
Re: Cut&Paste scheme - Kevin Puetz - 2001-11-23
crap, how in the world did this doublepost. grr... read the one below, this one I thought I had only previewed, then fixed a few typos.
Re: Cut&Paste scheme - Kevin Puetz - 2001-11-23
No, your idea (though creative) goes in the bit-bucket for now :-) KDE runs on X windows; even though we could be deliberately different than every other app there, we wouldn't want to be without a _very_ good reason. It takes a lot to justify that degree of confusion, and I don't think X11's behavior is bad (in fact, it's one of my favorites when done right). However, I'll certainly admit kde2's handling of the clipboard is pretty broken by any standard. The flak it has drawn is well-deserved; unfortunately, most of the complaints show up as people wanting to do away with copy-on-select :-(. Thankfully, qt3 (and thus kde3) do do much better in this regard, since they finally follow the X11 spec for clipboard behavior fully. It now works as follows... hopefully this satisfies almost everyone :-) <really quick answer> It works now. Trust me. You can paste over selections, etc, the behavior should be what you expect if you come from anywhere except kde2 :-) Even then, the only behaviors that should have changed are the ones y'all hate. <blasphemy> GNOME apps are also reasonably compliant if you want to play with the new behavior and don't have time to try kde3. Not all of them have both kinds of copy implemented, but those that do for the most part get it right (I'm not aware of any exceptions). </blasphemy> <quick answer> selection and clipboard no longer interfere - middle-click is 'quick paste' and duplicates the contents of the selection (as in kde2.2); copy/paste have no effect on this. The clipboard used by Paste changes only on explicit Copy and is not directly affected by the selection. Basically, if you only use one style or the other (select->middle button vs. control-C/control-V or similar), it should do what you'd expect, only people that currently use control-V expecting to get the selection (or vice-versa, middle-click to get the clipboard *after* clearing/changing the selection) have anything new to learn. If you are one of those people, read on :-) <long answer> The selection is now stored distinct from the clipboard. The selection changes whenever the user selects something (hey, how sane is that). The clipboard does _not_ change when the selection does; only explicit copy (control-C, menuitem, whatever) will changes the clipboard. Copy replaces the current contents of the clipboard with the current contents of the selection (ie, copies the selection to the clipboard). There are (will be) two kinds of paste, which I will call (for lack of better names) quick-paste and clipboard-paste. quick-paste (X11 stype: shift-insert, middle button) pastes the contents of the selection, regardless of the contents of the clipboard. Clipboard-paste (control-v, menuitem, toolbar, etc) paste the contents of the clipboard, regardless of the contents of the selection (recall that the clipboard does not change on selection). And there was great peace and harmony among users of the clipboard (I hope) :-). You're still with me? wow. 5 bonus points, and your further input on the subject deserves a moderation +1 informed :-)
Re: Cut&Paste scheme - Rakko - 2001-11-23
I've been thinking and wondering about this for a long time -- where in the X code is the usual X selection and copying mechanism implemented? E.g. is it in Xlib, or even lower than that, or maybe somewhere else? How hard would it be for someone to modify that behavior X system-wide (I'm assuming it would be fairly easy to modify just KDE's behavior if one knows what one's doing...)?
Re: Cut&Paste scheme - Kevin Puetz - 2001-11-23
nowhere (or everywhere, whichever view you like). X provides ways to read and set various tokens called atoms. At the protocol level, that's about all it does (that I know of) to support things like clipboards. As far as the Xserver is concerned, they don't really exist, it's just shuffling data around on behalf of it's clients. At a slightly higher level, some atoms (like the ones used to implement the clipboard) have existed for so long that they might as well be part of the protocol; they are simply presumed to exist and to be used for certain purposes. Apps, however, are still free to set/read them as they wish (following their intended purpose). Things like middle-click pastes PRIMARY, selection sets PRIMARY, etc are nothing but convention, though they been followed by apps since... well, a long time anyway. But the Xserver couldn't care less. An app could set the clipboard to a random string whenever a key is pressed, if it wanted to. The codification of the programming conventions for using these 'standard' atoms is the ICCCM (inter-client communication conventions manual). Google should turn up a copy easily enough, if you actually want to read it. Most windowmanagers and apps try hard to conform to this. Failure here means your app is not a good citizen :-). At the least, it probably won't be able to share it's clipboard contents with other apps, and it probably won't work correctly on many other things the ICCCM covers either. Thankfully, apps don't have much to get right here though, so most do just fine... it's windowmanagers that have to be careful, as they facilitate a great deal of the interaction. Windowmanager compatibility bugs are certainly seen sometimes :-) Actual userinterface conventions are (technically) left to the apps... they can change these core atoms at any time, for any reason. However, precedent is very strong, and not to be lightly ignored; toolkits also often enforce policy on a lot of these issues (and how many apps are really written straight to Xlib anymore). KDE (or rather, QT) could easily manage the selection differently from accepted behavior if it desired to. Qt2 does, though for what reason I don't know - it's certainly not popular that it treats CLIPBOARD and PRIMARY as equivalent (hence posts like the parent). From a user-confusion point of view you'd want to be really sure it was worth it if you were going to deviate; I think qt2/kde2's behaviors probably stem from QClipboard seemingly having grown up on win32; I claim no proof of this other, it just seems somewhat likely since it doesn't handle X11 clipboards quite right. No flames please :-) So... changing the clipboard convention basically involves (at a basic level) changing all the apps. If you really wanted to do this, it's probably a lot easier than it used to be, because so much of what X considers 'app' is really 'toolkit' nowadays. Toolkits centralize a lot of the policy code that X intentionally refused to define, and relate to the app at a much higher level; that's a big part of what they offer the application developer. Qt and GTK both provide clipboard services to their apps, so just changing the toolkit can change the behavior of a lot of apps (for instance, qt3 got fixed, so all kde3 apps are now fixed). I don't know if motif did - I suspect it did. So, changing those 3 would probly hit 95% of the apps the typical linux user runs nowadays. Might be possible... but far from trivial :-). hmm... I must be bored, this post too grew to immense length :-)
Re: Cut&Paste scheme - Rakko - 2001-11-23
Well, thanks for the lesson :) I remember asking the same question once on IRC, and someone told me it wasn't handled in the toolkit, but rather in Xlib. I've been meaning for about five years now to read the book I got on Xlib programming, but I only finished a few chapters and don't really retain any of it now. As for throwing off standards, I am well aware of how that can be a Bad Thing, but I only want to change selection behavior on my own computer, which pretty much only I use.
Re: Cut&Paste scheme - Rakko - 2001-11-23
Well, thanks for the lesson :) I remember asking the same question once on IRC, and someone told me it wasn't handled in the toolkit, but rather in Xlib. I've been meaning for about five years now to read the book I got on Xlib programming, but I only finished a few chapters and don't really retain any of it now. As for throwing off standards, I am well aware of how that can be a Bad Thing, but I only want to change selection behavior on my own computer, which pretty much only I use.
Re: Cut&Paste scheme - Kevin Puetz - 2001-11-23
yeah. Well, as far as UI behaviors go, you can freely change that and still be interoperable. If you got Qt and GTK, you'd be well along in getting most of the apps you use to change, I suspect. Good luck :-)
Re: Cut&Paste scheme - geekster - 2001-11-23
I like new suse user's idea better. It's easier. You can select and copy using only the mouse. Plus you can select and ctrl+c as in windows. And if you want to do it the unix way you could just switch the roles of the left and middle buttons so the middle would be select and the left would be copy (possible some option Control Center).
Re: Cut&Paste scheme - Kevin Puetz - 2001-11-23
With the new scheme, you can treat it exactly like windows. If you don't paste with the middle-mouse, the selection is irrelevant. Or use the mouse only (in which case the clipboard is irrelevant). Whichever you prefer :-) You can even use both, making quick pastes from the selection with middle-mouse without disturbing your clipboard contents. The middle mouse button pastes whatever is selected (no need to hit copy). Control-V (or menus, etc) pastes whatever was last copied, even if the selection has changed since then. Both systems work as expected, with no need for options. That's a Good Thing (tm). At least, I think so. But my opinion means no more than yours anyway :-) I should clarify that, lest someone get the idea from all my postings here that I actually maintain the code in question (not so). kde2's behavior really bugged me, kde3's (which is the same as most other X11 apps) seems quite sane. At least give it a chance :-)
Re: Cut&Paste scheme - new suse user - 2001-11-24
First of all thank you for enlightening me. I am not an advanced programmer (only a student) so many things were quite new to me. Secondly, I welcome all the improvements in KDE 3 clipboard handling. The inability to paste over in KDE 2.x irritated me for some time now. However, while, windows-like (I come from windows) ?ctrl+c/ctrl+v? cut & paste mechanism has its certain advantages, I cannot say that I like it, or that it is done the best possible way; and even though, KDE 3 provides both ?ctrl+c/ctrl+v? and ?copy on select/middle mouse button paste? mechanisms, I think that it only creates a choice (which is good) between two fairly wide spread, but not necessarily the best schemes possible (I doubt that many people will be using both at the same time). I kind of like the idea that one does not need a keyboard to copy and paste, and I was very exited that all copying and pasting in Linux bypasses it (that is until I realized that there is no ?past over?). So the idea that I can copy, paste or paste over by using just a mouse seems intriguing to me. Thirdly, I understand that implementation might be quite difficult (which I think it should not be, of course I may be wrong), or that it might conflict with some standards (which I think it does not have to). As I understood from the posts above (boy, that was some reading), the selection and cut & paste mechanisms are not imposed by X windows system, but are rather handled by the applications (or in most cases by the toolkits upon which the applications are built), so it may not be a KDE issue by a qt one. However, I don?t think it should be too difficult to allow a selection by using a middle mouse button (just a duplication of what is implemented for the left mouse button). So that it would be possible to select (just select) by holding down the middle mouse button. After that is done, there needs to be an option somewhere in qt or KDE (it might be even a compile time option) such as: 1. Copy to the clipboard on left mouse button selection or 2. Copy to the clipboard on the middle mouse button selection This way a user can decide which way he/she wants to go and if he/she wants to have a consistent clipboard between apps or if he/she can sacrifice some consistency for the ease of use. This should not be too hard to implement either (or am I dead wrong on that one?). And if all major toolkits will implement it then there will be no need to sacrifices anything. (am I being to naive?)
Re: Cut&Paste scheme - Ryan - 2002-04-17
One question. So if middle mouse button pastes the selection and Ctrl-V pastes the clipboard. How can i paste into Konsole? It took me awhile to figure out the only way was with the middle mouse button. So does this mean no clipbord into konsole?
Re: Cut&Paste scheme - Anonymous - 2002-04-17
Edit/Paste? Right mouse button menu/Paste? Shift-Insert?
Re: Cut&Paste scheme - Anitha Srinivasan - 2005-06-17
Hi.. i have a problem with copy-paste in KDE- FreeBSD box. When i select some text on any application, and whn i try to paste to another or same application by using middle-mouse click, it gets pasted perfectly. But whn i try to do shift+insert, its not getting pasted. Pls tell me wht to configure as wht to enable shift+insert wrk to paste the selected text. TIA Rgeds, Anitha
any luck with crossover plugins ? - hackorama - 2001-11-23
Does anybody had any luck with Codeweavers Crossover plugins on Konqueror with KDe 2.2.2 ?
Re: any luck with crossover plugins ? - Timothy R. Butler - 2001-11-23
I had moderate success with it in KDE 2.2.1, so I am assuming it will work in 2.2.2 too. The only strange thing was that rather than embedding the plugin, a little seperate window opened that contained the plugin. -Tim
Re: any luck with crossover plugins ? - hal - 2001-11-24
I think I will love this plugin but how can I install and test it ? I've never seen it in action. Do I need extra packages, is it in the konqueror-package? I'm running debian unstable. thanks have fun HAL
KDE issues - Rajeev - 2001-11-23
In my opnion KDE team should focus on speed ,usablity and memory footprint instead of adding new features.I think the features in Win95/98 are sufficient for average users,I hope that KDE will come to that level soon. For third world countries in Africa,Asia ,the idea of free software makes lot of sense ,because it takes lot of financial burden from the government.But higher hardware requirements poses serious obstacle to main stream adoption.Presently KDE is so slugglish in my Pentium II/128mb Ram ,I prefer to use console. I guess KDE team would recognize this fact Good Luck Rajeev
Re: KDE issues - Sam Halliday - 2001-11-23
kde used to be very sluggish on my mandrake 8.1 machine, taking about 30 seconds to start up.. but i got so annoyed at their broken devfs, development c compiler and massive dependencies that i never understood how in earth they needed it all, that i got myself the Linux From Scratch ps document, and recompield it all.... now kde 2.2 starts in 10 seconds on a first boot, and applications taek no longer than a second. i used to blame kde for this slow behaviour, but i realised its the distro's fault. Sam, Ireland
Re: KDE issues - Will - 2001-11-23
I own a PII w/ 128MB RAM and occasionaly a few things are slow, but I've seen very good speed (since 2.2.0). Maybe there is a bottle neck somewhere else? Will
KDE strives to be FAST and Memory Efficient in K3 - Asif Ali Rizwaan - 2001-12-01
On RH 7.1, KDE 2.2.2 is twice faster than KDE 2.2.0 (atleast for me). KDE knows that the next priority is Speed along with Stability and Security. I am sure that KDE 3.x will be as faster as KDE 1.1.2 used to be.
RH 7.2 RPMS is missing libxsltbreakpoint.so.1 !!! - RedHat 7.2 User - 2001-11-23
I have libxslt-1.0.1-3 installed but kdelibs also want to have libxsltbreakpoint.so.1 Any hints ?
Re: RH 7.2 RPMS is missing libxsltbreakpoint.so.1 !!! - RedHat 7.2 User - 2001-11-23
Ahh... I had to upgrade libxslt and libxml2 to the one in Rawhide
RedHat RPMS and Antialiased fonts? - Anonymous Crybaby - 2001-11-23
I just installed the RPMS for RedHat 7.2, and it installed like a charm... the entire KDE overall seems much faster than the default KDE2.2.1 that came with RH7.2. Thank you Bero, and KDE Devs! Has anyone gotten antialiased fonts to work with the RedHat RPMs? I had it working for the default install, but even after I click "antialias fonts," it still shows non-AA fonts. Thanks in advance
Re: RedHat RPMS and Antialiased fonts? - Matt Phillips - 2001-11-23
Same thing happened to me with the Mandrake 8.1 packages. I had beautiful AA fonts until I upgraded to KDE 2.2.2. I checked, and the option is still ticked for AA fonts... Any ideas why they stopped working?
Re: RedHat RPMS and Antialiased fonts? - Alex - 2001-11-25
Change the /usr/bin/startkde file to include the following line somewhere in the beginning: export QT_XFT=1 That would do the trick. BTW, thislittle annoyance that has existed since the AA fonts in KDE were introduced. And nobody cares to repair that - neither the KDE team, nor the distro team. That's a very serious problem of either proprietary or OSS projects - they forget to repair those "little" buggies, while running for more and more new features. Just my opinion, though.
Re: RedHat RPMS and Antialiased fonts? - Matt Phillips - 2001-11-26
Strange... A reboot fixed it for me. I figured just restarting KDE would be enough to pick up any changes from the upgrade. Oh well. Works great now.
Where's the patch? - sam mulvey - 2001-11-23
Please tell me that there's a patch between KDE 2.2.1 and KDE 2.2.2. It seems for minor bugfix release, having to go and download the entire source all over again is a little wasteful. Not everyone has extremely fast broadband connections.
Re: Where's the patch? - someone - 2001-11-23
Reading other comments is not one of your strengths, eh?
Re: Where's the patch? - sam mulvey - 2001-11-23
I looked. Apparently reading other comments isn't a stregnth. But I'm not apologising. I found the patches from someone else later on, which saved the day, but it does bring up an important point. I know I've seen this request before, but since I haven't seen a solution. Why aren't patches officially released with the source? Why do I have to check IRC or the dot to find out where they are? If there's a good reason, I'll sit and deal with it, but I am curious.
Re: Where's the patch? - AC - 2001-11-23
using the cvs to download works good with modem's too. i think thats the reason why they don't supply patches.
Update broke my system - Tobias - 2001-11-23
Hi! It is wondeful to hear that so many other users did a successful update. Unfortunatly my system is partly broken now. Here is what I did and what is broken: My system is a SuSE 7.1 install. Someday I updated KDE to V2.1.2 which worked fine. Now I downloaded the update for KDE 2.2.2 for SuSE 7.1 from a mirror. I had to pull a new libxml2 and libxslt lib from the rawhide distro also. The only dependency I allowed RPM to ignore was cups (I have lprold installed). If I startup my system now kdm shows up (the fonts have big pixels, but I don't really care) and I can log in. KDE itself starts up. I get a error message: "Protokoll wird nicht unterstützt: file" my translation: "Protocol not supported/bound: file" All my icons from the desktop are gone. My "K" Menu is nearly empty, only the very basic stuff in it (If I start the menueditor I still can SEE all the menu entries in the editor!!!). If I start Konqueror it tells me "Protocol not supported/bound: http". Hmmm, something definitly broke. Any suggestions where to start to look/what to do ? TIA, Tobias
Re: Update broke my system - roger - 2001-11-23
You probably should download all files from one location: eg the SuSE LinuKS website (SuSE's KDE sevice on their website: support/download-section). There are libxml2 and several other files that you might need or want as well.
Re: Update broke my system - Sebastian Eichner - 2001-11-23
Hi, You probably did not run SuSEconfig after installing the RPMs. I had these problems a few KDE-versions ago. Try the following: 1. Run SuSEconfig. If it works now, fine. Stop here. 2. In a shell, run "kbuildsycoca" as normal user, and maybe as root too. 3. Start up kde, is it working now? 4. If not, try to move away your ~/.kde2 directory (rename it) and start kde again. KDE will build a new ~/.kde2 dir, but your settings for backgraounds, fonts, programs etc. will be lost. After that, you can try to copy certain files from the old .kde2-dir to the new one. Did this thelp you? 5. If not: Hmm, dunno.... Good luck, Sebastian
Re: Update broke my system - Tobias - 2001-11-23
> 1. Run SuSEconfig. If it works now, fine. Stop here. It "fixed" the kdm appearance to look ok again. No effect on the desktop. > 2. In a shell, run "kbuildsycoca" as normal user, and maybe as root too. User: Didn't work before step 4, complained with soemthing like "unable to open database". root: "Warning: kbuildsycoca is unable to register with DCOP." > 3. Start up kde, is it working now? nope. > 4. If not, try to move away your ~/.kde2 directory (rename it) and start kde again. KDE will build a new ~/.kde2 dir, but your > settings for backgraounds, fonts, programs etc. will be lost. After that, you can try to copy certain files from the old .kde2-dir to > the new one. Did this thelp you? This one is funny. I moved it away. The desktop was rebuild. But all my icons are THERE again and the K menu is full again. Two drawbacks: all "umlauts" are broken in the menus and my Netscape 4.7x has all menus written in CHINESE (no kidding) signs now ?! Only Konqueror lost his config and doesn't know how to display umlauts. > 5. If not: Hmm, dunno.... I just finished downloading all the RPMs directly from SuSE again. Will try to install these. If I don't come back here it DID NOT work. PS: Lots of new snow here in Germany today ;-)
Re: Update broke my system - Tobias - 2001-11-23
I can't you tell why, but copying back the backup of my .kde2 dir that I made right after the update fixed a lot of problems. Additionally I installed the packages I got from SuSE directly. That fixes some more things. At the moment the only problem left seems to be the fonts: Only Arial is available everywhere. I will look into that later. Thanks for all the help so far guys !
Re: Update broke my system - Kevin Puetz - 2001-11-23
ahh... I bet you turned on antialiased fonts, and don't have any truetype ones except arial. When antialiasing is on, only truetype/type1 fonts are available in KDE. Either turn it back off (kcontrol:look&feel:fonts) or find one of the font-antialiasing howtos to setup your system for it.
Re: Update broke my system - DiCkE - 2001-11-24
As root do: fetchmsttfonts.
{Up,Down}load from konqueror, kate cause LONG wait - RedHat 7.2 User - 2001-11-23
RH7.2 with 2.2.2. When I do a web download, or web upload or just starts kate with a previously saved file it can take 2 or 3 minutes before I see the actual file loaded... Any clues ?
Great! - Rajan Rishyakaran - 2001-11-23
For the first time ever, no RPM problems! Kudos to all RPM makers :-)
Caldera Packages? - Jim C - 2001-11-23
Usually Caldera is one of the first to release rpm packages for KDE releases. Unfortunately, they aren't there yet. I hope Caldera is planning on making packages. If so, does anyone know when they will be available or what the delay is?
sftp scp kio slaves? - sniggly - 2001-11-23
Is the kio_sftp module a part of this release? I am SO looking forward to that - almost as much as to having return to castle wolfenstein....
Re: sftp scp kio slaves? - Carbon - 2001-11-24
Well, if you're using Debian Woody or Sid, you can install the FISH KIO module from online using apt-get, though the package name esacapes me at the moment. Dselect time!
Re: sftp scp kio slaves? - poppafuze - 2003-04-22
apt-get install kio-fish
Extra (annoying little) requirements over 2.2.1 - Sam Halliday - 2001-11-23
well done to the team, altough i was a bit piss*d off when i compiled the whole thing to realise that i needed xml-2.4.8 AND libsxlt to get some vital components to compile (kdb2html being a prime candidate)... i didnt read this on the announcement page! but not to worry, i am finishing the download of sxlt now and ill run that compile-all script again. BE WARNED ANYBODY WHO DOESNT KNOW ABOUT THIS REQUIREMENT!!! Sam, Ireland
Compiling problems (CVS) - Marko Rosic - 2001-11-23
Nothing much to say... here's a part of log after runing make -f Makefile.cvs *** Creating Makefile templates kdoctools/libxslt/Makefile.am:42: variable `M_LIBS' not defined make[1]: *** [cvs] Error 1 make: *** [all] Error 2 Please help
Re: Compiling problems (CVS) - jamal - 2001-11-24
didn't read compilation faq yet , eh ? :) read it.. on number 1
Re: Compiling problems (CVS) - Marko Rosic - 2001-11-25
Yup... that did it :) I've used the ones from cvs though.
This *can't* be the last 2.x release... - Paul Mitcheson - 2001-11-24
First of all let me say the following before you start flaming me... I use KDE on my desktop at home and at work, and it's great. I really appreciate all the effort people are putting in. I will also say, before somone suggests, that I don't have time to do any coding on the project. However... although KDE is improving from release to release, I still do not feel that the 2.x branch (even with 2.2.2) has reached the quality needed for KDE to be accepted by normal business users. There are too many little things that are not right. For instance, when I apply a new widget style, it doesn't apply properly until I log out and in again, and it screws up the colour scheme. Konqueror still does not draw many pages properly. Or perhaps it does not draw (and run Java Script) in a way compatible with IE, for which the pages are written. Either way, I can't view all web content with it. There are a few other small things which I can't remember off hand... Anyway, this brings me to the point that I think someone should continue to develop 2.x code until it is 100% right. It should not be dropped while everyone works on KDE 3. I remember a discussion a while ago about treating KDE development like the linux kernel development, but for some reason which I can't remember, the idea was shot down. What does everyone else think? Paul
Well, this is just ANOTHER _good_ release... - Eron Lloyd - 2001-11-24
Hello, Paul I think I speak for everyone by saying that although I agree that KDE 2.x *may* not be 100%, there is no good reason NOT to keep moving forward, which right now requires us to shift up to QT 3. There are enourmous benefits from doing this, from performance gains to cleaner internal APIs, etc. The shift from 2.x to 3.x will be far less dramatic than the 1.x to 2.x process. Humbly, I am confident in saying that no code is ever quite 100%, yet as of now I think KDE is probably at 89.9%, compared to alternatives :-). Also, from the problems you are experiencing, it sound more like the distro's packaging or a configuration problem. I've not had a serious issue at all for some time on my SuSE setup. Maybe you should try the mailing list. Regards, Eron
Re: Well, this is just ANOTHER _good_ release... - Paul Mitcheson - 2001-11-24
Hi Eron, I'm affraid I am using SuSE 7.3 at work, with their official packages. My flat mate uses it at home, and he too suffers the same problem with widget styles. I also suffer the same probs at home on Solaris. > There is no good reason NOT to keep moving forward Sure, so the KDE community should continue work on 2.x at the same time as 3.x Paul
Well, this is just ANOTHER _good_ release... - Eron Lloyd - 2001-11-24
Hello, Paul I think I speak for everyone by saying that although I agree that KDE 2.x *may* not be 100%, there is no good reason NOT to keep moving forward, which right now requires us to shift up to QT 3. There are enourmous benefits from doing this, from performance gains to cleaner internal APIs, etc. The shift from 2.x to 3.x will be far less dramatic than the 1.x to 2.x process. Humbly, I am confident in saying that no code is ever quite 100%, yet as of now I think KDE is probably at 89.9%, compared to alternatives :-). Also, from the problems you are experiencing, it sound more like the distro's packaging or a configuration problem. I've not had a serious issue at all for some time on my SuSE setup. Maybe you should try the mailing list. Regards, Eron
Re: This *can't* be the last 2.x release... - Aaron J. Seigo - 2001-11-24
> What does everyone else think? that the work being done to bring KDE2 closer to 100% is called KDE3.
Re: This *can't* be the last 2.x release... - Paul Mitcheson - 2001-11-24
Aaron, I appreciate that QT3 has more features and better designed interfaces, but there are differences with QT2. Won't there therefore be more problems with KDE3 because of this move - ie I don't believe kde3.0 will be as bug free as 2.2.2 Perhaps I'm wrong on this issue, I hope so. Regards, Paul
Re: This *can't* be the last 2.x release... - Janne - 2001-11-24
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't KDE3 mostly just a port of KDE2 to QT3? Sure there will be new features and bugfixes as there always is with new release, but mostly it's just to port the desktop to the new version of the toolkit. I think that moving from KDE 2.2.2 to KDE3, is about as big as moving from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0. Or 2.1.0 to 2.2.0. What KDE3 provides is a stable foundation for the future.
Re: This *can't* be the last 2.x release... - someone - 2001-11-24
KDE 3.0 will be a "KDE 2.3 for Qt 3". KDE 3 will be the stable foundation which will last at least as long Qt 3.x is current. KDE 2.0 was released too late so it will be outdated 12 months after it's release, KDE 3's lifetime will be longer.
Re: This *can't* be the last 2.x release... - not me - 2001-11-25
There will be very few, if any QT3-caused problems in the KDE 3 release. Large QT2 applications can be ported to QT3 in hardly any time at all. It actually requires very few changes in the code. Since KDE 3 is now already using QT3, any bugs related to the change will certainly be ironed out by the release several months from now. >>>For instance, when I apply a new widget style, it doesn't apply properly until I log out and in again, and it screws up the colour scheme. Well, since QT draws all the widgets, I'd say this is a QT problem, and not a KDE one. I might be wrong, but I think that porting KDE to QT3 is actually what may fix this problem, as I hear QT's themeing engine is much improved in version 3. Also font handling is supposed to be better, which will help improve KDE's look. Work on Konqueror hasn't stopped because of the move to QT3 either. Just today I read a post by David Faure saying that the Javascript engine was much improved. In stock KDE 2.x, you will notice, Javascript is turned off by default because of its problems and instability. In KDE 3 CVS it is now turned on by default because it has matured greatly. I think that KDE 3 will meet all your expectations for a mature desktop. Even if it doesn't, though, you have no reason to worry. The plan is for KDE 3 to be long-lived, going through many minor versions (3.1, 3.2, 3.3 etc). The 3.x series will definitely mature to perfection.
Re: This *can't* be the last 2.x release... - Alain - 2001-11-25
> I still do not feel that the 2.x branch (even with 2.2.2) has reached the quality needed for KDE to be accepted by normal business users. Oh, KDE troubles your business work ? Why ? You show two examples : 1) > when I apply a new widget style, it doesn't apply properly until I log out and in again, and it screws up the colour scheme. A "business user" does not need to change any widget style, it's not productive, you don't need to play with colours while working !... 2) > Konqueror still does not draw many pages properly But what are you doing while working, now, you surf ? It's not serious, Mr the "business user". Happily KDE is here to avoid such amusements... Thank you KDE !
Re: This *can't* be the last 2.x release... - Paul Mitcheson - 2001-11-25
Alain, I think the KDE people need to stop being offended so easily by a few comments. The community really needs to learn to take criticism. I think KDE is pretty darn good, but you can't argue that it is 100% right. To be honest the win2k GUI is more polished, more reliable, and certainly faster. And don't bother to tell me to "use windoze then". That would be a silly remark. UNIX is the only way to work efficiently. >1) >> when I apply a new widget style, it doesn't apply properly until I log out >>and in again, and it screws up the colour scheme. >A "business user" does not need to change any widget style, it's not >productive, you don't need to play with colours while working !... OK, forget changing the widget style at work. What about when I'm at home? Should I have to log out and in there? >2) >> Konqueror still does not draw many pages properly >But what are you doing while working, now, you surf ? Work, as I put it, is doing a PhD in electrical engineering. Have you any idea just how much academic material there is on the web, and how vital it is to research to be able to sucesfully view it all? For goodness sake guys, I think the KDE project is superb, but you can't say it is 100% yet. It's not and that's how it is. Regards, Paul
Re: This *can't* be the last 2.x release... - Alain - 2001-11-25
> I think the KDE people need to stop being offended so easily by a few comments. You know, my message was just a joke... I thought it was obvious, but no... Perhaps I would have to sign "The boss"... Of course I agree with your comments, and, here, it's not a joke...
Re: This *can't* be the last 2.x release... - Gert-Jan van der Heiden - 2001-11-25
I regret to say that you're right about the stability of the windowz GUI. But fortunatelly KDE is progressing. Furthermore, I think konqueror has more support for protocols than windowz has. (e.g. ftp://) I disagree on you, when you say KDE 2 be 100% ok first, before stepping to KDE 3. I've never in my life seen code that is 100% perfect, it's a farytail! Software should move on. A part of a desktop being accepted (regardless if thay are business users) is that there are new things to see. It keeps the users enthusiastic, "hey the new KDE is out, have you seen it?" KDE still works on stability, as I understood the javascript in konqueror is being improved. I use KDE at work and at home (on Solaris and Linux). I use KDE with joy, but I still get annoing stuff when using konqueror. It would be nice ift here was added some stability in KDE3. Making KDE2 more stable AND porting KDE3 is to much to ask I think.
Re: This *can't* be the last 2.x release... - Majki - 2001-11-25
Have they fix css image positioning? Check www.uniserv.krakow.pl This page wasn't displayed correctly but mozilla displays it good.
Quick Konq DOM question. - Frank Rizzo - 2001-11-24
I know in the previous releases, Konqueror didn't handle consistently the style=display DOM directive, such as these below. <div style=display:none>blah</div> and <div style=display:>blah</div> for hiding and showing page elements. 2.2.1 came real close to doing it the right way. Unfortunately, I can't download & try 2.2.2. So can someone check a page that uses DOM like that and let us all know. One of the pages that uses this technique is the left navigation bar on www.vbrad.com. Thanks. Just a web developer trying to make Konq friendly pages.
Re: Quick Konq DOM question. - Sashmit Bhaduri - 2001-11-24
It *almost* works right here,but I'm using Konq from CVS HEAD. The only quibble I can see si that once you click on a item and the subitems popup, and then you you select another item, the subitems from the first don't always close properly.
Re: Quick Konq DOM question. - Tobias - 2001-11-24
I can confirm exactly this behaviour. But everything else looks good to my eyes.
Re: Quick Konq DOM question. - Julien Olivier - 2001-11-24
If I click on "links", then "about us", there leaves a blank area under links (where the submenu was). If I click on "reviews", then "articles", reviews's submenu stays. Other tests seem to work fine
Re: Quick Konq DOM question. - Frank Rizzo - 2001-11-24
I've submitted this bug to the Konq team a long while ago, when clicking on the sidebar did absolutely nothing and then it was marked fixed.
Mandrake RPMs are crippled - George Staikos - 2001-11-24
Well my post to the kde mailing list was rejected, so I'm posting this here too. I highly advise against using the Mandrake RPMs if you use SSL in any form in Konqueror. They have [partially unsuccessfully] attempted to disable strong encryption. You cannot consider SSL to be secure with these RPMs. I hope to recompile them without these patches and make them available soon.
Minor compilation problem on Solaris 8 - CPH - 2001-11-24
When I compiled kdebase on a Solaris 8 machine ksysguard compilation had a problem as it expects to have a Solaris specifc include file similar to the Linux one ( the name of which escapes me and I am not at work :-). To get this to compile I simlpy copied this Linux specific file into the Solaris subdirectory. However I have not yet tried to make this run. Is there a better solution ? CPH
Re: Minor compilation problem on Solaris 8 - Vladimir Annenkov - 2001-11-25
It appears to work. Inadvertently ksysguardd.h must have been left out of the tarball. By the way, if anyone is interested, there are KDE-2.2.2 binary packages for Solaris 8 x86. http://www.ms.uky.edu/~annenkov/solaris/kde-solaris.cgi The build script and patches for package creation are located in the "build" subdirectory.
Uncrippled mandrake rpms are here.... - George Staikos - 2001-11-24
Uncrippled Mandrake kdebase RPMs are ready at <a href="http://www.staikos.on.ca/~staikos/mdk/">http://www.staikos.on.ca/~staikos/mdk/</a> They are compiled on i686 with Mandrake 8.1.
Konq broken (?) - BJC - 2001-11-25
On my RH 7.2 box, entering text into any form element is like pulling teeth - typed characters take three or more seconds to appear on screen. No other applications appear to suffer this issue. Help?
Re: Konq broken (?) - Dirk - 2001-11-25
Your're not alone. Same problem on RH 7.1. Funy thing is: Once I've killed konqueror and run it agian, no problems anymore.... Any ideas?
Re: Qt broken! - someone - 2001-11-25
Downgrade Qt to 2.3.1 or as a work-around disable Klipper.
Re: Qt broken! - BJC - 2001-11-26
>> Downgrade Qt to 2.3.1 that would break the dependencies on all of the kde* rpms. >> or as a work-around disable Klipper. how? unfortunately it looks like i'll be waiting for the RH-blessed packages, or wait for a bugfix release...sorry guys, i love kde, but this release is broken.
Re: Qt broken! - Jon - 2001-11-26
No, KDE is not broken - it is a known problem with Qt 2.3.2, which is why you are not recommended to use Qt 2.3.2 with KDE 2.2.2. As the announcement says: """ Library Requirements. KDE 2.2.2 requires the following libraries: Qt-2.2.4, which is available in source code from Trolltech as qt-x11-2.2.4.tar.gz, though qt-x11-2.3.1.tar.gz (rather than Qt-2.3.2) is recommended; """ There is no easy way to work around the Qt bug.
Re: Qt broken! - BJC - 2001-11-26
>> No, KDE is not broken - it is a known problem with Qt 2.3.2, which is why you are not recommended to use Qt 2.3.2 with KDE 2.2.2 I know I'm kicking a dead horse here, and I don't want to sound unappreciative, but the RH 72 rpms I downloaded from the official kde download site -require- qt 2.3.2. The rpms for this version of qt are also on the download site. If they are not recommended for use someone should tell the packager. So obviously the resolution is updated packages from Troll. Any idea when these might appear?
MDK... :-( - Xanadu - 2001-11-25
OK, is anyone else (besides me) tired of MDK? I mean, I love them, I *REALLY* do. But I'm, growing VERY tired of the hand-holding and the broken RPM builds. I just finished installing MDK's KDE2.2.2 RPM's on 2 boxes. Both are now broke. BOTH worked PERFECT prior to the "upgrade". One has no sound, (thats the big problem, there are others...) with the other, KDE boots to errors of kicker and noatune not wating to play nice (crashes...). The funny thing is I'm typing this via Konqueror! I had to boot to Gnome to use it! KDE WILL NOT LOAD... :-( I guess I'm off to Debian or something similar (read: BSD).
Re: MDK... :-( - abracadabra - 2001-11-26
Heh...Mandrake is the only distro where I can run X (and KDE) on my machine. I have Via (S3) ProSavage graphic card . SuSe 7.3, Red Hat 7.2 and all Debians fail to find this shit of graphic card. Go on Mandrake :) Yes, Mandrake's RPMS from Cooker are not the best solution. I checked Cooker this night and all kde 2.2.2 packages had not been uploaded yet. For example, kde-pim is still 2.2.1, kdelibs-sound is not there... But, you can always compile kde 2.2.2. It takes a loooot of a time (even on my Athlon 1.2 machine) but it works great.
Re: MDK... :-( - Xanadu - 2001-11-26
Yes, I indend to compile from source (as soon as I can get to it). THe only problem with that is it breaks apt-get to no end. :-(
Re: MDK... :-( - DiCkE - 2001-11-26
If you want new KDE packages fast and stable i would suggest you to try SuSE I did and I never went back;)
Re: MDK... :-( - David Johnson - 2001-11-27
Try FreeBSD out. It won't hold your hand, but I guess you're tired of that anyway.
.Dcopservermypc_:0 file is missing. - seb - 2001-11-26
I can not start kde 2.2.2 from my mandrake 8.0 as a user. .Dcopserver...._:0 file is missing. But If start kde as root no problem. any idea ? I tried to remove from /tmp mcop folder and co. but still nothing .. Thanks in advance for your help
SLow Konqueror file browsing after install - Rukhoven Netherlands - 2001-11-26
I Installed both the "Ben" and the normal RH 7.2 RPM's on my system. They really seem to speed things up, but one great annoyance took its entry. When I log in, the system really hangs on browsing through my filesystem with Konqueror, or any "open file" dialog. It feels a bit like WinXP on a very large lan with the default setting where every Directory change may take up to 5 sec before responding. After say 20 minutes it dissapaears however and everything returns to "normal" Also, during this slow start, logging out and returning to KDM for log in may take upto 15 sec. I have to as here that my system does not have a qualified machine nake as it is behind a NAT server. It has a typical backe-end IP address. Does anyone know what this is? Does it have to do with my not having a machine name?
Re: SLow Konqueror file browsing after install - vkoch - 2001-11-26
I am having the same problem with SUSE 7.3 rpms. Anybody out there how knows what this is?
Re: SLow Konqueror file browsing after install - someone - 2001-11-26
Read the other comments! They tell cause and solution or work-around.
Re: SLow Konqueror file browsing after install - Michiel - 2002-01-13
It seems Qt 2.3.2 is the problem... I installed qt 2.3.2 in kde 2.2-10 and the same problem arose. After downgrading to QT 2.3.1 the problem was gone...
Messed Up in Debian Unstable - mark - 2001-11-26
The debian unstable packages seem to be a bit messed up-for example all of the drop down lists have multiple entries!!! and konquer seems to duplicate every button. Is this a buggy qt or the kde debs? neone also have this problem
Re: Messed Up in Debian Unstable - Janne - 2001-11-26
I have KDE 2.2.2 from Debian unstable and I have no problems with it.
"F13" key - Andy Marchewka - 2001-11-26
In 2.2.1, I was able to map the "Windows" key to the "K" menu through the keyboard mapping applet in KControl. The left "Windows" key showed up as F13. This doesn't seem to work with 2.2.2. The key does not register at all in the mapping applet, and after editing the rc file to force it to "F13", it still doesn't respond. Has this been disabled, or is there something more I need to do to make it work? Thanks.
KDE _IS_ fast! - Hoek - 2001-11-26
For all you who say KDE is slow: Yes, i fully agree, KDE is damn slow. At least in the standard distributions such as Mandrake or SuSE. I got SuSE Linux 7.2 on an AMD 1200 Mhz with 256 MB RAM. KDE was slower than Win 95 on my old P133 with 16 MB RAM (no that's no joke.) Then i got Slackware 8.0 and compiled the 2.2.2 release on my own. I used the following CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS: "-O3 -march=k6" (You also could try to use -march=i686 on a non-AMD processor) KDE now is so damn fast that i can't read the status msg's when ksplash starts =) More optimization tips: - Try to compile as much as you can for your own platform. LFS (linuxfromscratch.org) is the best you could do. Also, you could try to compile XFree86 on your own.. (at least TRY to.. =) - For even more performance, maybe you should try to compile it with gcc-3.x. It has the new -march=athlon switch, interesting for Athlons =) Or, you even could try to compile it with intel's C compiler (icc). I don't know whether QT/KDE compiles with it, but icc gives MUCH more performance to a program than gcc. (see the -ipo switch, for instance). So, as discussed above, if KDE runs slow, it's because your distribution blew it =) Just try to set everything up on your own, and you'll see the difference.
Re: KDE _IS_ fast! - aleXXX - 2001-11-27
Well, I experience the same. KDE 2.2.1 on Suse 7.3 on an Athlon 1GHz doesn't feel *that* much faster than my self-compiled 2.2.1 on Slackware 7.0 K6/200. Even without march=k6 I think I heard some times that -O3 might introduce various problems ? Alex
Small Problems with 7.2 RPMs on RH 7.1 - Clemens - 2001-11-28
Yeah, nice release but still has some minor bugs. Two things that I really find nasty. a) after installing the 7.2 RPMs X doesn't start in init 5 anymore. I can only start it as a user. Many thing, but shouldn't be. b) That stupid KDE clock is even more stupider and sucks. After update I suddenly had a total wrong time, setting it (timezone) didn't help any only a force restart of the kicker. Later that day I hade a wrong time in the clock again, although it was shown correct in the "Adjust Date & Time ..." dialog. Somehow it is very strange why KDE doesn't use the System settings ... mfg clemens
It's just as nasty to install (Even using RPM's) - Joe User - 2001-11-30
With RedHat 7.2, fully up2date, trying to update to KDE 2.2.2 gives: [root@HardHat i386]# rpm -Uvh *.rpm error: failed dependencies: libfam.so.0 is needed by kdeaddons-kate-2.2.2-1 libfam.so.0 is needed by kdeaddons-konqueror-2.2.2-1 libfam.so.0 is needed by kdeaddons-noatun-2.2.2-1 libSDL-1.2.so.0 is needed by kdeaddons-noatun-2.2.2-1 libfam.so.0 is needed by kdeadmin-2.2.2-2 librpm-4.0.3.so is needed by kdeadmin-2.2.2-2 librpmbuild-4.0.3.so is needed by kdeadmin-2.2.2-2 librpmdb-4.0.3.so is needed by kdeadmin-2.2.2-2 librpmio-4.0.3.so is needed by kdeadmin-2.2.2-2 libvorbis is needed by kdebase-2.2.2-1 libfam.so.0 is needed by kdebase-2.2.2-1 libcrypto.so.2 is needed by kdebase-2.2.2-1 libssl.so.2 is needed by kdebase-2.2.2-1 libfam.so.0 is needed by kdebindings-2.2.2-1 libfam.so.0 is needed by kdebindings-kmozilla-2.2.2-1 python2 >= 2.1 is needed by kdebindings-python-2.2.2-1 libfam.so.0 is needed by kdegames-2.2.2-1 libfam.so.0 is needed by kdegraphics-2.2.2-1 libfam.so.0 is needed by kdelibs-2.2.2-1 libpcreposix.so.0 is needed by kdelibs-2.2.2-1 libpcre.so.0 is needed by kdelibs-2.2.2-1 pcre-devel is needed by kdelibs-devel-2.2.2-1 libfam.so.0 is needed by kdelibs-sound-2.2.2-1 libfam.so.0 is needed by kdemultimedia-2.2.2-1 libfam.so.0 is needed by kdenetwork-2.2.2-1 libfam.so.0 is needed by kdepim-2.2.2-1 libfam.so.0 is needed by kdepim-cellphone-2.2.2-1 libfam.so.0 is needed by kdepim-pilot-2.2.2-1 libfam.so.0 is needed by kdesdk-2.2.2-1 libfam.so.0 is needed by kdetoys-2.2.2-1 libfam.so.0 is needed by kdeutils-2.2.2-1 libfam.so.0 is needed by kdevelop-2.0.2-2 kdesupport is needed by koffice-2.0.1-2 kdesupport is needed by kpppload-1.04-23 kdesupport is needed by kdbg-1.2.0-3 KDE runs fine in a single directory. Why all this complex install nonsense anyway? Why scatter the files throughout the filesystem?
Re: It's just as nasty to install (Even using RPM's) - Asif Ali Rizwaan - 2001-12-01
Visit http://rpmfind.net, and search the files which are needed. Just enter the 'libfam.so.0' in the search field, and you will get the package. I don't have any problem with update except that kdeadmin which needed rpm 4.0.3, which is a package of RH 7.2 not RH 7.1, so a "rpm -Uvh kdeadmin*.rpm --force" will be good. but before that copy the 'kpackage' of kde 2.2.1 or 2.1 somewhere then restore to use it. and KDE 2.2.2 is much faster than KDE 2.2.0. and many bugs have been fixed.
Re: It's just as nasty to install (Even using RPM's) - S Ware Developer - 2002-02-03
Typical of Linux developers I'm afraid. Apple, and that other company, insist on standards for developers. Obviously, the Opensource community cannot impose such standards. It's up to Joe Public to boycott devlopment work which means that we spend more time trying to install the stuff that to actually use it. Only today, I tried to install KPHPDevelop, but the ./config script refused to work as apparently my gcc compiler is a bit old. Unless Linux developers realise that binary installers are the way forward, such as those employed by win32 and MacOS systems, then Linux will forever be a darkroom toy. Me? I'm waiting for LindowsOS. Then I won't have to worry about all this lack of discipline shown by developers. Linux as an OS is excellent. Unfortunately, those who develop for it, are not.
Fell down a rathole. - Dale Drummond - 2002-03-19
In the process of upgrading to 2.2.2, I ran into a dependency, which led to other dependencies, which led me to a dead end, like so: libfam-->xinetd-->rc-scripts-->iproute2-->libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2.3) In attempting to install the packages for glibc 2.2.90-8, I got this: /bin/sh: /lib/i686/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_PRIVATE' not found (required by /lib/libdl.so.2) /bin/sh: /lib/ld-linux.so.2: version `GLIBC_2.1.1' not found (required by /lib/i686/libc.so.6) /bin/sh: /lib/ld-linux.so.2: version `GLIBC_2.2.3' not found (required by /lib/i686/libc.so.6) /bin/sh: /lib/ld-linux.so.2: version `GLIBC_2.2' not found (required by /lib/i686/libc.so.6) Is this a kernel module that I need to upgrade? Geez, this is so much more difficult that I thought it was going to be.