Christian Couder is a contributor to the KDevelop project. He is working on integrating Eiffel language development support into the third iteration of KDevelop (codename: Gideon). Christian answers Tink's questions in this week's edition of the People Behind KDE.
Eiffel : higher and higher - Capitaine Igloo - 2002-01-08
"on integrating Eiffel language development support into the third iteration of KDevelop"
Whaou, it's a very good idea. I love Eiffel, it's my favorite OO language (even if KDE is developing with C++ ;).
how about Haskell suport :( - Simplemind - 2002-01-09
That would be a very good idea. It's my favourite functional language...
[I know... stupid post, but you never know if someone is going to love the idea and do it ;)
Plus, gtk already has haskell bindings, there has been a lot of talk about a GUI library for haskell and I'd love to see it done in Qt+KDE :)]
Re: how about Haskell suport :( - chouimat - 2002-01-09
Did Haskell support C++ bindings?
Re: how about Haskell suport :( - Simplemind - 2002-01-09
This should be enough,
There are C bindings for Qt now...