In this fascinating interview, Eric Laffoon and András Mantia give us a glimpse into the world of the Quanta Plus project. Read on for everything from tantalising references to Kommander, billed by Eric to be part of the foundations for the next generation desktop and user experience, to details of future plans for Quanta VPL (Visual Page Layout). We also launch a call for help from the users, either in the form of Quanta contributions or much-needed donations to help sponsor the work.
VPL - Jono Bacon - 2003-04-22
Hi all,
I used to maintain the WYSIWYG editor project Kafka, and I just thought I would give a pat on the back to the hackers who are adding this support ot Quanta. I was contacted in the early days about this support to Quanta and decided to approach it in a seperate application as I didnt want to clog Quanta with it.
After some hindsight, WYSIWYG support in Quanta is a good thing. Although many professional coders dont use this, it will open up the application to those people who are less hardcore and just want to put some static pages on the web.
WYSIWYG support in Quanta is going to be a hard task, and I had a hell of a time with it in Kafka. It is certainly not impossible, and some advice from the KWord team may be helpfull in coding the conversion of events to code. I wish the team all the best and maybe one day I will join and get involved again. My time for KDE has been limited somewhat as I have moved onto other projects and commitments.
Good luck chaps and I look forward to running your code. :D
Jono Bacon
PS - One hint. Dont use the acronym VPL. Here in England a lot of people refer to this as a Visible Panty Line; i.e, when you can see a young ladies knickers through her skirt. I would suggest a different acronym or the kind of hilary that was associated with kant might happen again.
Re: VPL - KDE User - 2003-04-22
LOL @ VPL.. I vote we keep it. :)
Re: VPL - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-22
I have to admit I wanted something besides WYSIWYG for two reasons. One is I was really getting sick of typing it over and over... the other is all the negative connotations in how is has been poorly implemented in the past that I wanted to distance myself from. Having this other meaning brought to my attention... well this sounds like a great opportunity for a risque advertising campaign if we were a commercial project. Now I'm going to laugh every time I save time typing. ;-)
Re: VPL - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-22
I felt rather fortunate when Andras and I had been talking about visual page layout and Nicolas dropped the Kafka part in our lap. Of course Jono was leading this project some time back and we had discussed if we might have some collaboration. While there is still a fair amount of work to do I certainly want to acknowlege Jono for his efforts. Also he did an amazing job laying out the project. Any project would be fortunate to have his efforts. I think one key here is that the huge amount of work we have put into Quanta in the last two years makes it a vastly enhanced platform that solves a lot of problems on the back end for the kafka part. So it is, after all this time, a perfect marraige. I'd like to say I planned it that way, but I can honestly say at one time I did and it has been in a general sense my plan to round Quanta out with this feature.
I would not say most serious developers will not use it either. We're really working to provide an implementation unlike anything in the past that is compelling and functional in ways that have not been previously available. We've got some very good people on this.
It's really nice to hear from Jono on this. Thanks Jono.
Re: VPL - Jono Bacon - 2003-04-22
Thanks very much for your kind words Eric.
My work on Kafka was an effort that was essentially limited by time and experience. I had done some development on other applications for KDE, but my lack of knowledge of XML and DOM in Qt and KHTML made the learning curve steep. Although my knowledge has furthered since then, I am glad I did not litter the Quanta tree with my learning curve. ;) Luckily, the developers behind Quanta have got some solid experience in this area, and the likelyhood of adding a WYSIWYG component is far better given the qualified structure and backend of Quanta.
I am really impressed with Quanta and the direction it is taking. I think few people are fully aware of the struggle the Quanta project has faced over tha past years and Eric is one guy that I would truly love to meet and buy him a beer. There are some Open Source developers who *really* make a difference and Eric is one of them.
Quanta has gone from being a basic web editor to one that is making real waves on functionality. I for one use it every day for PHP / HTML / XML / XSL development, and I think the project really is going to be a killer app for Linux when the WYSIWYG component is added.
Re: VPL - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-22
Wow! I'm blown away. You're welcome for the kind words Jono. I'm afraid I'm going to have trouble coming up with something as glowing as this. ;) You're on for that beer. For a guy I had a bit of a freindly rivalry with I'm pretty much speechless. I've always felt a bit like an outsider trying to fit in with all these really cool developers like Jono. What can I say... I'll take that beer. It's a ways from Oregon to GB but I hope to be able to manage the trip to Nove Hrady in August. I figure I can be the lost american who looks up to a bunch of guys half his age and tries not to look stupid. ;-)
Whenever I see you Jono you're on for the beer, and I will be looking forward to it at least as much as you. If you ever get an itch to do some coding on a good KDE app drop me a line. ;-)
Re: VPL - LSV - 2003-04-22
Well the acronym is international I believe, in France we say LSV : Ligne du Slip Visible, most of the guys love it, as it's rather suggestive, amd make the imagination very active :)
Re: VPL - macewan - 2003-04-23
actually calling it vpl might help encourage people to make donations to the project. *grabs credit card* ;-)
Re: VPL - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-23
I had no idea... I'll have to order some lacy panties from Victoria's Secret and then print "Quanta with VPL" on them to hang from your car mirror for our next merchandise item. ;-)
(Actually I told my wife I would not order from them any more because all I ever got was lingerie and that's not what the picture showed!)
Catnip and Quanta - V. B. - 2003-04-22
I love Quanta and Cats.
I don't understand too much about HTML, CSS and programing but I did a great site about enviromental education with Quanta. Eric and Adrás, thanks for this great free software.
I had, sometime at the past, 12 black cats, Bombaim. That time I was living at rural area.
But about the catnip, this is a plant that makes the cats get high, go on nuts, hallucinated. Whoooouuu mannnn meowww !! =8-D
Re: Catnip and Quanta - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-22
Cats are great! They have a very interesting social structure. They are very smart and contrary to myth can be trained well and are quite loyal. However they abound in personality and individuality. They can tell time without a clock and are great alarm clocks as well as excellent companions. It's funny that I have a business based on those little furry beasts. I love 'em.
When you talk catnip though you have to keep Kitty Hooch seperate. Kitty Hooch is grown in a climate controled environment with as much organic nutrient as is possible to to affect their growth. In fact it's downright freaky! They're only supposed to grow 3 feet tall (1 meter) but I have pictures of me harvesting flower buds from 8 foot (3.7 meter) plants! Kitty Hooch is Catnip++.
Last weekend we sold catnip toys to several visitors from Germany and we have had our toys go as far away as the UK, New Zealand and Isreal. Kitty Hooch, like Quanta, is a lot of fun. It's the other "accidental endeavor" I'm becoming world famous for. I think I must be one lucky guy. ;-)
Re: Catnip and Quanta - Khalid - 2003-04-22
I don't thing that you are just "lucky" Eric :), I think that you do your job or your hobby and talk about them with a lot of _passion_, and its shows !!, a french philosopher used to say "Nothing great can be achieved without passion"
Re: Catnip and Quanta - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-22
That's what I like about KDE people... they're smart. When I was a top performing sales manager in my region one of my mentors told me that he believed my success was due to my passion. I have seen people who were total failures at everything find one thing they were passionate about and achieve fame and fortune... just for doing what others did with more passion.
I decided long ago to approach whatever I did with passion. My life is not always easy and I think a lot of people could not handle the uncertainty and sacrifice often required to be self employed. I don't really believe in luck. It's just an expression. Still when I reflect that I spend most of my time doing things I love and my work makes a difference to thousands of people... It is pretty amazingly good considering I fell into both Kitty Hooch and Quanta. That's no lack of good fortune.
Re: Catnip and Quanta - cwoelz - 2003-04-22
Well, Eric, I was thinking about helping you out with Quanta for some time. I am not a web developer, nor a quanta user, but I respect what you are doing for free software. Software prices should decline with time, since there are no marginal production cost, but we are seeing unfair prices for software that have not changed a lot in the last ten years.
Don't get me wrong, I am a liberal (in the european laisser faire, laisser passer sense, not in the american sense), small state, etc... I just think the prices are unfair, ando more, that people are unfairly transfering income to market monopolies. So I think this (helping free software) is the right think to do, it is cool, it help the small companies around the world, avoid income transfer from the poor to the rich, it make sense in economical terms (Inovative commercial software will allways have it value. But non inovative commercial software will have trouble with free software. Free software will allways have limited resources. Most of us are here for the free ride.
I could give money for other projets or developers, some of them more useful to me. But i think you and Quanta deserve it most.
Keep the great work.
Re: Catnip and Quanta - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-23
Hi Carlos,
that's very well put. I think some people might initially get the idea I'm anti-business and then be confused that I'm pro business. I just believe like you in equitable business and against monopolistic wealth transfers. I can tell you what store markups are on products and what reasonable costs are. Unfortunately commercial software seems to never want to get real. If Quanta were sold at $5 a copy (not practical because of the GPL) and we had near our current user base I'd be a millionaire. Go figure!
I would not change things if I could though. I believe in free software. I also believe in people like yourself that will take action to do what they believe is right in their heart without the software being held hostage. There are hundreds of KDE programs alone. Free software is good. The alternative would cost me more than Quanta has. ;-)
Thanks for your kind words.
Re: Catnip and Quanta - KDE User - 2003-04-23
"Just moment ago I finished putting together a 50 page annual report - I decided at the very beginning of the project to give Quanta a shot; I knew I was in for a lot of copy and paste, I've been working with vi for ages and had a feeling that I may be able to save time by taking this on using Quanta."
Its on /. already. I hope you have a steady heart to deal with it. LOL.
Re: Catnip and Quanta - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-23
SlashDot has to have become the cesspool of the internet. I've never seen a bunch of high minded whiners that need to do laps around the video arcade and so bad in my life. Intelligent and civil conversation seems to be frowned on there replaced by schoolyard banter presented as if there were some superior intelligence involved. I guess it's the initial rush of testosterone that sparks all the acne... I just have little use for it since it is now the cool place for teen aged windoze users to preen and pontificate. Perhaps I should change that to deficate because that seems to be the general content.
I couldn't find your post but I now know I'm an idiot for not writing Quanta in GTK2, for writing it to begin with, for not settling for a console app, for not chaning it's name, for introducing Kommander... I did not check below the threshold for eating, talking, breathing or whether the vote was in on whether I should be allowed to procreate.
Thanks for reminding me why I don't go there. ;-)
Re: Catnip and Quanta - KDE User - 2003-04-23
It's not my post but you can see it here
Re: Catnip and Quanta - KDE User - 2003-04-23
Some of it is good too.
Re: Catnip and Quanta - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-23
> Some of it is good too.
Hmmm... it's like they somehow set those to below the threshhold and focus the annoying ones at me. Well I have to say I may have been overly harsh in my review. I still find the noise annoying but apparently not all the adults have left the building. My apologies. There are some very nice comments here, including one from one of our contributors today. I would certainly not want to insult them most of all.
BTW I do vastly enjoy the sanitized digest you provided. I think you have a real marketable service going there. ;-) filtered content... I like it.
Re: Catnip and Quanta - xxl - 2003-04-23
If Quanta were sold at $5 a copy (not practical because of the GPL) and we had near our current user base I'd be a millionaire. Go figure!
If Quanta were sold at $5 a copy you wouldn't have got the current user base by far. There's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. Go figure :)
Re: Catnip and Quanta - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-23
> If Quanta were sold at $5 a copy you wouldn't have got the current user base by far. There's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. Go figure :)
True, but forgetting the logistical licensing issues and my personal convictions it does server to illustrate how far afield the commercial model is when competative packages go for $50-$500. Giving away version 1 of a piece of software to get the user base and charging $20 for a lifetime upgrade could yield more revenue than $50 and $35 for each upgrade. The current model is based on small market penetration and hoping to strike it rich with a big hit. It's not just M$ that is promoting free software by broken assumptions.
BTW since Quanta can be updated by XML, any scripting language and Kommander dialogs it essentially would not be able to sell upgrades as it's user extensible. These are other design considerations that commercial software vendors can't afford because it weakens their posture to get more money from their best market, existing customers.
Re: Catnip and Quanta - Roberto Alsina - 2003-04-23
Make it shareware. IT is legal, you know ;-)
Ok, it is not legal to say "use it for 30 days or register", but a copyright notice (and donation request) on startup would not be out of line, and would be covered by the GPL as not removeable, IMVHO.
In fact, I have been meaning to do that, just to see if RMS finally blows a fuse ;-)
Re: Catnip and Quanta - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-23
> Make it shareware. IT is legal, you know ;-)
Oh common... give me a break. I was just trying to illustrate a point about commercial software.
> Ok, it is not legal to say "use it for 30 days or register", but a copyright notice (and donation request) on startup would not be out of line, and would be covered by the GPL as not removeable, IMVHO.
Hmmm... we have a donation menu item in the help menu. I'm betting it's been sanitized in at least Red hat. Including it in the copyright notice and flashing it at startup had not occured to me. ;-)
> In fact, I have been meaning to do that, just to see if RMS finally blows a fuse ;-)
Oh yes... I can see you doing this. ;-) Please make sure I have a seat for the festivities. ;-)
fish:// - Ian - 2003-04-22
A large reason I use quanta is because the KDE open dialog has support for SCP with the fish:// protocol. It means you can work with the files of any computer with SCP as if they were on your machine. I've always thought that KDE's Open/Save dialog box was one of KDE strongest points, it is definitedly one of those little things that can make a big difference. I really wish GTK would come up with a better one, as there some GTK programs that I still use.
The other nifty thing about quanta is the code completion for PHP. I wish I had that when I was doing Ada development (its what we learn in our introductory Computer Science courses.) Features like that, where you don't have to figure out some dialog box or use a wizard but our integrated into the editor itself are often the most valuable.
Re: fish:// - nac - 2003-04-22
Gtk 2.4 will finally have a new Open/Save dialog (with everything that should be in a modern O/S dialog).
Re: fish:// - AC - 2003-04-22
Fish does not use scp.
Re: fish:// - Iuri Fiedoruk - 2003-04-22
Humm... I think it does...
There is no word about scp in their homepage (, but
at they say it does support scp...
Re: fish:// - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-22
I seem to remember that it is SSH/SCP too. I'm not sure how you would transfer the files with SSH alone.
Re: fish:// - Mike Hearn - 2003-04-22
I think programs that just use SSH basically connect then do a cat on a file, ie simple shell manipulation.
Keep up the good work. Quanta looks like the best bet for a GUI web designer :)
Re: fish:// - AC - 2003-04-22
Fish installs a perl script on the host which implements a simple protocol for file operations. No scp involved.
Re: fish:// - Stephan - 2003-04-23
Yes, if you want scp, you can use sftp:// (AFAIK) instead, works very well
PHP Code completion - McTrex - 2003-04-22
I must be missing something, but in my version of Quanta I can't use PHP code completion. I'm using Quanta Plus 3.1. Maybe someone can tell me where to find it?
Thanx in advance,
Re: PHP Code completion - Andras Mantia - 2003-04-22
Well, it definetely should be there. Try the following(s):
a<--press CTRL-SPACE
$(if you have other variables, they should pop up)
abs(<--press CTRL-SPACE
and similar combinations.
Re: PHP Code completion - McTrex - 2003-04-23
Thanx a lot, I didn't search enough, sorry!
Thanks Quanta Team - Alex - 2003-04-22
Thanks for all your fantastic work, it really is by far my favorite web development tool for Linux. Dreamweaver MX is still ahead IMO, but the quata team has nowhere near the same resources as Macromedia. In addition, the imrovements made with each Quanta version sem much bigger to me than the ones I see in each new Dreamweaver version.
BTW András I too am from Romania =)! I moved to the US in 3rd grad, but I back to Romania every 2 years. I'm not too good at writting in romanian, but let me try.
Ce may faci? Si, in ce oras traesti? Eu traesc in Iasi, aproape de Bucharest.
Anyway... thanks, both of you =)
Re: Thanks Quanta Team - Andras Mantia - 2003-04-22
I don't know how many people work on Dreamweaver, but I belive at least 10. Well, taking in account Kommander, DTD definitions, documentation and project management, we are 6. There are also some other contributors, with more or less frequent code submitting. By looking at the CVS commit logs, this number drops down.... Anyway, as we stated in lot of places, we don't try to copy Dreamweaver, but go on our own way. Of course good ideas are welcome, but saying that "look at Dreammeaver/Homesite/etc." is wrong, as we usually don't have those applications on our systems.
PS: And some word in Romanian: Salut, momentan locuiesc in Cluj, dar sunt originar din Sf. Gheorghe, jud. Covasna, si dorim sa-ne mutam inapoi aici. Nici eu nu scriu/vorbesc prea bine romaneste, dar asta se explica destul de usor, romana nefiind limba mea materna. Altfel ma simt bine, numai daca n-ar fi birocratia asta din Romania....
Multi layered tabs!! - Benjamin Meyer - 2003-04-22
Taking a look at the screenshots I see multi layered tabs, oh no! Someone should tell them about kjanuswidget!
-Benjamin Meyer
Re: Multi layered tabs!! - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-22
Okay I'll bite. It's not on or Where must one look? ;-)
Re: Multi layered tabs!! - Richard Moore - 2003-04-22
Take a look at:
Re: Multi layered tabs!! - Andras Mantia - 2003-04-22
As I understood KJanusWidget is designed for configuration dialogs (I heard about it, but never used in code). On which screenshot you saw that the KJanusWidget would be useful?
Re: Multi layered tabs!! - Richard Moore - 2003-04-22
I think he's probably referring to the action configurations dialog which is a bit of a usability nightmare I'm afraid. I'm not 100% certain how KJanusWidget would help here though.
ps. You've probably use KJanusDialog alrady via KDialogBase.
Re: Multi layered tabs!! - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-22
Hi Rich!
The actions dialog *was* a bit of a usability nightmare. Have you seen the one in CVS? It's been totally reworked for just that reason. It feels like coming out of a straightjacket on meds to a nice spring day. ;-)
Until you pointed it out I did not realize KJanusWidget was in the offical KDE. To me this looks like a perfect building block for some new Kommander widgets. BTW I thought he was referring to the file tabs but we do have the pop up file listbox.
Re: Multi layered tabs!! - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-22
I almost forgot... here, have a screenshot.
Re: Multi layered tabs!! - Richard Moore - 2003-04-22
That's much better!
Re: Multi layered tabs!! - Ravi - 2003-04-22
Here's an example of an entire application based around KJanusWidget:
<a href="">~ravi/cvs.png</a>.
You can find it in kdenonbeta/frontman. I was surprised when I actually learned that KControl does not use KJanusWidget. It could use some developer attention, as its internals have been significantly modified in the last 3 months.
Quanta is cool. - Michael - 2003-04-22
I use it all the time now for PHP editing. It's the small things that are realy helpful. Like automatic variable completion. You use a long variable name (like $number_of_records) once and the next time you type $nu... you just have to press enter to get the whole variable name. Pretty cool. Syntax colouring has also been fixed what I'm still missing is the ability to select a different colour for <? and ?> which is important for mixed HTML/PHP documents. Furthermore the file selector is still a mess and "automatically" undocks all of a sudden due to a bug.
Something like in HomeSite (press F9 to open, click one or more files to open, press F9 to close again) would be nice. Currently I mapped Ctrl+Q to "Open" and made the Open dialogue window full screen. The maximized state is fortunately saved. Now I press Ctrl+Q which
is easier to do with the left hand only than Ctrl+O and can select a file. The bad points about
this workaround are: You cannot open various files at once (except clumsily using
Ctrl to select multiple files and this works only in the same folder) and Quanta forgets about the last folder next time and chooses the folder the current file is in. Sometimes not even that.
This is the only real bad point I can say about Quanta. Otherwise everyone who hasn't tried it yet for PHP should definitively give it a spin.
Re: Quanta is cool. - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-22
Have you tried project views? You can set your current group of files and loaded toolbars as a view. You can open and close all the files at once from the menu while simultaniously loading and unloading the toolbars. Get the files you want open and define your view. You can add or remove files from a view too. Why muck with all those selections when you can make a group to single click.
Re: Quanta is cool. - Martin - 2003-04-22
Thanks for your answer but this is not what I need.
I do not want to open a group of files at once that I have
predefined before. I need a better way of opening
various files across folders that I need on that day
all of a sudden.
Re: Quanta is cool. - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-22
Would the file upload tree widget be better suited? We could create a multiple file open from it's selection output listed from project files...
Re: Quanta is cool. - Michael - 2003-04-22
Why so complicated? The only IMO simple thing I'm requesting here
is the ability to open and hide a file selector with separate folder
and file view on key press. In HomeSite you can press F9, the source code
gets narrower and docked on the left hand side there is a file selector which
disappears when you press F9 again. It's so simple it's difficult to describe
it better. This is something I really miss and the functionality is basically
already there in Quanta. But there are some bugs in Quanta which prevent me from
doing this. I would be really glad if you fixed this one day. But even without
that it's a fine product, so I'm patient.
Re: Quanta is cool. - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-22
You're talking making the file tree on the left collapsable? This is something we've wanted to get to for some time. We may be adapting some of the UI functionality of Gideon too. At least one developer has expressed interest in doing that.
(k)vim part - m. - 2003-04-22
Are you planning support (k)vim part in quanta?
Re: (k)vim part - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-22
Not specifically. ;-) But it will most likely happen. We are getting closer to where we able to do so without it being too difficult. However it would probably happen a lot faster if a motivated coder were to want to join the project with that objective.
Re: (k)vim part - ian reinhart geiser - 2003-04-22
Its already there, and has been there for some time. You see Quanta uses KTextEditor to do all of its editing. So KVim part can be used. Although I must warn you VIM is a very primitive editor, and may not do everything you want it to do. Kate is the best, but the Qt Editor is getting better to, especially for C-like languages. Kate has some neat features like code folding, code completion, syntax hl, and dynamic word wrap.
Word is there is a NEdit part on the way too, again, limited but allows Geeks to be as geeky as possible.
Really the Vim stuff will gain you nothing more than some Geek factor and a good case of turrettes syndrome.
-ian reinhart geiser
Re: (k)vim part - fault - 2003-04-22
> Really the Vim stuff will gain you nothing more than some Geek factor and a good case of turrettes syndrome.
And a great deal of added producivity!
Re: (k)vim part - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-22
> > Really the Vim stuff will gain you nothing more than some Geek factor and a good case of turrettes syndrome.
> And a great deal of added producivity!
It's not that I'm against making it available but it will lose features compared to the current editor. Look at what Ian listed. I would really conjecture that it could add that much productivity, especially sacrificing things like code completion. The real key as I'm told is the key bindings and scripts you can set up... however note the new Actions dialog I posted here (in another thread). Quanta currently has the ability to do quite a lot with keystoke binding and actions. Actions can run scripts in any language and interact with the editor. In CVS we're improving the DCOP bindings and you can now fully release project actions to make semi polymorphic project keystroke actions. (There's some geek appeal ;) CVS has new code shortcuts that can enable you to use "js" and Alt-J to create Javascript tags for instance. Kommander dialogs can be helpful even to vim types on large complex PHP classes...
Every time I try to see if there is something I'm missing and I engage in discussion on the vim mystique it comes down finally to the difference being binding some of the cursor movement keys. Let's be fair. Quanta is already one hell of a productive environment and lots of vim users are getting hooked. I seriously wonder how many will switch back to the default editor for better features instead of staying for old keystrokes once it's available.
Re: (k)vim part - Andras Mantia - 2003-04-22
Just a correction: the basics are there. Last time when I tried to use KVim in Quanta didn't worked, possibly due to a bug in the KTextEditor implementation of KVim. I haven't played with it recently, but as I would to make more independent of Kate part itself, and rely only on the KTextEditor interfaces, it may be so that KVim will be usable in Quanta starting from version 3.2. But I would expect to feature losses when you switch to the vim part. But there aren't promises. ;-)
Re: (k)vim part - HEY MAN ! - Lovechild - 2003-04-23
I happen to suffer from Tourette' Syndrome and I also like VIM... -- No I had Tourrette' LONG before I discovered VIM, so don't use that as proof for your theory.
- David Nielsen
Thanks to the Dot! - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-22
I just wanted to thank Navindra and the editors for the good press. Of course thanks goes to Andreas and Klaus for the original interview. It's both humbling and gratifying to get the attention we do here at the Dot. I realize a lot of that comes from having a large user base too. I can't say how much I appreciate that as well. We have great users. On the weekends I do the Portland Saturday Market with Kitty Hooch. I strike up conversations with other vendors there in the morning and come to find out they do their web sites with Quanta. It's really a very cool experience. Everyone I talk with is very positive. If they're not running KDE their friend is.
Quanta has been a tremendously positive experience and I just want to express my appreciation for all who continue to make it so gratifying and larger than the sum of it's parts. Enjoy!
WYSIWYG - Bert - 2003-04-22
Nice option. I think Dreamweaver is a very nice tool with some bad IDE. Quanta may fill the gap. I hope you will better support CSS than Mozilla-Composer. And there will be some code cleanup utilitys plugged into, for Word html ecc.
quanta is a killer application! - Androgynous Howard - 2003-04-22
Whenever I want to convince somebody to try out KDE, I just have to let them look over my shoulder while I do some work with quanta and konqueror. Sooner or later they will ask me where they can get those cool applications for windows. I tell them that they can't, because these are unix applications. Then I burn them a knoppix cd to try it out at home and they are hooked. Works every time.
Thanks a lot to eric and andrás for your good work.
Don't forget Kurumim - V. B. - 2003-04-22
For brasilian guys. If you are thinking about Knoppix like a penguin marketing tool, give a chance for Kurumim. It's small, could be burned at a mini-cd, pretty beautiful and 100% brasilian portuguese. A gret KDE marketing tool.
Re: quanta is a killer application! - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-22
Ah-Ha! Quanta is a killer app... and that means you have to be one of our best "hit men" as it appears to be a big hit with your friends. Now for a little extra razzle dazzle throw in a dash of Kommander for something they surely don't have and show them how easy it is to make a dialog for your custom PHP functions and launch it from a toolbar or keystroke. Add that to a live preview test bench (load your project on your local server and set the project preview) and they will need a tall iced coffee to get the glazed look out of their eyes. ;-)
Take care of your own life! - AC - 2003-04-22
While I appreciate, maybe even adore your spirit to work full-time on free software for little pay: if you can not earn enough money by working on free software, you shouldnt do it. Free software is nice, I believe in it as well and spend the largest part of my spare time working on it. But I will not give up my financial security for it, and I don't think that anyone should.
If you don't take care of yourself because you deserve it, then do it for the other developers. By working for too little money you practically devalue your work, and by releasing it as free software also the work of all other developers. In the end free software can only work when somebody pays for it, just like for proprietary software. There may be no margins that are comparable to Microsoft's with free software, but programmers should not worry about buying a CD either...
Re: Take care of your own life! - MrGrim - 2003-04-22
It's been a while since I fed the trolls... so here goes.
There are these things that many peopl ehave called beliefs or ideals. You might have some, hell financial security might be one of them. Many of the people that dedicate so much time to free software do it because they believe it is right. Money does not have any effect on a person who truely believes in what he does. It's just like any other kind of volunteer work. You might not be able to handle not having financial security, but for others financial insecurity might not bother them. I know it does not bother me. I've been without money before, and it's not that big a deal really. While it is a sad thing we live in a world where people like these have to do this kind of thing for free, things are not going to change.
Speaking as someone who was just laid off this very day, I find the idea of just packing up my shit in my car and hitting the road to see where it takes me pretty exciting, and it wouldn't be the first time either. These people love what they do, don't try to take that away from them. Some things are just more important than money.
Re: Take care of your own life! - David Syes - 2003-04-22
Well said, Mr. Grim.
I was laid off myself in Jan 2001, and it was frightening at first, sometimes inducing "rapid weight loss sessions" during the days....
I also develop (not a programmer, but a wysiwyg app user) interfaces and database tools for a zero-income-generating hobby of mine from which I hope to earn income by selling support rather than directly charging for my created apps. I develop them in Lotus Approach and Lotus WordPro, but hope someday there will be a tool that lets me create non-dba applications in Linux. I need and crave a non-server, non-ms-acess-imitating interface that is flexible enough to let me make it LOOK like what I want so I can work THEN go on to focus on my data mining or generation. (BOy, I wish I had 100,000,000 to buy SmartSuite off of IBM. I'd GIVE it to the OSDN & KDE so they could gut SmartSuite and give it new life instead of what it's currently doing: Languishing in windoze land, slowly dying and not even seeing a port to Linux (maybe WINE & other developments are not making it worh IBM's while???)
Too often too many of us (indivs as well as corps) "live" around money and image and status. Too much is hoarded and squirreled away, and the REAL denigration of "free" work is not that it is being DONE for free by those who love it, but rather the damage is being done by those who fail to help promote the free-maker. What I mean is that rather than poo-poo or not even pitch a dime, at the very LEAST the new observer can help promote or advertise or spread word to any possibly interested person.
Go Mr. Knoppix-burner. Keep getting them Hooked. & Mr. Grim, despite your handle, I like your reply.
David Syes
Re: Take care of your own life! - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-23
I was really touched by this. I just wanted to offer my encouragement and best wishes. I have personally grown so disillusioned with employers I only view myself as a viable employer. I have been wealthy and I have been poor... but most of all I prized being free above all else. Here's hoping you find real happiness and freedom where the road takes you.
Re: Take care of your own life! - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-22
I don't know whether this is directed at Andras or me... and I don't know why. I can't fully speak for Andras but it is my understanding he is making comparable money to what he would be making in his local job market. However his local job market does not have a 40 hour work week, would have him on MFC and he would be spending a lot of time away from home and not have the freedom to come and go as he pleases and go visit family and work from his notebook. I believe he also loves what he does.
For myself I cannot devote the time I'd like which is why I sponsor him. My current business, Kitty Hooch, is in it's third year and has been very successful. Our present financial stress comes from an issue of low inventory temporarily affecting cash flow combined with required expansion expenses. I will not divulge my finances publicly but while I'm forgoing cable TV and other nicities right now while sponsoring Andras I expect to be able to afford to fly from Oregon to Europe later this year to meet with other KDE developers. I hope within a years time to be buying acreage and building large commercial greenhouses.
Andras and I both believe in what we are doing and I consider the last several years of financial stress since losing my mom to be a small price to pay for the rewards I have and will have. Anyone who reads what I have to say and knows me knows that I'm not looking to make money directly from open source, only indirectly. While I have grand plans for my finances my driving motivation is not primarily financial at all. My driving motivation is based upon what I believe is right. I'm doing my part to strike out for freedom and to make a better world. I am working to elevate those less fortunate around the world by giving them the tools to prosper to give them hope. I am working to promote a new age enlightenment for your children as opposed to a new age of big brother.
The argument about devaluing software is right out of the M$ handbook though. over 80% of all software is contracted and vertical market software. Quanta supports people in this area. Operating systems have already proven to be far more successful as community developed software. Applications are next. Shrink wrap software is a tool. Tool costs should be reasonable to what delivery costs are. That means Quanta should cost from around $1 a copy. Of course commercial software is far messier and greedier. Since a $1 charge is eaten up by the financial transfer costs down to about 65 cents it is fine for a few people to cover this cost as they see fit. I consider it a privlege to have spent thousands of dollars on Quanta development.
I really can't fathom the implication in this post that we are somehow selling out or something. Our objective is to have the type of impact on web development software that Linux has on operating systems and Apache on servers. It works for us. As to the rest... we really don't care. We care that people have the best tools and the tools promote freedom. We get to have our tools exactly as we want them in the deal. What's wrong with that?
Re: Take care of your own life! - Andras Mantia - 2003-04-22
You have a good point is saying that you shouldn't destroy your life. But the reality and the reasoning behind is much more complicated. As I said in the interview I used to work at Ericsson, Finland. My salary was quite nice, my work was quite easy, the stress was minimal, so you can say it was a "perfect" job. But I've left that work, came back to Romania, which is surely not the best place to live from economical point of view. But I had personal reasons to came back, and I accepted also by that time that it's very possible that I will never get so much money in the rest of my life. Many would think that I am stupid to do such a thing. Well, I may be stupid. ;-) Probably many others are that I'm stupid now to work on a free project full time. Well, I may be stupid. But I like it, and until I can cover my daily costs and don't have to use my savings, it's fine. I like to have money, I like fast cars and big houses, but that's not all in the life. Life wasn't easy here, and it still not easy at all. I grew up in an apartament, and altough the conditions here were bad and we were far from being reach, my childhood and the my life until today was more than acceptable. If I have much money it's nice, if I don't have, well, I try to live without it. This doesn't mean that I wouldn't want to earn more in a month/year. Right now it's at the acceptable level, when I can pay for my rent, the internet connection, for food and such mandatory things. We don't travel abroad often, we don't fly with planes, don't buy CD-s too often and we try to not spend much for "luxury" items. Ok, I don't know why I wrote the above here in a public place, but I won't delete it now.
The salary offered by that time for me was only a little higher that I get by working on Quanta full-time (and around 1/10th of my old salary), so even if I go to a company where I write closed source applications under Windows (using MFC) I could say that my work is undervalued. For my ego is much nicer to read the download counters that appear on Sourceforge or, and to read the users feedbacks, and see that the users are trying to support us, than get $50-$100 more from a company. And I REALLY LIKE to program under KDE, I really like this community and I really enjoy to work with Eric. :-) He's a nice guy, he also stand on his own feet, and he admirable supports free software. Well, if I would be in a better financial situation, I would do the same. And I believe in free software and I also believe that you can build your life based on free software development. And I try to prove this (not for you, but also for my family ;-) ), altough we only took the first steps. We may fail, we may be successfull. It depends on great amount on us, but it also depends on supporting us.
Thanks for all of you, who have donated to us.
Re: Take care of your own life! - Boris Kurktchiev - 2003-04-23
Iread both yours and Eric's posts and I totally agree with both of you. Now I want to say hi to Andras from Bulgaria :). Now on the subject of money... the person that posted this is porably white American, 10 to 25 years of age with no life and a really screwed up job. Now i am not saying this to insult anyone but ever since I moved to tha States 3 years ago this is what i have seen. Every person that i know that talks about how they love open source but would not code in it or work on it are people who were screwed in life, period. I go to college and at the same time work for my college's unix labs, and servers admin. He is the same way... he loves unix he runs solaris 9 on every machine that he owns(all sparcs :) ) but every time I ask him why he doesn't release some of the really cool tools that he has written for maintaining his servers, workstations he starts with:Because back in the day when i worked for *this company*.... it is really annoying. Well thats my 2 cents.
Re: Take care of your own life! - AC - 2003-04-23
Sorry, wrong guess, neither American nor 10-25 years, and I produced a lot of open source code - in my spare time. I just wanted to say that there are things that are more important than open source, like financial security. How many 55 year old programmers are there?
Re: Take care of your own life! - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-23
> I just wanted to say that there are things that are more important than open source, like financial security.
What exactly is financial security? Howard Hughs had it... along with so much paranoia he locked himself in a sterile room and went insane. To me it is knowing that you can produce what you need to live happily. Eric Raymond did a little coding and wrote a book... then he got in on the VA Linux introduction as a token consultant and landed over $30 milion in stock. Who knows what he did after six months when he could cash it out. One should not discount the opportunities that could arise from being at the head of a high profile project when the M$ gravy train unravels. Who knows how much someone might want to pay us to speak or consult. Philandering ex presidents get a million dollars a speech. We would be delighted with much less. Besides, I own a business that has a huge income potential in the coming years. Right now it is challenging because I am doing it without borrowing anything from anyone. That makes today difficult and tomorrow mine. Andras is like a son to me and as I draw breath I will make sure his options are his choice. Nothing would make me happier than to see him be able to realize whatever he wants to.
> How many 55 year old programmers are there?
That's funny. My dad is much older than that, but he's a retired programmer. I'm reminded of the line in the movie "Almost Famous" spoken by the promoter suggesting the Rolling Stones won't be doing tours when they are grandfathers so grab it while you can. If we were talking framing houses I would see your point. Beyond that there is not much point. I grow catnip and now I program a bit less than when I banged out 6-10 hours a day building sites.
I personally believe, and I stand on this, that when you are an old man on your death bed you will be much less concerned with your former distractions on illusive security than on what you left for a legacy. I believe you will be a lot more concerned on what the world you are leaving behind will be like becuase of you that on what no longer matters. Knowing security is an illusion is freedom. People lose a job and their world turns upside down. Look at a wealthy person and you will see they crashed and burned financially not once, but several times in acrueing that wealth.
Andras and I have security in our passion and performance always being in demand and our partnership always being solid. Financial issues are transitory and opportunity is unlimited. Knowing this we have focused on what we believe to me most important and anre thankful for the freedom to pursue it.
Re: Take care of your own life! - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-23
Hi. Welcome to America, often referred to as the only country that does not teach it's young it's system of economics. In my experience people who come here from other countries are amazed and enthused by the opportunities and people who grew up here have little concept because they have nothing to compare it to. They never lived without a security net. They never struggled for food or shelter. They never fled their homes for thier lives. America is a great place, but people should go tour third world countries for a year to get perspective.
However now that you're here and you see all this you can take advantage, as many immigrants do, and succeed and prosper. When you do, rememeber one more American axiom. We like a gracious winner. ;-) Try not to be hard on people or too easily stereotype them. It will leave you having to apologize from time to time. ;-)
BTW note that the Quanta team I am in Oregon, Robert is in California, Adam is in Boston, George is in Florida and several other members of our team are here in the US. So you should get out more... that way you can meet the right people. ;-)
Only reason I have KDElibs installed is Quanta. - Quag7 - 2003-04-23
Just a few words of encouragement - Quanta is the only KDE application I use presently, and it is probably the most productive application I have installed on my hard drive. I have churned out more valid HTML pages with Quanta than any other editors in years of online projects.
I'm not a developer though, so I'm going to pony up a cash donation just to encourage continued development of this very-usable-in-its-present-state application. The potential for this to be *the* Linux-based HTML editor is high.
I want to personally think Eric and András for their work and sacrifice on this. I cannot state enough how terribly crucial it is that we have a free impressive web development environment. I'd definitely put money on Quanta right now. I've encouraged so many people to try it out.
Thanks guys, seriously.
Re: Only reason I have KDElibs installed is Quanta. - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-23
I think András would agree with me when I say how flattering this is. I'm beside myself. Knowing we've made a difference like this is the best thing of all. However there is still that matter of hard costs and you have put your money where your mouth is. So I already thanked you personally, now I can thank you publiclly. We will continue to to strive for excellence and innovation... a little more encouraged.
Thanks to you for your support...
Go Quanta! - George Mitchell - 2003-04-23
I have been using Quanta for a few years now. I used it to design and maintain my own web site ( which is intentionally simple (I personally detest web sites which make lavish use of flash and java and such just to project an image, but to each his own). I find Quanta to be a very useful and practical tool, a piece of software that I can always rely on to do the job.
Although I don't do web design professionally, a few months back, I was approached by a customer who wondered if I could fix a rather complex professionally designed website. Several other vendors had attempted to modify it using various WYSIWYG Visual web editors and the result was a mess. There was one particularly annoying defect that my customer had been told was unfixable. I had never tackled a project like that, but I decided to accept the challenge. With Quanta and some HTML documentation I was able to clean up the HTML and solve every problem and my customer was delighted. In addition I have created web sites for several other customers.
So I am really happy to see that Quanta continues to move forward. I especially look forward to a visual editor component. I think that a great visual web editor combined with a full featured text level editor like the current Quanta would be a real killer app! I also think that it is great that Quanta will be moving into the XML realm as well as XML is the future of the web and electronic commerce.
Hats off to Eric and Andras for a job well done!
Re: Go Quanta! - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-23
It's George! Hi George. It's nice to see one of my old LinuxToday pals hanging around and saying good things about us. Thanks for your kind endorsement. Keep up the good fight, getting your customers solid systems they can run Quanta on. ;-)
Wrong answer... - Andras Mantia - 2003-04-23
I want to publicly say sorry that I said above that Eric is sponsoring me since the middle of last month. This is completely untrue, as he does since the middle of last year.
Sorry, Eric. ;-)
Wrong answer... - Andras Mantia - 2003-04-23
I want to publicly say sorry that I said above that Eric is sponsoring me since the middle of last month. This is completely untrue, as he does since the middle of last year.
Sorry, Eric. ;-)
Re: Wrong answer... - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-23
Wow! Two apologies. Now I finally have proof you're not perfect. ;-)
Next time we let our wives proof read our interview... they never miss this kind of detail. ;-)
A better explanation is that this was an oversight as this interview was revised from what was done last year. Okay... you're back on our Christmas list. ;-)
Cervisia Support - Soloport - 2003-04-23
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I'm so dependent on CVS, for the usual reasons. Having Cervicia support in Quanta is one of the main reasons I've abandoned all other editors for Quanta -- and this only in the last month.
Excellent idea. Terrific job!
Re: Cervisia Support - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-23
In the CVS version it actually can be loaded into a tab like a text file. This allows it to be left open and selected when you want it which has proven to be very cool. We have the kpart UI load and unload menu and toolbar items per tab on selection so you can have multiple plugins loaded and hop from one to another with correct UI. ;-)
One of the things I like best about this is that I use "$Id: Exp $" inside my files to keep a visual record of the latest change there. On update it edits the files and causes a pop up. I always felt uncomfortable chosing whether to keep/discard/diff it when all I saw was Cervisia.
For anyone who has not tried it, it is incredbly easy to set up a local CVS and have file versioning for your projects. Even working alone it provides substantial benefits and peace of mind.
Quanta Gold - Apollo Creed - 2003-04-23
Does anyone use and pay for Quanta Gold? It seems to me that theKompany, while a nice effort, is actually proving to the world why open source is better that closed source. ;) (I could definitely be wrong, though.)
Re: Quanta Gold - Mario - 2003-04-23
Quanta Gold is by no means better than Quanta Plus, Quanta Plus, from my experience is actually significantly better and is more integrated with the KDE enviroment.
However, Quanta Gold has one big advantage (which could be seen as a disadvantage because it sacrifices integration in some areas) is that it can run on Windows and OS X in addition to Linux.
But, if you just run Linux there is little you will find in Quanta Gold which you will not find in Quanta Plus. And there will be quite a lot which you will find in Quanta Plus and not in Quanta Gold.
(Maybe things have changed, but this is how I feel since the last time I tried Quanta Gold)
Re: Quanta Gold - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-23
> Quanta Gold is by no means better than Quanta Plus, Quanta Plus, from my experience is actually significantly better and is more integrated with the KDE enviroment.
Thank you.
> However, Quanta Gold has one big advantage (which could be seen as a disadvantage because it sacrifices integration in some areas) is that it can run on Windows and OS X in addition to Linux.
This is not entirely true. Quanta Plus runs on Mac OS X using the Fink project ( As far as Windows goes you can also run KDE and Quanta+ there. See So the reality is that you can have it all and have it as F/OSS. Quanta Plus not only gives up nothing there but brings more fun to the party.
> But, if you just run Linux there is little you will find in Quanta Gold which you will not find in Quanta Plus. And there will be quite a lot which you will find in Quanta Plus and not in Quanta Gold.
There are I think a few features we don't have and more we have that they don't. A review a few months back of both found in our favor for productive use. Beyond that our development team is growing and the KDE re-use cannot be underestimated. By release 3.2 of quanta Plus I don't think there will be much doubt in a side by side comparison.
As always, in spite of our costs, the cost of Quanta Plus is whatever a user may feel compelled to freely contribute. ;-)
a reason to have wysiwyg - sylvain mottet - 2003-04-23
hello all of you,
I just wanted to give you a good reason to have at least a minimal wysiwyg in Quanta. In languages other than english, there are special symbols, accentuated characters and the like, that make a html source just as hard to read than to write. Plain text in french, for example, as it's my native language, is full of é è à and since it's still possible to write, that's much more convenient to be able to enter and modify text in your native language and let the software replace special characters with their correct code. And I think it would be specially useful for people for whom programming is not the first competence and have to maintain a web site.
Thanks a lot for your great piece of software.
Re: a reason to have wysiwyg - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-23
There is a lot more than just a basic application in the works. See and scroll down a little to the discussion on what is to come.
Re: a reason to have wysiwyg - EUtopian - 2003-04-24
You should be able to just specify character set in the document header and use these characters as normal. I do it all the time with characters such as å, ä and ö. As far as I remember this is completely legal, if and only if the character set is specified. (It often works anyway though, at least with ISO 8859-1).
Rexx? - EUtopian - 2003-04-24
Very interesting and fascinating interview.
I personally do not have a use for a web editor and don't have any Quanta experience, but I briefly launched it once and the interface seemed professional and well-structured. It is comforting that the people in charge are quite the visionaries and I believe that this application may go far.
As for the ideas about applications interacting, it sounds a lot to me like ARexx on the Amiga and Rexx on OS/2. They were very nice but somewhat under-appreciated. They did frequently make good glue to tie applications together and automate tasks, though.
Re: Rexx? - Eric Laffoon - 2003-04-24
Rexx is nice because it is a very natural language non typed programming language that is quick and easy to grasp. Using a program like VX-Rexx you could create mini applications or quick dialogs or prototype programs. It was great for private or in house work. Unfortunately the company that produced it was sold and it fell by the way side.
Fundementally Kommander, scripting and DCOP are from similar conceptual roots but very much different in application, aside from being open and free unlike VX-Rexx. Rexx proved to be a great scripting language for instance in the Mesa 2 spreadsheet by sundial, the one application I really miss. The problem is that you needed to have a Rexx API in an application and then you needed to access it. Additionally you needed to know Rexx and you had to live with it's limitations like it's clunky tail strings instead of arrays. Object Rexx looked like a true winner but then there was no good visual tool one could depend on always being there to work with it. In fact non on OS/2 that I know of. Finally all of this lacked the abilities that would have come into play from DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) which OS/2 shared with win 3x. This was in my Opinion a far more useful tool that OLE (Which I believe menat One Large Expletive as your system collapsed when you used it).
Conversely using Kommander, shell or other scripting and DCOP actually does promote user accessiblity. You actually need actual programming to create an interactive dialog. You can choose between many competent languages to augment it. DCOP actually provides tools to make implementation very easy for developers. In fact most of the top applications have extensive DCOP integration for a variety of purposes. So the process of extention is already in place. So the next step here would be to promote specific DCOP uses, profile applications and create the ability to something more user friendly than kdcop to enable a filtered presentation of available calls for an app.
The central key here is to build on a visual tool that enables this without programming and can be further enhanced with shell scripting and/or the language of your choice. The idea is that your desktop becomes user extensible with custom dialogs, scripted interactions, data transparency and in effect merges into a seemless user application. So various aspects of tasks and projects become interactions of best of breed focused tools. That is really a very *nix way of looking at things anyway. ;-)