Tutorial: Shell Scripting with KDE Dialogs

As a newcomer to KDE, I have written up an example-based tutorial on KDialog that you might find useful. For those of you not familiar with it, KDialog allows one to use KDE dialogs from shell scripts, which has the potential to make things look a lot more professional and well integrated into our favourite desktop environment. This tutorial was originally going to be part of a KDE developers' book, but has been released while the future of that book is still being decided. Incidentally, documentation turns out to be a thorough way of exploring an application, and a bug or two were discovered and fixed along the way!

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by Brad Hards (not verified)

Can you please file a bug for each dialog type that you need?
It would help a lot if you can tell us what it should be called, and what options it needs to take.

by Matthias Fenner (not verified)

Just look at my qs.sh script!

It has a Dialog Interface as Main part nad uses the $MODE Variable as dialog selector


x for Xdialog, k for kdialog, g for gdialog and c for cdialog

by Brad Hards (not verified)

Sure, but if you want it fixed, file bugs on bugs.kde.org. If you just leave it here, it won't happen.
A formal bug report isn't that much to ask if you want this fixed...

by Philipp (not verified)


one thing I really miss as a newbie, is a tutorial about how to save data, for example in an xml document and read it from an xml document. Or how to jump through several records, update a single record aso. If somebody could take the time and write something like this, i will be very happy!


by Brad Hards (not verified)

Ironically a DOM tutorial was the next thing I was considering. In the mean time, you can look at http://doc.trolltech.com/3.2/xml-examples.html

by Philipp (not verified)

This sounds wonderfull, hope to sea it soon;) But don't hurry, quality not quantity is important;)