KDE 3.2 Beta 2 "Dobra Voda" is Waiting For You

Our first KDE 3.2 Beta "Rudi" was a huge success and resulted in over 2000 resolved bugs. As the code still has some rough edges, we decided to go for another beta. So here it is: Dobra Voda. Please continue reporting problems you see with it, your testing is much appreciated. You can download Dobra Voda at http://download.kde.org/unstable/3.1.94. Currently we have binaries for Fedora, Slackware and SUSE, besides the sources.

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by Jim Cahill (not verified)

rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force --replacepkgs *rpm is better.

by Zelva (not verified)

But please don't come complaining if using --nodeps --force breaks your install.

by Andrew (not verified)

Does Juk 2.0 (or thereabouts) come with the 3.2 beta 2, or does it have to be obtained separately?


It is included in the kdemultimedia package.

by Dan Freed (not verified)

Does anyone know what libtag is and where I can get it? I don't mind compiling it and creating my own RPM for it, but I can't even find it. I did find libtaged.sourceforge.net, but when compiled it doesn't produce any libtag.so files, just libtaged.* files.

I searched, using Yast, all of the SUSE rpms from the install and it doesn't contain any reference to libtags either.

I would feel a whole lot better about installing this if I can get this dependancy resolved (especially since there is now a fix for Konqueror as well).

Thanks for any help you can offer.


by Stephen Douglas (not verified)

It's in a package called taglib - it's available in KDE extragear. I checked on rpmfind and there's a SUSE rpm for it, although I have no idea if it's the right version (I'm not a SUSE user)

by Dan Freed (not verified)

Great thanks a bunch.

In case anyone else is looking, I found a SUSE 9 package at:


by infyrno (not verified)

This is a newer file, the on on the previous post did not work. It just pruked error messages and hanged.

rpm -i taglib-0.95-5.i586.rpm
error: open of ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/supplementary/KDE/update_for_9.0/base/t...

by capit. igloo (not verified)

Where can I configure audiocd:/ ? I don't find the panel to configure it !

by Peter (not verified)

Try "kcmshell audiocd"

by capit. igloo (not verified)


by stromek (not verified)

kde3.2b2 is da best. Its khotkeys is best I ever seen :o) Some bugs but it is ok. Also performance is highly better than before.

I compiled it for myself. Lots of features I dreamt to code to kde3.2 are there.

People in enterprises should also think about it. Windows is not so good.

Thanks to all!!!

by Eggert (not verified)

When I try to download konstruct from

I get:

You don't have permission to access /build/konstruct/unstable/konstruct-unstable.tar.bz2 on this server.

What's wrong?

by Anonymous (not verified)

It works for me this moment.

by Eggert (not verified)

Now it works here too.

by John cox (not verified)

I am running Gentoo with a vanilla 3.4.23 kernel. My system, is a Gigabyte GA-7vt600 motherboard, an AMD XP2100+ prfocessor and a via sound chip. I compiled the KDE 3.2 beta 2 with konstruct. After I ran it, my sound quit working.

I had the same problem with beta 1, and had to rebuild my alsa drivers before the system would run again. I should have known better.

Similar experience: Mandrake 9.2, Epox 8KRA2+ board (KT600/VT8237, too). Installed KDE 3.1.93 from Cooker, eventually ALSA died. Since 2.4, I switched to Gnome, so apparently the bug was dormant and only triggered when I launched a KDE session for another user a bit later. I cannot precisely reconstruct the events, but it looks VERY similar to what the above poster described.


by Anonymous (not verified)

Running SUSE 9.0 and installed KDE3.2b2 from available rpms .... kdemultimedia packages wine about libartsmodules, libgui, libnoatun, and a few other dependencies that apparently aren't met (although the required files were included in kdemultimedia in 3.1)

no sound working for me either at this point. i don't know if the problems are the same as everyone else's in this posting.

by atomas (not verified)

I have a similar problem. (Suse 8.2, kde 3.2 beta 2)
I can hear sound, but its extremly quiet. KMix and Alsamix work.

btw. xmms crashs, if i want to play anything.

by tizz (not verified)

xmms doesn't work with arts-1.1.9x and later

there is a problem with the running glib-version (new arts uses glib-2.0, xmms does it with glib-1.2)

to only way to use xmms with kde-3.2 is to compile it yourself and use arts-version 1.1.4 or minor (kdelibs and the following configure-scripts look for arts-1.1.x so there is no dependence-problem, other if you use precompiled pkg's).

by Alexander Malashenko (not verified)

To solve the problem You should run as root an alsamixer command in the terminal window, go to the "External Amplifier Power Down" item and press M button. That's all.

by Mike (not verified)

I had similar problems. I deleted my SB Audigy card from Yast. Went to a konsole session as root. Typed 'Yast sound add'. That put the card back, and it test okay. Still no CD player sound. Went back to konsole and typed 'alsamixer'. I had to find the 'Audigy CD' setting. Maxed that to 100%. Escaped to save and exit. Works fine now.

by Andrew (not verified)

I hate posting a me too; but ME TOO!

I have too systems: a Pentium 4 (sorry don't have the specs to hand) and an Athlon with a CMI8738 6ch-MX on-motherboard sound system. The P4 works absolutely fine, but the KDE3.2B2 broke my Athlon :(

I installed KDE3.2b2 at work over the first Beta over KDE 3.1.4 - all from the Suse packages. At home 3.2b2 went in over 3.1.4.

Any suggestions for how to fix it?

by Andrew (not verified)

BTW, when I run KMix from a console, I get this output. Looks like something bad is going on with the ALSA mixer. Can anyone tell me what this might mean?

kmix: Trying Alsa 0.9x Device hw:0
kmix: Trying Alsa 0.9x Device hw:1
kmix: ERROR: Alsa mixer cannot be found.
Please check that the soundcard is installed and the
soundcard driver is loaded.
kmix: Trying Alsa 0.9x Device hw:1
kmix: ERROR: Alsa mixer cannot be found.
Please check that the soundcard is installed and the
soundcard driver is loaded.
kmix: Sound drivers supported: ALSA0.9 + OSS
Sound drivers used: ALSA0.9
kmix: Mixer number: 0 Name: C-Media PCI CMI8738
kmix: Inserted mixer 0:C-Media PCI CMI8738

Same problem here.

I'm running kde 3.2 beta 2 on mkd 9.2.

In kcontrol -> sound system -> hardware ; I've set "Open Sound System" instead of "Autodetect". Reboot. That's it. Sound is back.

Hope this helps / quark

Unfortunately I had already done this and it didn't work. Since then, I've completely reinstalled ALSA; removed then reinstalled the soundcard in YaST; sound came back but the sound quality was *terrible*.

Then I put an old soundcard into the computer, told Suse to use that one, and everything is back and beautiful.

This seems to imply an issue with either the ASUS chipset or the soundcard (CMI8738) somehow breaks ALSA/KDE3.2

I also got terrible sound quality using ALSA/KDE3.2 and CMI8738... It sounds like everything is way too amplified, it used work beautifully using either OSS och via gstreamer/alsa.

I don't have any other choices, just Autodetect.

I don't have any other choices, just Autodetect.

And one other thing, I can play music CDs and MP3 files with no problem.

by Pingkai (not verified)

I experience the same problem.
And I wonder why there is no one to test the program before the release
even for such a basic error.

by El Chupacabra (not verified)


My old K6 with Sound Blaster works well but the new box with CMI8738 on motherboard sounds like crap using ALSA.

Does anybody know what kernel modules need to be installed to make the CMI8738 work without ALSA?

by Alexander Malashenko (not verified)

I had the problem with ALSA sound also (XMMS, noatun etc.). To solve the problem I removed ALSA from my Fedora Core and recompiled the all KDE packages. Then I compiled and installed ALSA. Everything works fine now. As far as I understand in this case the sound works through alsa-oss library.
By the way the problem didn't appear on my RedHat9 system.

by Xiqui (not verified)

Same happened to me.

My system has also Gigabyte motherboard and AMD2600, via sound chip (via83xx module), system gentoo 1.4 with gentoo kernel 2.4.20.

I shut down xdm, alsasound and upgraded to alsa-(drivers, utils, oss)-0.9.8.

After that I unmuted the usual PCM, CDROM, Master etc, and also the VIA DXS # channels.

Now sound is back to kde 3.2-rc1

by SiegeX (not verified)

Ok, im glad to hear that my system wasnt the only one doing this. Fortunatly for you guys I **HAVE A FIX**, well more of a workaround.

First here is the problem. If you go into alsamixer and then scroll *all* the way to the right, you should see 4 meters that say "VIA DXS". These meters need to be all the way up to 100% in order for sound to work, dont ask me why they just do. So set them all to 100% then run 'alsactl store' and then 'alsactl restore' for good measure. But thats not where the problem stops. Unfortunatly when you start KDE 3.2, for some reason or another those 4 meters will be set to all 0%. This is why your sound doenst work. Why KDE screws with those meters I dont know but it does.

Now the fix. The /etc/asound.state file you made with 'alsactl store' should contain the necessary info to put those four "VIA DXS" meters all the way to 100%. So what you need to do is create a little script that runs 'alsactl restore'. For those of you who dont know how to do this, just copy the provided script below as "alsarestore.sh", make sure to "chmod +x alsarestore.sh" and toss that into ~/.kde/Autostart. Now when you start up in KDE that script will run and your sound should now work.

For those KDE developers out there, I would appeciate it if you could fix this the right way, in which I mean make it so that KDE doesnt put those four meters down to 0% in the first place. Regards


-----Start of Script-------
alsactl restore
-----end of script---------

by SiegeX (not verified)

Ok, im glad to hear that my system wasnt the only one doing this. Fortunatly for you guys I **HAVE A FIX**, well more of a workaround.

First here is the problem. If you go into alsamixer and then scroll *all* the way to the right, you should see 4 meters that say "VIA DXS". These meters need to be all the way up to 100% in order for sound to work, dont ask me why they just do. So set them all to 100% then run 'alsactl store' and then 'alsactl restore' for good measure. But thats not where the problem stops. Unfortunatly when you start KDE 3.2, for some reason or another those 4 meters will be set to all 0%. This is why your sound doenst work. Why KDE screws with those meters I dont know but it does.

Now the fix. The /etc/asound.state file you made with 'alsactl store' should contain the necessary info to put those four "VIA DXS" meters all the way to 100%. So what you need to do is create a little script that runs 'alsactl restore'. For those of you who dont know how to do this, just copy the provided script below as "alsarestore.sh", make sure to "chmod +x alsarestore.sh" and toss that into ~/.kde/Autostart. Now when you start up in KDE that script will run and your sound should now work.

For those KDE developers out there, I would appeciate it if you could fix this the right way, in which I mean make it so that KDE doesnt put those four meters down to 0% in the first place. Regards


-----Start of Script-------
alsactl restore
-----end of script---------

by Rich (not verified)


Does anyone know if there was any work done on this problem between the beta release and the final release Feb 3?
I would like to know if it has been fixed or not.


by Dogac Senol (not verified)

This issue seems to be VIA-specific.
The autostart workaround works, but you have to explicitly define the path to alsactl like (if you're using a distribution that sends alsactl to sbin like Slackware)
(if you don't have /sbin in your regular user's path, which is the probable case)

I hope there will be a solution other than a workaround soon.

The final release also has this problem.

by bendu (not verified)

I have an SBlive and it had the same issue of no sound after upping to 3.2.
I used Webmin to restart Alsa.
I opened Kmix and pushed PCM all the way up and AC97 all the way down.
No crappy sound (it was nasty before) and at regular volume.

by Roger (not verified)

3.2 broke my audigy, i had to turn off "Audigy A" (Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack) in alsa-mixer to use analog mode, realy dont know why kde messed with that

by Thank YOU! (not verified)

by Roger on Wednesday 18/Feb/2004, @03:17

"3.2 broke my audigy, i had to turn off "Audigy A" (Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack) in alsa-mixer to use analog mode, realy dont know why kde messed with that"

This one fixed my Athlon XP/Audigy/VIA chipset based computer with Fedora Core 2

by Matthieu Boyer (not verified)

Well, I've had the same problem as you all after emerge'ing KDE 3.2. My sound card is an Ensoniq 1371 based Creative SB 128. Motherboard is VIA 133 based, though i guess it doesn't matter much.

The default behaviour for KDE upon startup is to load mixer settings for the sound system (ALSA in the case being). It happened that these mixer settings are quite dubious : all volumes at zero and no channel muted.
Turned out the loud circuit noise/hiss I experienced was caused by the 'IEC 958' channel not being muted. YMMV.

Fix :

1) Fire up alsamixer and use the arrow keys to adjust level settings. Use M to mute a channel (MM means a channel is muted). In particular, mute the 'IEC 958' channel.
2) With root privilege, run 'alsactl store' and 'alsactl restore' for good measure.
3) In KDE, open the 'Control Center', 'Sound & Multimedia' category, 'Mixer' pane.
4) Uncheck 'Load volumes on login' !
5) Exit KDE
6) Start KDE and enjoy !

by Mathias Monse (not verified)

I am using the following system:
- SuSE 8.1 with Kernel 2.4.21-198 (SuSE-deflt) and with alsa 1.0.3b
- SiS7012 PCI Audio Accelerator (rev a0) together with module snd-intel8x0 as snd-card-0

After updating from KDE 3.1.4 to 3.2.1 I had the same problem as many others (I guess): no sound at all.
It was crazy because also after downgrading to KDE 3.1.4 it stayed the same.

The following worked for me:
a) The hint of Matthieu ;-)
b) Start KDE as normal user and run kmix to uncheck the 'IEC958 Capture Monitore' button in the extended section.
[No alsamixer or else was neccessary or unchecking the control 'Load volumes on login' in kcontrol's mixer pane. My volume settings were ok.]
While unchecking I run aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/test.wav and sound immediately started.

Alternatively you can set the is_muted flag in the config file ~/.kde/share/config/kmixctrlrc, e.g.
[MixerSiS SI7012.Dev15]
name=IEC958 Capture Monitor

I am not aware of the details (i.e. problem of either alsa or kde) but it worked so far.


by Klaus (not verified)

Thanks Mathieu!!!

After spending two days googling, trying all sorts of things, reinstalling my whole system, having the sound broken again, finally this worked!!! What a relief!

Just for completeness... I am using Gentoo on a MSI Neo2 mobo with integrated sound. Sound used to work until I installed the kdemultimedia package and rebooted the computer. From then on, no sound at all. So the problem (at least for my system) really seems to be with those IEC 958 channels - I simply muted all of them following Mathieu's instructions.


by aquamarine (not verified)

Thanks very much for the solution Matthieu. I now have 2 machines up & running with perfect sound. I searched high & low for tips on this, I think a few people are having this problem too. The 'alsactl store' and 'alsactl restore' fixed an earsplitting tone that emanated from my old Intel 166MMX with SB Live 5.1/Slackware 10 on booting, and the 'uncheck load volumes on login' fixed the hiss/distortion in KDE on my GA-7DXR+ with onboard Creative CT5880/Slackware 10. Cheers!

by Xanas (not verified)

Tried to follow most of the fixes here and none worked and I really don't like the prospect of having to restart the system after each to try them properly......... *sigh*.. why is this a problem with KDE 3.2 does anyone know?

by steve (not verified)

I had the same problem. Set volumes in yast, sound working fine on the Audigy. Then all volume settings lost on reboot. Simple fix for me was the /etc/init.d/boot.local file, adding the alsa ctl command. In my case "alsactl restore 0" did the trick.

by Mabuse (not verified)

I'm running Linux 2.6.7 with compiled in ALSA (onboard CMI sound). Everything worked fine, until I installed kdemultimedia-3.2.3.

Before this even kde did fine noise, after this at first nothing, switching the control-center to "ALSA architecture" or "OSS" lead to real cruel sound-quality and at this point I can't hear anything more.

Nothing took effect till yet, there seems to be something really weird in kdemultimedia...

by steve (not verified)

Same problem here in the year 2006. I am running Ubuntu Dapper Drakeand tried kde once, to see how it looks. After that my sound was off. The tips above did not work for me, so i am asking the more general question:
What non-windowmanager-related config files does the kde windowmanager write to and how do i undo all those changes, preferably without starting kde again?

by delyan (not verified)

I had the same problem. It got fixed when I added the KDE user to the audio group.

by Amir (not verified)

Thanks, yet another 2006 confirmation that only a user/group change is needed for new systems.
Am on Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS, kde 3.5.2 and running mythtv.

Sound stopped working and the mixer window would be completely empty. Not sure why that happened but one more symptom was a red x and a "mixer cannot be found" tooltip on the sound icon on the panel.

Reinstall alsa did not help.
sudo apt-get remove alsa
sudo apt-get install alsa

Adding the user to the audio group and restart kde solved the issue.
sudo usermod -Gaudio mythtv
sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart