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Product Excellence Award for KDevelop 3.0

Thursday, 22 January 2004  |  Hfernengel

The KDevelop team is happy to announce that KDevelop 3.0 won the Product Excellence Award for Best Development Tool at Linuxworld New York 2004 conference & Expo. This is the first award for the new codebase of KDevelop 3.0, stay tuned for the release :)


typo in the 3rd link - cies - 2004-01-22

typo in the 3rd link cies (kdevelop3 -gideon- fan)

Re: typo in the 3rd link - Harald Fernengel - 2004-01-22

okay, okay, okay, the right url is :)

Good Stuff - David - 2004-01-22

The guys at Ximian have had to rip off Sharp Develop!

Re: Good Stuff - Anon - 2004-01-23

Well, "rip off" is (more than) a little harsh. Porting a GPL Windows .Net IDE written in C# to Linux and GTK# would seem to be easier than rewriting the whole thing from scratch. Besides, the Sharp Develop guys have done something similar as well, basing their #WT on Java's SWT.

Lets open a can of whoopass!! - kidcat - 2004-01-22

GREAT! I love it when a KDE proj. opens up a big can of whoopass for all them other "losers" ;-D /kidcat

Best Open Source Project - Thorsten Schnebeck - 2004-01-22

But the award to this Real-thing as best Open Source project is a pitty. IMHO KDE or Gentoo would be a better choice. BUT... congrats to the Helix player team. Next time we will win (again) :-) Bye Thorsten