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KDE-CVS-Digest for January 30, 2004

Sunday, 1 February 2004  |  Dkite

In this week's KDE-CVS-Digest: The KDE Text-To-Speech Daemon improvements with GUI and speaker plugins. KStars adds star motions. And many bugfixes in KDevelop and khtml.


Thanks Derek! - Turd Ferguson - 2004-02-01

You da man!

Re: Thanks Derek! - Turd Ferguson - 2004-02-01

It sure took a long time for this to get on the dot. I read your digest this afternoon.

Don't forget the BRANCH pls - ac - 2004-02-01

Is there any chance that all those khtml fixes get backported into the branch? Can't wait for 3.2, and hope there will be a 3.3 in somethink like 6 month. It would be nice if some kind of longterm roadmap would be done, e.g. as mozilla does... (not everything is bad in mozilla ;-)

Re: Don't forget the BRANCH pls - Eike Hein - 2004-02-01

I know your dilemma, I share it: On one hand, I'm really happy that we finally get KDE 3.2, on the other hand, these CVS-Digests already make me long for 3.3 :). We pesty users can never get enough :).

Re: Don't forget the BRANCH pls - Frans Englich - 2004-02-02

Yes, one of those eternal questions we have to wrestle with in open source. (I'm fully serious) There is a solution - running bleeding edge. No waiting for the next release, just an infinite kick of improvement.. and bleeding. Frans

Re: Don't forget the BRANCH pls - Debian User - 2004-02-01

Sure, Mozilla Devs must know how to handle longterm roadmaps. Wonder why? Yours, Kay

strange - JC - 2004-02-01

Italian (it) 95.32% Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) 97.04% The Italian translation is before the Brazilian translation even with a lesser score.

Re: strange - Turd Ferguson - 2004-02-01

And how come some of the translations are now less than 100% yet just last week they were at 100?

Re: strange - Anonymous - 2004-02-01

Look at the link above it, the statistics are for HEAD and HEAD is open for message changes again.

textospeech - Andre - 2004-02-01

Remeber the old soundblaster tool? "Hello, I'am Harry"

Re: textospeech - Anonymous - 2004-02-01

Harry? That was Dr. Sbaitso!

Re: textospeech - Mike - 2004-02-01

ROTFL! Dr. Sbaitso!! I almost forgot him. How could I? Thanks for reminding me of one of the greatest psychologists in history. Am I the only one whose life completely changed after some intimate talks about improving my sex life with him?

Re: textospeech - Dr. Sbaitso - 2004-02-01

Hello Mike. My name is Dr. Sbaitso. I am here to help you. Say whatever is in your mind freely, our conversation will be kept in strict confidence. Memory contents will be wiped off after you leave. So, tell me about your problems.

Re: textospeech - Elektroschock - 2004-02-01

No, Dr. sbaitso is an Eliza clone. Harry, Rita and so on were different voices in the texttospeech utility.

RSS / RDF feed for CVS commits? - Eike Hein - 2004-02-01

Well, the subject says it all :). I know there's an IRC channel, the mailinglist and a mirror on the NNTP server, but is there also a RSS / RDF feed for KDE CVS commits?

Re: RSS / RDF feed for CVS commits? - Christian Loose - 2004-02-01

rss: rdf:

Re: RSS / RDF feed for CVS commits? - Anonymous - 2004-02-01

Sure, it's listed on

Bibletime - Kraig - 2004-02-01

How will this work? You you have it read text in bibletime?