Rinse de Vries, the coordinator of
the dutch KDE translation group, reported about a
new translation effort they started. Inspired by
the project KDE op Platt
they revitalised the idea of translating KDE to Frisian. Frisian
is the second official language spoken in The Netherlands by almost 350.000 people
(more info).
The Frisian Team welcome every bit
of help on this translation effort and people who are interested can subscribe
to the mailinglist [email protected].
Also www.kde.nl hosts a
webpage dedicated to the Frisian
translation effort. Interested? Please contact Rinse de Vries.
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aber i will ebbes auf schwaebisch sehen! Was machet die Tuebinger?
Oder wos auf frängisch!
Für de Bananenbiecher von Nernberch ...
Schwaebisch und frängisch sind keine Sprachen sondern Dialekte im gegensatz zum Friesisch.
Mehr unter:
Or in English:
And in Frysk:
jetzt fragt natürlich der ketzer, ab wann ein dialekt zur sprache wird - der unterschied ist vermutlich ebenso schwierig festzumachen, wie der zwischen schütterem haarwuchs und einer glatze.
Well Frysk is officially recognized as a language by the dutch government and taught in schools. I guess that makes it an official language.
Then you just can see that the difference is just in politics. Just a questions who wins the next elections.
Not really, Frisian has been an official language in The Netherlands for more then a century, also Frisian as a language is older then Dutch.
Ancient Frisian and Ancient English are a lot alike:
Boetter, Brea in griene Tsies
Is the same in ancient English as well in Frisian.
Here's an old poem in Frisian and English:
Lyk az Gods sinne weiet uus wrâld oerschijnt;
Like as God's sun sweetly our world o'ershines;
Her warmtme in ljeacht in groed in libben schinkt;
Her warmth and light and growth and life sends;
Lijk az de mijlde rein elke eker fijnt:
Like as the mild rain each acre finds:
So dogt eak dat, wat ijn uus, minksen, tinkt.
So does eke that, what in us, men, thinks.
Dij sprankel fen Gods fjoer, ijn uus lein, jouwt
That sparkle of God's fire, in us laid, gives
Oeral eak ljeacht in FREUGDE oon Adams team.
O'erall eke light and JOY on Adam's team.
Wer dij wenn't, hulken, of paleisen, bouwt
Where they dwelt, hulk, or palaces build,
In fen wat folk hij iz, ho hij him neam
And of what folk he is, how he him names.
the writing is a bit different, but the speak is allmost the same..
Da gibt es ein schönes Zitat:
"Eine Sprache ist ein Dialekt mit einer Regierung und einer Armee"
klasse - besser kann man den unterschied glaub nicht auf den punkt bringen.
Only that Frysk does not have it's own government or it's own army...
and the swiss have a government and an army on no language on their own.
I live just a few miles away from the frisans and they treuly believe in their language. wonder how long it takes it takes before kde starts to include the dutch dialects as well :p
I'd say it's fun. It proves the power of kde and it's development team.
but since frisians can speak native dutch as well, it is probably more fun then usefull.
Anyone knows about the status of the klingon translation? :p
The status of the Klingon translation can be found in http://www.unixcode.org/kde-i18n-klingon/ :
"Update 8/6/2003: approximately 125 messages translated now."
The current limits for inclusion into KDE are roundabout 3500 strings out of 4500 strings from kdebase and kdelibs. So Klingon has managed to get about 4% of the minimum requirements translated.
Let's see:
the last update was 9 months ago. Let's assume they manage 125 strings in 9 months, then we still have to wait about 21 years to see Klingon included. :)
A nice remark about Klingon that I found recently was:
But how are they handling error messages? Are they doing a literal translation, or will it be more
along the lines of "This application has shamed itself with a segmentation fault!"?
They'll probably kill the application's parent and siblings too.
Heiko Evermann
(KDE Low Saxon translation team)
"The status of the Klingon translation can be found in http://www.unixcode.org/kde-i18n-klingon/ :
"Update 8/6/2003: approximately 125 messages translated now.""
"the last update was 9 months ago. Let's assume they manage 125 strings in 9 months, then we still have to wait about 21 years to see Klingon included. :)"
The fact that Klingon support in KDE is there is what is so amazing, no matter how long it takes.
But how are they handling error messages? Are they doing a literal translation, or will it be more along the lines of "This application has shamed itself with a segmentation fault!"?
Yes, that is great! *lol*
How would some kind of Vulcan translation sound?
"The application ignored the rules of logic and reason and therefor produced a segmentation fault"
"How would some kind of Vulcan translation sound?"
Don't get people started.... :)
Elvish! (Or Elven? *g*)
That would be sooo.. gay (not that there´s anything wrong with that!)
"wonder how long it takes it takes before kde starts to include the dutch dialects as well :p"
Well, there are plans to do a Limburgisch translation :)
(gnome already has a Limburgisch version, so KDE is a bit behind :o)
"wonder how long it takes it takes before kde starts to include the dutch dialects as well :p"
Frysk is an official language of course, Limburgisch isn't. An no, neither is Twents ;-)
Tink, Fries by birth.
now even us cows can use KDE!
(Frisian cows are world-famous)
Maybe someone starts elvish as well?
But reading the fonts could be hard :-)
(Ok not that different to klingon)
Any other ideas?
Which other fictional languages do we "need"?
How about 1984's novilingua? Just to get a whiff of dystopia...
Every time you would read a error message it would have been "cleansed"...
And of course... The screensaver and background would say:
"Big Brother is watching you"
It would sound then too much as *that other* user environment...
Fifteen years ago I 'translated' WordPerfect 4.1 into one of my own conlangs using a hex editor... It's not something I would spend time on nowadays, but it was quite fun while it lasted.
What other languages?
How about D'ni?
The D'ni language has rather a small lexicon so it'd have to be english into D'ni characters.
English written using elvish (tengwar) characters isn't too difficult to read and looks very pretty.
Runes would be good, or we could all go back to our roots and write in Oggam.
Have nordic runes been assigned unicode-numbers, and do they include the common extensions made to enable conversion from modern latin alphabet?
Actually, Sunil, in my case, going back to my roots *would* be using the Nordic Futhark runes, not Ogham.
And I find Allan's question very interesting. Does anyone know this? (About Futhark, at least?)
If anyone is intrested I started a project to translate the works of Tolkien in Frysian, the official second language of Holland.
For more information contact me on [email protected] or take a look at the dutch Tolkien Society Unquendor, at www.unquendor.nl/forum. (Dorpsplein van Breeg, Fries vertaling werken van Tolkien Topic*)
At this time there is a translation of "The Hobbit" on its way, it will take some years to complete and to aquire the publishing rites, but it's on it's way.
* Dutch only, DOESNOT require to login.
Resently there has been a change of internet adres, new version is:
http://www.unquendor.nl/ainulindale (This specific topic has not been re-opend yet, but will soon make it's new appearance.
The E-mail contact has changed as to: [email protected]
Information in Dutch, but English on request.
The project is steadely going forwarth, but it still takes a lot of pactiance.
Thank you for your intrest.
a binary translation ;-)
Wie wärs mit googlish? English übersetzt ins Deutsche bzw andersrum mit google!
.. with GNOME as the default now?
Because the English announcement (in opposite to the German) lists it first? No, sorry to disappoint you that an ancient GNOME will not be the default.
: Because the English announcement (in opposite to the German) lists it first?
That, and it seems to get more focus in the announcement.
Oh, and you wouldn't disappoint me. I really hope KDE gets the appreciation it deserves.
Frisian is an important language. But plattdüütsch as well. Instead of suggestion whoich ubsurd languges shall be supported I would rather suggest you to help Heiko Evermann and the dutch frysk guyys in their effort. A fulfillment of the EU language chgarter could assist the adoption of KDE in public offices.
Eala Freya Fresena!