Invites the KDE Community
Saturday, 1 May 2004 | Bcrescimanno
Recently, one of the original desktop customization sites on the Web, has added some sections for KDE skins, themes and art such as cursors for general X11. We'd like to invite the KDE art community to submit their work to our site. By attempting to bring GNOME, KDE, and Windows artists together under one roof, we hope that we can increase porting and cooperation among all the communities. So come join us and show us what you've got!
Didn't knew that .. - fab - 2004-05-01
Woow I looked here and noticed an reference to Well this is really cool and it will defintely contribute to a more unified look 'n feel of my desktop. What I'm missing though on is any reference to the GTK-Qt Theme Engine but maybe that's not its goal Anyway .. kudos to and :) Fab
Re: Didn't knew that .. - Bellegarde Cedric - 2004-05-01 Maybee you're looking at this :) Missing gnome-vfs crystal but i think it's crystalgnome jobs :)
Re: Didn't knew that .. - Exdaix - 2004-05-01
Thank you very much for the kudos. The website will be updated very soon hopefully, so I will look into that theme engine, I did not knew it existed before. I have also ported the Kids icon set by Everaldo to Gnome, which will be uploaded shortly to (A true SVG set of Crystal SVG for Gnome will be coming soon too, since I have aquired most of the SVGs). And all of the Metacity themes and such that you see on crystalgnome will be uploaded too within a day or so to
Uhm... - Datschge - 2004-05-01
Wouldn't it be more efficient to send this invitation to kde-look?
Re: Uhm... - Anonymous - 2004-05-01
You expect kde-look to advertize a "competitor"?
Re: Uhm... - Datschge - 2004-05-01
I doubt anyone will move there anyway, I'm actually surprised that it got posted here after all. But still, I'd prefer "customize" to talk to kde-look directly instead doing a somewhat sneaky news post here.
Re: Uhm... - David - 2004-05-01
I don't see any harm in anything like this, and I don't see the harm in the post. I think it is good for communities to get together and produce more shared work and I don't see any reason why anyone will 'move here' or 'move there'. People are just doing what they enjoy, afterall. It may very well bring KDE to a wider audience.
Re: Uhm... - Brian Crescimanno - 2004-05-01
That's definitely where we were going with this invitation David. We're supporing the KDE & GNOME communities because we believe strongly in what both communities are trying to achieve; both separately and together. We feel that by proving a place where artists from all platforms can collaborate, we can bring some of the best works out there to all different mediums.
Re: Uhm... - Exdaix - 2004-05-01
The reason it was posted here was because is the KDE news website, it makes sense to post it here. sent a "Welcomes the Gnome community" to Footnotes not long ago, which is the Gnome news website. It's not "sneaky" at all. - Gerd Brückner - 2004-05-01
customize org is a very good community. We know how much KDe benefits from KDE-look. Now they can really bridge the gap to the windows world.
Re: - Debian User - 2004-05-01
Hello, we need no sticking bridge to Luna aestetics. Yours, Kay
Re: - fault - 2004-05-01
1. some of us like Luna 2. don't presume to speak for the whole community 3. there is more to Windows themeing than just Luna
Not a very nice website... - John Hughes - 2004-05-02
I checked out from work, and was greeted by 3 popups and an invitation to install GAIM. I know, serves me right to be using IE, but still?
Re: Not a very nice website... - Exdaix - 2004-05-02
If you read the latest news post they are working on reducing the pop-ups and such. The problem is the cost to run the website, since all themes are uploaded and hosted on-site. Of course, I run Firefox with the Adblock plugin, so I get no banners or pop-ups.