KDE-CVS-Digest for June 4, 2004
Saturday, 5 June 2004 | Dkite
In this week's KDE CVS-Digest: KDevelop has a new Qt Designer port. KStars adds support for Philips webcams. Two more icons sizes are added to Konqueror file mode. The PIM Kitchensync supports syncing Kolab, eGroupware and OPIE addressbooks. Crypto improvements in KMail. KWin adds per window settings.
Thanks - 138 - 2004-06-05
Thanks once again for CVS-Digest, Derek. <--------> It has become clear that any bugs in KDE software have some hidden significance. In the interest of full disclosure, I want to inform you that any bugs in this issue, known or unknown have the purpose of demoralizing the Tampa Bay Lightning, messing with their minds, so they lose tonights game. Go Calgary. <---------> Heh, go Ville, go Miikka, Go Toni!!! :)
Ode to Enrico Ros - Max Howell - 2004-06-05
The man, First he made us some pretty, Some very pretty, OpenGL analyzers, For amaroK. And NOW! He doth speed up so many, So very many, Different pieces, Of KDE. Wow! What a guy!
Re: Ode to Enrico Ros - me - 2004-06-05
FULL ACK! Enrico you rock! Keep up the excellent work!
Re: Ode to Enrico Ros - Anonymous - 2004-06-05
Don't forget his nice KFireSaver3D.
Re: Ode to Enrico Ros - johnflux - 2004-06-06
Here's a thought.. What if juk and amarok came together.. So juk could optionally use amarok to actually play the songs. Amarok and juk would share the play list.. That way amarok can have a very simple playlist system, with juk there if you need something heavy weight, and juk can have a simple play system with amarok for the graphics and equalisers and whatever else it has.
Re: Ode to Enrico Ros - Martin Galpin - 2004-06-06
What about integrating Apollon/giFT with JuK, so the media player also have file sharing support... Are there some IP issues with that, potentially detrimental for KDE?
Re: Ode to Enrico Ros - Arend jr. - 2004-06-06
Well, for now we can't even get Apollon into kdeextragear because people think we would be a potential target for lawsuits :(
Re: p2p combined with media player - Mark Kretschmann - 2004-06-06
The idea sure is enticing, but I'd rather not have my name listed in such an application :) -- Mark.
Re: Ode to Enrico Ros - Enrico - 2004-06-06
Thanks, but it's so embarrassing to see my name in this page! :-P I have to thank you, Max, for working on the best audio player (amarok is a sufficiente reason for me to use kde, I love it's context browsing feature and the player's layout :-) and for providing good code to the community (see make_it_cool: kdenetwork/kget/browserbar.* to know how shamelessy robber I am ;-). By the way, my only merit is to own a p4 mobile that can be slowed down to 300MHz (with simple khotkeys shortcuts), where all the slow things become more visible. Then using "valgrind --tool=calltree" I see where wasted cpu cycles go to and it's so easy to spot problems in code using "kcachegrind" with relative percentage costs. A BIG THANKS to VALGRIND/CACHEGRIND authors for providing such powerful tools even to inexperienced users & programmers ^_^. Anyway thanks must be given to the *core* people.. Leo, Waldo, David, Stephan, Lubos, Zack .. just to name the ones I read of more often while working on the 5-10 files I'm used to analyze. Sometimes I optimize a loop while they optimize a whole infrastructure that get rids of tens of loops :-) That's coolness! Finally thanks to the enthusiastic kde comminuty back to work now.. ;-P
Funny - Martin - 2004-06-05
LOL! Some bugs are _really_ fun: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=61632 This is my new favorite after "KWeather only shows sand storms in Sidney" or sth. like that I found in the CVS digest some time ago. Probably not everyone here share my humour but I laughed a lot about those bugs...
No red spot on moon - Anonymous - 2004-06-05
Or this one: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34295 - watch the reporter's address!
ad : vote for that bugs - Pinaraf - 2004-06-05
I found that wishes in bugs.kde.org : they are just _good<_ ! http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=82562 http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=82581 Vote for them !!! And continue the nice work...
Internationalization Status? - AC - 2004-06-06
Anyone knows why the statistics of the internationalization status on the cvs-digest are different from the status on http://i18n.kde.org/stats/gui/HEAD/toplist.php ?
Re: Internationalization Status? - Tim Ginn - 2004-06-06
If I remember what I read correctly, the translation file status on the i18n site is updated automatically every hour or two. The digest itself isn't that recent. Changes caused by proof reading documents, etc. can cause there to be more new translations needed, and since everyone is gearing up for a release, and the deadline for translations is later than for major code changes these changes may become more common in the next little while.
Re: Internationalization Status? - Derek Kite - 2004-06-06
It's fixed now. I was getting the stats from http://i18n.kde.org/stats/gui/HEAD/top10.php which are obviously out of date. Thanks Derek
kdepim advances - me - 2004-06-06
it is great to see more konnectors being written for kde-pim. With each possibility to synch with another software (be it egroupware, kolab, syncml, files, opie etc), kontact's value increases greatly! Thank you so much!
OT: Please could you vote for this bug - Yves - 2004-06-06
To make konqueror just better: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=77561
and for this one too :p - Lok - 2004-06-07
http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15848 It's such an old wish, I'm not a programmer, so I'm asking if it is problematic adding this feature with the current implementation of Konqi. It's the only big thing I miss from Mozilla Fx, and looks like I'm not the only one :o)
Yesterday - André - 2004-06-07
Yesterday we had a IRC talk at FFII about groupware solutions for our work. As there are so many different servers and clients what do you recommend us? - different projects with events and calendars - access from multiple operating systems - for about 300 people maximum - access via web client as an alternative (needed for those in Parliament with IE/NT and strong Firewall) There seems to be a lack of standardisation in interfaces of groupware. I-Calendar-Format for data exchange? We currently use plone for event management, but it takes a lot of time, so it is only used for key events. http://plone.ffii.org I would rather want to use an "offline" client and sycronize it with a usual calendar. So Kolab/eGroupware/OpenGroupware and so on, what do you recommend? What Servers are mature and mutliplattform?
kitchensync - chris - 2004-06-07
anyone successfully used kitchensync ? can you please report your impression and what you did ? chris
Re: kitchensync - MacBerry - 2004-06-07
Nope. Kitchensync is much too under development. Just be patient, it seems the situation is about to stabilise soon
Re: kitchensync - chris - 2004-06-07
its marked as *done* in the 3.3 feature plan.
I hope that's a joke then... - Jason Keirstead - 2004-06-08
I have been CVS upp'ing kitchensync evry day for the past 3 weeks hoping *someday* I could sync my new Zarus. So far I have had 0 success....
Re: kitchensync - MacBerry - 2004-06-08
indeeed. kitchensync as a framework is done. now, what we need are connectors... and here, there is quite a lot of work to do
Re: kitchensync - chris - 2004-06-08
i wondered where my sms are going to be synced with. anyone an idea. With knotes ? i dont think thats good. perhaps something like an sms container app is needed. chris