KDE CVS-Digest for November 26, 2004
Saturday, 27 November 2004 | Dkite
In this week's KDE CVS-Digest (experimental layout): Extended password dialog can define length and strength thresholds. Dell laptop buttons plug-in for KMilo. As-you-type spellchecking with aspell. KAddressbook import/export filter GMX addressbook format. X-Face support for KMail and KNode. New blogging resource for KOrganizer.
Knode/Konqueror - charles - 2004-11-27
I requested that Knode be "supplied" with a Konqueror tab. Anyone know whether this will be implemented? Cb..
Re: Knode/Konqueror - Anonymous - 2004-11-27
What is a "Konqueror tab"? What shall it do within KNode?
Re: Knode/Konqueror - jon - 2004-11-28
to enable him open web pages without launching konqueror anew!
Re: Knode/Konqueror - Anonymous - 2004-11-28
khtml integration for HTML postings?
Re: Knode/Konqueror - jon - 2004-11-28
Re: Knode/Konqueror - Ian Monroe - 2004-11-28
Even if that idea was technically correct, it is still a terrible one.
bugs - chris - 2004-11-27
The thing i like the most about KDE development now , is there are more BUGS closed that new Bugs are found !!!!! that very nice !!! thx
Re: bugs - mark dufour - 2004-11-27
is this is a sign of a mature infrastructure, or of a newly invigorated push, to get down to 0 bugs, in other words, to bug-fixing in real-time? :D it makes to want you to get you involved in fixing bugs in kde.. oh, if only I had the time.. :-/ well, I could probably squeeze it in.. guess I'm just lazy, like most of us. hats off to those heroic bug-fixers of late!! thanks!!!!
Re: bugs - Anonymous - 2004-11-27
I don't think that more bugs gets fixed than usual (except perhaps khtml) but more duplicate, unconfirmed or outdated bug reports are closed.
Re: bugs - jmk - 2004-11-27
khtml is active again?
Re: bugs - Anonymous - 2004-11-27
Was it ever dead? See the khtml backports for KDE 3.3.2: http://tinyurl.com/5nthc
Re: bugs - jmk - 2004-11-27
Not dead .. just less active. But hey, this looks good.
Re: bugs - Thorsten Schnebeck - 2004-11-28
But KDE_3_3_BRANCH don't let me use allofmp3.com :-/ I'm not sure, can be layer stuff (css) or JavaScript, whatever the download button never get active anymore. Hey, I still have there some $ credit ;-) Bye Thorsten
Re: bugs - Anonymous - 2004-11-28
What's your point? Use http://bugs.kde.org.
Re: bugs - Thorsten Schnebeck - 2004-11-28
Ho. ho. "Here is something broken, you need to registrate and pay money, if you want to check if this is a bug" I dont think that any developer take notice of such a bug report. Thats the point and sometimes the dot is useful to find some collaborators for testing searching and writing a useful bugreport :-) Bye Thorsten
Re: bugs - Jonas - 2004-11-28
No, you cut & paste from the pages to highlight the actual problems. "See this snippet here? It renders different i Mozilla and Konqueror, and I think that the former is correct. It is also necessary to visit site xx" It's the least you can do to help our hero developers get started on the problem.
Re: bugs - Anonymous - 2004-11-28
Make sure you allow popups for the site. That did the trick for me.
Re: bugs - Aaron J. Seigo - 2004-11-28
well, i know for a fact that there are more valid kicker bugs being closed with patches than there have been traditionally. the kde pim people have also been doing a great job with bug triage, and there are generally a lot of bug fixes being done. so, i wouldn't be so pessimistic as to say that there aren't more bug fixes than usual.
Thanks - Gonzalo Porcel - 2004-11-30
Aaron, Fixing bugs does not always win you headlines but it makes a huge difference in the lives of everyday users of KDE. For that I thank you and all the other KDE developers who seem to have tempered their love for new features, which I also share, with the need to create a platform that is easy to maintain and as bug-free as possible. While I do a lot of work to bring free software to new people through GNU/Linux community computer lab installations and through the work of mialug.org, my efforts pale in the face of what KDE developers do daily,so I wanted to take a little time out of my day just to say thank you. I am yet to take part at a KDE conference, but that's in my to-do list. Take care, Gonzalo
SVG - Anonymous - 2004-11-27
Good to see that there is work on SVG. What is the current status of ksvg2, kdom, kpainter?
Online X-Face converter - wilbert - 2004-11-27
See http://www.dairiki.org/xface/
Re: Online X-Face converter - blacksheep - 2004-11-28
This technology looks really cool. One could have a "face" like in the webforums. Just wondering, how many email clients support it? Does Outlook?
Re: Online X-Face converter - faloaj - 2004-11-29
Here's an X-face picture of Konqi: X-Face: -h`"2)}C+`RDTm?8\"w)[b_+XZi;hK$?Y.W+@(.r*&*X*,{v\!DI|xd/\fq$&BP%wzHp<5B _$[z;&w0MLNUi<DgXBGk(5_:ZXe`Z7/L*|L?"y)'Q??*uXFga+hGMk|3l4Vs;<kz{|D(Y>Kr[ZKqrB G"r,7$52*4*_SqHMr:"QL
Re: Online X-Face converter - falonaj - 2004-11-29
And this is the KDE Logo: X-Face: 'aG(ui;S~fng7r.;2k_wUbMT}Rl19T%DF#NG~HFmI.+EWuRvArH`1{H(`<p#v0O_i(DwDb\ V+{)BN=/G6Dz`ETo$_83;<x1jqV4@IEVsJD',E+MSs\v&t"Fv6`8=P_P\l"--JAm~GrM].)u#OA:97 zFHuf@Uxm/y4X[i
XFace: Finally? - Marc Driftmeyer - 2004-11-29
Glad to see NeXTMail is still 15 years ahead on this feature.
Re: XFace: Finally? - Anonymous - 2004-11-29
Why? Does it include holographic faces?