KDE 3.4 Release Cycle Starts with KDE 3.4 Alpha 1 ("Leverkusen")
Thursday, 9 December 2004 | Skulow
For those who can't live without a bleeding edge KDE, but don't dare to run CVS, we have packaged KDE 3.4 Alpha 1. As you can read on the KDE 3.4 release schedule, this is only the start of the fun, so please hammer on it over the end of year holidays and add your contributions. We welcome code patches, translations, documentation, great icons, detailed bug reports - any kind of help.
Get it from download.kde.org or try Konstruct.
As always we ask you not to use binary packages for Alpha 1, please compile it yourself using debugging options, so your bug reports will be as helpful as possible.
release name :) - chris - 2004-12-09
leverkusen ? hehe, what is the naming scheme for this release ? champions league winners ?
Re: release name :) - ET - 2004-12-09
If so, the final release should be named "Real Madrid" :)
Re: release name :) - jcp - 2004-12-10
Sorry, but I think it was FC Porto from Portugal ;)
Re: release name :) - c0p0n - 2004-12-10
Pardon, Sir, but it ought to be "Extremadura CF".
Re: release name :) - Yagami - 2004-12-11
as an FC Porto fan and Portuguese ... do you know what you are talking about , or just trying to make a bad joke ?
Re: release name :) - Angel - 2004-12-14
Why not Boca Juniors? We still're the champions of the world :D
Re: release name :) - Michael Thaler - 2004-12-09
What about Bayern Muenchen then? :-))
Coolo has no clue (about soccer) - open mind - 2004-12-09
It is obvious, that the next releaee will be named by Coolo mapping to one of the remaining quarter finalists. The one after will be a semi-finalist. Then one of the finalists. Last the champion. But Coolo -- why do you predict Leverkusen will be be out by the time of the semi-final? It is obvious that you can't have the same name twice. I could agree that Leverkusen won't make well as a "champion" name -- so no reason to save that name for the "Gold" release. But dismissing them already now? Pfffft...... (Coolo may be an excellent Release Dude -- but he has no clue about European soccer.)
Re: Coolo has no clue (about soccer) - Stephan Kulow - 2004-12-09
Bah! Who says I stick to champions league? Germany got plenty of soccer teams I can pick from. And Aachen sounds like a good second choice :)
Re: Coolo has no clue (about soccer) - Carlo - 2004-12-09
lol, Oche Al..pha II
Re: Coolo has no clue (about soccer) - Rob Kaper - 2004-12-10
Who says you have to stick to Germany? Or to silly useless non-descriptive confusing names in the first place? :)
Re: release name :) - Mathias Homann - 2004-12-09
as long as no release is named "bielefeld"...
Re: release name :) - Oliver Schliebs - 2004-12-09
Im proud to be a Leverkusener
Re: release name :) - Benjamin - 2004-12-09
I am a Leverkusener too. But naming an alpha-release after this town is IMHO a bit... strange. Are any Developers coming from this town? Benja.
Re: release name :) - Moose from Sweden! - 2004-12-10
What's wrong with Bielefeldt? I lived there for a couple of years!
Re: release name :) - MaX - 2004-12-10
what does leverkusen mean? - Paul - 2004-12-09
Obvious question: For those of us who don't speak german, what does leverkusen mean?
Re: what does leverkusen mean? - Carewolf - 2004-12-09
I think in Germany it is just a city name. In danish on the other hand it means liver-cunt (seriously).
Re: what does leverkusen mean? - open mind - 2004-12-09
...and yesterday, their professional soccer team "Bayer" made it into the semi-semi-semi-final of the European Champions League! ;-) (along with Werder Bremen and Bayern Muenchen).
Re: what does leverkusen mean? - Kim - 2004-12-09
No it doesn't. "Lever" means liver that is correct but "kusen" means nothing in Danish. If it had been "kussen" then it would have ment liver-cunt, but for those of us who actually speaks Danish (and can spell it too) this is not the case.
Re: what does leverkusen mean? - Boudewijn Rempt - 2004-12-09
Funny... Dutch 'kussen' means 'kisses' or 'pillow'. Must make for some marital misunderstandings in mixed Danish-Dutch marriages.
Re: what does leverkusen mean? - ac - 2004-12-09
I kiss liver all the time.
Re: what does leverkusen mean? - Christian Loose - 2004-12-09
It's a city in Germany near Cologne.
Re: what does leverkusen mean? - Aaron Krill - 2004-12-10
And not too far from Perfume in Luxembourd...
Re: what does leverkusen mean? - Michael Thaler - 2004-12-09
For those of you who can speak German, here is an explanation, what Leverkuse actually means: http://www.toenti.de/bitmaps/schalke/leverkusen.jpg
Re: what does leverkusen mean? - Debian User - 2004-12-09
Leverkus was man and his profession apothecy. He discovered something big, I forgot what, and Leverkusen became named after him and a big center for chemical and pharma industry. Bayer is the megacorp there. Yours, Kay
Re: what does leverkusen mean? - cyberpatrol - 2004-12-10
The "something big" Dr. Carl Leverkus "discovered" - more exactly: founded - was a color factory which was bought by Bayer which was founded by Friedrich Bayer.
Re: what does leverkusen mean? - Andreas Born - 2006-08-27
what does leverkusen mean? - jambo - 2004-12-09
Leverkusen is a Town near Cologne.
Leverkusen... - terra1 - 2004-12-09
I can only say: Yes, it's a city. Near cologne. And I gotta know it: I live in Germany ;) BTW: Is there a changelog available?
Re: Leverkusen... - Albert Astals Cid - 2004-12-09
Best thing you can get is http://developer.kde.org/development-versions/kde-3.4-features.html but beware it can be VERY outdated
Re: Leverkusen... - terra1 - 2004-12-09
Thank you...
Re: Leverkusen... - Stephan Kulow - 2004-12-09
You can forget about Leverkusen the city. But Leverkusen is also the team that beat Real Madrid 3:0 ;)
Re: Leverkusen... - terra1 - 2004-12-09
Hehe, but the team that won against Madrid came from the city Leverkusen ;)..
Re: Leverkusen... - Javier - 2004-12-09
Leverkusen is also the team that did LOST the final against Real Madrid.....
Screenshots? - standsolid - 2004-12-09
Anyone got some screenshots of the new features? I'm interested in the Kicker work that's been done.
Re: Screenshots? - Anonymous - 2004-12-09
Congratulations for the first post not talking about the codename.
Re: Screenshots? - Leverkusen - 2004-12-09
Who, me?
Re: Screenshots? - gnumdk - 2004-12-09
Posting from Kde 3.4, just have kdebase build, will post screenshot here tomorow. One question, why kpdf is not the new full featured kpdf?
Re: Screenshots? - Anonymous - 2004-12-09
Because the really cool (in opposite to just cool :) new features are still in the kpdf_experiments branch only and not in HEAD.
Re: Screenshots? - gerd - 2004-12-10
Hey, the release is named Leverkusen. The main reason for using such names is distractiong readers from the feature list. So everybody talks about the names and nobody complains about the releases.
Re: Screenshots? - Albert Astals Cid - 2004-12-10
Because we (ok, more Enrico than me) still have to polish the experimental kpdf a bit before merging to HEAD. I hope will have it for Beta1.
transition effects ? - Ask - 2004-12-10
Will the new kdf support the various transition effects in a pdf document created by latex prosper class, like Acrobat reader in windows does ? Ask
Re: transition effects ? - samiel - 2004-12-10
Adrian Leverkuhn is the main person of one of Thomas Mann's masterpieces, the novel "Doctor Faustus"... MS
Re: transition effects ? - Albert Astals Cid - 2004-12-11
Probably no, but we haven't tested any document like that. Could you please provide a link to one of them?
Re: transition effects ? - furanku - 2004-12-11
Although I think that these transistion effects are not really important features: A latex prosper generated pdf containing transition effects is availible at http://www.nefkom.net/georg.drenkhahn/prosper/doc/prosper-tour.pdf
Re: transition effects ? - superfebs - 2004-12-14
well... IMHO those animations *are* important features. People wants big buttons. Sleek graphics. Cool effects. Let's give them all, to conquer them. Uh... konquer! :)
KDE 3.4 - JF Digonnet - 2005-01-04
Hello I have compile KDE 3.4 from ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/snapshots/ KMAIL is not installed. Where is KMAIL ? jfd
Re: KDE 3.4 - Nicolas Goutte - 2005-01-04
KMail is suppose to be in KDEPIM. Have a nice day!