NewsForge is running a Platonic dialog considering the eternal question: "Should KDE be ported to Windows?". The voices of Socrates, Glaucon and Thrasymachus present the various arguments for and against the issue, making for an easy to understand presentation of the various aspects of this classic debate that will likely pop up again with KDE 4.
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I like playing with Linux iso's when I don't have anything else to do. I've tried a fair number of them. Suse is my favorite flavor, I actually bought 9.0. But the answer to your question is in the fact that you are even debating it! Most of us low buget computer wannabees will try it out, find out it doesn't measure up in response on basic things like media players and browser plugins and just get fed up and format the disk and reinstall "Uncle Bill's Virus". You could soooo increase the audiance by porting to windows, damn the developer's tools. I love KDE but I am not yet ready to give up on the krisp response from my 98se running on my old klunker. Please guys-----just do it already! It's going to happen anyway.
The Desktop war is about to begin on the release of LongHorn. You have a chance to invade and yet you guys ponder "should we?" The quicker we get KDE on windows the quicker Bill Gates has to make his move and the quicker he makes his move the more flaws will come. We need to slow down Microsoft. I had weird nightmares with Bill Gates taking over the net using broadcasting licenses and owning the wires to your house. Once you understand the Brotherhood of Bill and E.U. then you would want to move KDE on Windows. Use KDE as a stepping stone. Develop killer p2p apps that are extremely easy and in a couple of years the KDE team should pull the plug on all Microsoft users and force them to switch over to linux in order to keep using upto date KDE. Do on to others as they do on to you. The whole SCO was Bill's idea!!! Now it's payback. Linux need's to play nice with Microsoft. Once the numbers start showing up (KDE users or GNOME users, LINUX,)make a Microsoft move for payback. Once mom and dad understand enough to run linux then the newborns will learn as second nature. I'm a newbie linux user. I've used suse 7.1 on and off and bought suse 8.1 professional had some troubles went back to win2000 then to Xp, now I'm ripping on suse 9.1 and upgrading to 9.2. I deleted my Xp partition and didn't backup anything. Damn Bill nightmares are creeping me out!!! I would have used linux since 98 if I was taught some basics. I've always liked SuSE and now with Novell in the picture there's nothing more then payback. hahaha! IBM and SuSE aren't they partners. oh ahh cuz IBM wanted payback. 2008 will be the year of payback on Microsoft, but mostly likely to late cuz the E.U. 2006 rule. Broadcasting laws, damn.........!!!!!!!
"Develop killer p2p apps that are extremely easy and in a couple of years the KDE team should pull the plug on all Microsoft users and force them to switch over to linux in order to keep using upto date KDE."
You forgotten, KDE is on GPL license. Anyone can give Windows new versions (or even better).