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KMyMoney 0.8 Released

Saturday, 13 August 2005  |  Tbaumgart

The KMyMoney development team is proud to announce the availability of the newest stable release of KMyMoney, version 0.8. A lot of progress has been made since version 0.6 was released. Existing features have been improved and many new features have been added. The following article gives you a short overview of them.


KMyMoney now has the capability to manage basic investments such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, and has the ability to retrieve price updates from the Internet.


Reports have finally been added (no charts yet though - that's next). The reports are fully configurable and very powerful. Custom reports are easily created and a link to any report can easily be placed on your financial summary home page.

Multiple Currencies

Support for more then 170 different currencies has been added. You can even assign different currencies to different accounts and add transactions between those accounts.

GnuCash File Converter

A GnuCash import file converter has been added which makes it easier for those GnuCash users who have been wanting to experiment with or use KMyMoney.

OFX Import

KMyMoney now has the ability to import OFX files. OFX (Open Financial Exchange) is an open specification for the exchange of financial data over the Internet, allowing anyone to exchange financial data regardless of the platform or financial software they choose to use. OFX is supported by thousands of financial institutions and is becoming the preferred method of exchanging financial data in several countries.

An Improved Look and Feel

Probably the first thing that you will notice about KMyMoney 0.8 compared to 0.6 is the improved look and feel which includes a new default icon set and other visual improvements. The new look gives KMyMoney a much needed update and a lot friendlier feel. Colors are now taken from your system settings which makes KMyMoney fit better with your selected color scheme. Many of the dialogs and views have also been improved both visually and functionally.

Encryption of your Data File through GPG

You can now protect your financial data by using GPG encryption from within KMyMoney. You are also given the option to encrypt your file with a recovery key if you choose to, in case you loose your keyring/passphrase.

Calculator Widget when entering values

Many people (accustomed to using one of the various commercial finance managers), like entering values by using a 'calculator' widget. For them, and anyone else who prefers to enter values this way, KMyMoney now has one.

Completion of Data Within Edit Fields

When selecting an account, category or payee KMyMoney will take the keys you entered so far and reduce the displayed values in the drop down lists to contain only those entries that match. This will speed up entering transactions a lot.

Online Quotes for Stocks & Currencies

Pull the latest price information for stocks and currency exchange rates directly off the net from sources like Yahoo, Globe&Mail, MSN.CA or Canadian Mutuals. You can even add your favorite source.

Support for VAT

KMyMoney now offers support for "Value Added Tax" for those who live in countries that use a VAT system.

Anonymous File Format to Assist Debugging

When issues do arise that you are unable to figure out, KMyMoney now has the ability to anonymize a copy of your data file that you can then send to one of the developers who can try to discover and fix the issue. This is a useful feature when you need it.

Online Manual

The KMyMoney user manual is now available online within KHelpCenter and as a PDF file at the KMyMoney website.

Plugin Structure

KMyMoney now has a new plugin structure allowing developers to write full-featured plugins to extend the functionality of KMyMoney. We invite you to try it.

And of course, lots and lots of bug fixes.


Online Banking - Anonymous - 2005-08-13

Really looking forward to KMyMoney 1.0 with that. :-)

Re: Online Banking - Martin Preuss - 2005-08-13

Well, the plugin structure of KMyMoney already supports Online Banking. There is a module which can be activated by "./configure --enable-kbanking". This needs the latest package of AqBanking. However, currently only OFX Direct Connect and German HBCI are supported by AqBanking, and since I don't know where you are from I can't tell whether it would work for you or not... Regards Martin

HBCI - Martin - 2005-08-13

Without solid HBCI support this is all pretty useless for me. I stick with Moneyplex. It's the only non open-source app on my PC.

Re: HBCI - VTN - 2005-08-13

Why is there always a jerk who wants to mess up with a great KDE announcement? Those guys do not read anything, never make any contructive criticism and just spill out FUD...

Re: HBCI - Nicolas Goutte - 2005-08-13

If you want to know what HBCI is, see: Have a nice day!

Re: HBCI - fp26 - 2005-08-14

Maybe instead of complaining, you could help the developers to support your specific HBCI format... or at least provide them the format and help them test it... That would be a bit more constructive then just writting a complain.

Re: HBCI - Nicolas Goutte - 2005-08-14

Apparently it is part of OFX, at least according to (Sorry, it is in German but FinTS and HBCI are German.) Have a nice day!

Re: HBCI - cstim - 2005-08-15

Thanks for looking up HBCI in google (and confirming that the German linuxwiki made it on top of the result list), but in fact HBCI is just a different Protocol. OFX is one Protocol, and HBCI is another. The library AqBanking that you mentioned just happens to implement both of them. tries to be a useful explanation but falls a bit short of doing so. Well, HBCI is used only inside Germany, so the developers of such software mostly decided to write their documentation in German, too -- and that's what you can find on linuxwiki. cstim

Re: HBCI - cstim - 2005-08-15

What about RTFM: The comment right above your ignorant complaint says: "There is a module which can be activated by "./configure --enable-kbanking," and HBCI is supported by exactly this module. What was your trolling about again? cstim

compliments! - jumpy - 2005-08-13

What a good software this is! Everyone will get addicted to this software after trying it :-) Either you are a student or a wannabe-manager, this software is for you. This is not only good code, as many code nowadays is, but this is also: _useful_

Re: compliments! - Nobody - 2005-08-13

Exactly, I have been using it for all kind of live conversions (and amazed people on IRC/VoIP for my quick responces for queries about monies/funds we work on) of account values, not to mention when combined with kexchange running on side for currency conversions is a very nice tool... Can't wait to see how 1.0's on-line banking is gonna work out. I would actually like if kmymoney2 and kexchange would be stuffed to koffice, as I bet most offices are involved with monies/currencies all the time. Now just to have a plug-in for transferring project funds/account info between kmymoney2 and taskjuggler... Then on-line/virtual team management software (is there any free packages even existing for Linux/KDE?) for overall picture around the globe that you could zoom into down to cash account per project level (or to give a irc/voip/kcall to a team member)... That might even change quite a bit how teams working with non-Winblows would handle things. Oh well, maybe yet again just one of my pipe dreams... ;-)

Re: compliments! - Robert - 2005-08-15

Yes, agreed! I'm using it ever since 0.6x on my SuSE 9.2 box to track my private expenses. Even though i have to type in bank transactions manually due to lack of HBCI support (on the side of the bank, that is), i still benefit hugely from this software. I'd like to see more progress in reporting though. For example, to limit the bank transactions in a report to the most recently completed month, i have to choose "custom" and supply the date manually, which is a bit tedious. Better would be to have one of the smart options be something like "current year until the last completed month". The already announced charts will be most welcome, too. Other than that, once agein, fantastic work! Congratulations again!

Re: compliments! - Thomas Baumgart - 2005-08-15

You are invited to drop a feature request on

Re: compliments! - Robert - 2005-08-16

Done. See here: Thanks for the pointer!

I'll check this out asap, but... - Giacomo - 2005-08-15

I submitted a bug report for the UK translation and didn't hear anything back; the following release maintained the same bugs... not really nice. However, the software is outstanding and getting better with each release, so I'll stick with it :) I really wish they would hook into KCalendar to create reminders for due payments etc, so that Kontact would pick them up. Actually, this would be a great app to (optionally) integrate with Kontact.

This just kicks butt it's so good :D - coffeecomet - 2005-08-15

I've been through the deep dark woods of winblows and it's ntfs hell and I can say from many years in the dark I've found the Light through the branches and that is Linux and KDE. This application is just another super wonderfull design from a dedicated person bringing joy to our hearts! Keep up the excellent work! Cheers from a californian LINUX, KDE, Kmymoney user. Johnny

Great Fab - DocW - 2007-05-14

I was using Money on my windows box for all my banking needs. When money died I down loaded a trial of money 2007 only to find out that it would not open my back up files or the main money file. So I had a choice either fork over $50.00 dollars to microsoft for the deluxe version of problems. Or try something else. Kmymoney is great I love it. Its wonderful as long as you remember to save often. I have been able to crash it a few times mainly my fault. But I still think you got the best money ware out there.