Mandriva Donates Polish Translation of KDE Docs

The Polish department of Mandriva has contributed over 100 files of documentation translations to the Polish localisation team. The commits (1, 2) are made up of over 8000 messages. This allows Polish people to get an even better experience when using KDE in their native language. The KDE Polish team would like to thank Mandriva for their contribution and encourage GNU/Linux companies in other countries to support local versions of KDE.

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by curtain-calls (not verified)

palmsource invests in linux, great huh?

by dpc (not verified)

Wielkie dzięki ludziska. ;-)

by R.Koendering (not verified)

I would like to see Mandriva to supply kde 3.5.1 for there mandriva users!

In the past it was available as a download at the kde site, but for several years Mandrake/Mandrive stopped to deliver new kde versions

For kde 2006 users the only thing is get the Cristmas KDE version and you get 2006 with kde 3.5.1.


by Ferenc Veres (not verified)

The Club Xmas edition (if you refer to this: comes with old KDE AFAIK. I use KDE 3.5.1 on Mandriva from