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People Behind KDE: John Tapsell

Wednesday, 16 August 2006  |  Talbers

Curious about the man responsible for the application behind CTRL-Esc? This postgrad student will make sure his application in KDE4 will 'flash up in a ball of fire and lightning, flames of fire torching random apps on the screen. It will settle down into a mind blowing beautiful interface, with only flickers of flames around the edges.' Want to see a Sneak Preview of KDE4? Or read all about FIFO and LIFO, Saki err Sake, heart attacks and the man responsible for breaking Konversation for five months? People Behind KDE presents John Tapsell.


hehe - John Tapsell - 2006-08-16

Actually I'm just the current maintainer - other people have done most of the work. :)

Can't wait... - Bram Schoenmakers - 2006-08-16

Whoa, that KDE 4 splash looks awesome! Can't wait for KDE4...

Re: Can't wait... - Alkis - 2006-08-16

You have got to be kidding. The splash screen looks awfull. Kindergarden stuff. I actually think it was meant as a joke. Well, worked for me. Heh heh...there, I laughed. :P

Re: Can't wait... - yeap - 2006-08-17

I second this

Re: Can't wait... - John Tapsell - 2006-08-17

Somebody on the IRC channel said they wanted the kde4 splash screen to be like the kde3 one, but more colourful. So I did just that :-)

Re: Can't wait... - Rinse - 2006-08-17

I think its great and that we should keep it :)

flux - Ian Monroe - 2006-08-16

Best. Interview. Ever.

Re: flux - Jocke "Firetech" Andersson - 2006-08-16

Second that.

My gosh... - liquidat - 2006-08-16

... I think I never laughed so much while reading a "People behind KDE". Especially the "What is your most embarrassing KDE moment?" section is brilliant. Nice to see that even KDE developers are just humans, too :D

Re: My gosh... - Dominik Seichter - 2006-08-17

yep Sooooo funny! Thanks for making me laugh and for that KSysGuard patch!!! CU Dom

Travel - Apollo Creed - 2006-08-16

"What is your favourite place in the world? I don't know. I've seen so little. I want to travel and see more of it :)" Go to Japan. Then stay there. It kicks Europe's *ss. You know, they let you stay if you marry a Japanese person, and have a job. One down, one to go. ;)

Re: Travel - John Tapsell - 2006-08-16

I'm not sure I would survive the weather :-) From what I hear, it's more severe than the UK - hotter summers, colder winters and wetter rainy seasons. I'd be a wet, burnt, frozen baka-gaijin.

Re: Travel - Apollo Creed - 2006-08-16

Hotter summers is probably true, wetter rainy seasons too - colder winters... well, that's what *they* think. (Did I mention I'm from Sweden? ;))

Re: Travel - Ben - 2006-08-20

I read (in an atlas) that Japan is the most dangerous place in the world (natural disater-wise). They have earthquakes, hurricans, tunamis, and other nasty things. Haha, (im from California so maybe I shouldn't laugh so much)

Hand-held Wikipedia reader - Arend jr. - 2006-08-16

Q: You're stuck on a train for 6 hours and are bored out of your skull. What do you do to amuse yourself? A: Try to invent something. A hand-held Wikipedia reader. [...] That one must definitely carry the words "Don't Panic" on it. :)

Re: Hand-held Wikipedia reader - Apollo Creed - 2006-08-16

Have a look yourself: ;)

Highlights - Danil - 2006-08-17

Highlights: Q: What makes you develop for KDE instead of the competition? A: We have competition? That is all...

Nice Interview - ZennouRyuu - 2006-08-17

It's really nice to see the more personal side of the inhuman machines that have created KDE. I look forward to the next one.

Re: Nice Interview - Göran Jartin - 2006-08-17

Well, there have been a lot of of personal, funny and interesting interviews before in the series, but this sure was one of <I>the</I> funniest :-)

KDE 4 - Itchy - 2006-08-18

However we are curious about KDE 4...