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People Behind KDE: Hamish Rodda

Thursday, 26 October 2006  |  Tbaarda

Tonight in the People Behind KDE series of interviews we feature an Australian core hacker. He is very motivated in programming but his social life is as important. He focuses mainly on programming tools but works for core parts like kdeui too. We are talking about KDE star Hamish Rodda.


Thanks! - Anon - 2006-10-26

Good read! I'd like to thank Hamish for his work on KDevelop, Kate and KDE in general! There's just one thing I don't understand: how does a medical doctor have enough time to hack this much on KDE, much less learn how to write such fantastic code?

Re: Thanks! - djouallah mimoune - 2006-10-26

27 years, doctor, and all that hack on KDE. I must admit, programmers are not "normal" people, and me moaning in work about lack of time. cheers mimoune

Re: Thanks! - fred - 2006-10-26

Agree, he must be a superior doctor and developer! I can't imagine how he could divide his time as a doctor and as a programmer... thanks Hamish for your great works!

Re: Thanks! - Boemer... - 2006-10-26

Well still up for adoption, saves a lot of time.....

First things first. Married, partner or up for ado - djouallah mimoune - 2006-10-26

don't flame me ! I really don't understand it what do you mean by "up for adoption", of course married has an universal meaning; partner is a kind of a mariage without a formal commitement; but for up ado I don't get it regards mimoune

Re: First things first. Married, partner or up for ado - Jonathan Brugge - 2006-10-26

'Up for adoption' means that someone does not have a partner at all (be it formal or not). In that case, he/she can be 'adopted' by someone in the same situation :).

Re: First things first. Married, partner or up for ado - djouallah mimoune - 2006-10-26

ah ok thanks now I understand why he is so active;)anyway we really need people like him, as I read it not sure the next kubuntu will include kde4 - after 6 months- mimoune

Re: First things first. Married, partner or up for ado - Jakob Petsovits - 2006-10-26

> now I understand why he is so active ;) So we need to make sure that he's not adopted, right? After all, KDevelop 4 ought to be released in time... :-P Cheerio, Hamish! Glad you're there, your code is nothing but exceptional. i hope you can make it to next year's aKademy :-?

Re: First things first. Married, partner or up for ado - Hamish Rodda - 2006-10-27

Thanks for everyone's kind words... although the interview is a bit out of date, I have a partner now, but the hacking should continue... :)

Re: First things first. Married, partner or up for ado - Kevin Krammer - 2006-10-27

Now that's a head line: "do a people behind KDE interview, get adopted!" :)

Origin of Name? - AC - 2006-10-27

I'm curious about your name "Hamish Rodda". Doesn't sound like a typical Aussie name (I could be wrong), so what's the story behind the name? :-)

Re: Origin of Name? - Hamish Rodda - 2006-11-03

The name is fairly unique but not too unusual... Hamish is Scottish (parents just liked it) and Rodda is an English surname originally.

Well deserved! - gallium - 2006-10-28

Hamish, Nice to see you're getting the recognition your deserve mate! I've been out of the loop for quite some time and something tells me I ought to fix that... reading your interview showed me I've got my priorities all wrong. ;) Maybe, just maybe I'll commit a few gems for this Christmas... - K