KDE Commit-Digest for 10th December 2006

In this week's KDE Commit-Digest: The beginnings of Sega Genesis/Megadrive support in Gamefu. kdegames improvements continue with porting and gameplay work in KBackGammon. OpenDocument master page support in Okular. 'Idle time' detection comes to the 'powermanager' module of the Guidance system utilies. MIDI format support in KTabEdit. The new histogram graphing functionality of Strigi continues to be refined. Following Akonadi, NEPOMUK starts to utilise the power of Strigi. WHATWG audio objects supported in KHTML through Phonon. Appointment printing work in KOrganizer. Kross scripting infiltrates KWord.

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by m. (not verified)

ASFAIUnderstand: kdelibs4 are not stable enough to make real porting of complex applications without fixing something in kdelibs each 5 minutes.

by Peter (not verified)

It's definitely harder, yes. That also makes it less fun, yes. But it's work that needs to be done. And without people working on porting and using the new libs, the libs development loses momentum as well, as those by-product fixes you cite don't happen.

KOffice seems to manage developing against 4 pretty well, as do a few others.

by otherAC (not verified)

And koffice continues to release 3.x based versions (like 1.6 recently)

by Thomas Zander (not verified)

Just bugfix releases, and some backported features for Krita / Kexi.
Most of the work is going on in the kde4 based version.

by LMCBoy (not verified)

This isn't my experience at all. 5 minutes? Come on. We've had a policy for a while in trunk that BC can only be broken on Mondays; that speaks to a reasonably good level of stability.

Are there bugs in kdelibs-4.0? Of course! All the more reason that we need as many app developers as possible using it, helping to find them. Now is the time.

by Aaron J. Seigo (not verified)

you understand incorrectly. we passed that point some time ago and now many applications are making excellent progress in kde4, ranging from ksysguard to kjots to okular/ligature to kdegames to .....

by Aaron J. Seigo (not verified)

good question.

the kdepim people are working on both 3.5 and 4.0. akonadi is the big push for kde4 and AFAIK there is a hackfest in january for it. look forward to more news then.

by infopipe (not verified)

the new features in the 3.5.5+ branch consist mostly of patches found on kde-apps.org. These patches are integrated into kdepim3 AND forward ported to kdepim4.
I hope this info will diminish your dissatisfaction and you will allow the kdepim devs to do their work in the way they think it's the best. If not, well, start up svn and your favourite editor and let the patches flowing in!

And whoever told you that kde4 will only be a port to qt4 was lying to you. There are masses of new features in kde4.

by Peter (not verified)

> And whoever told you that kde4 will only be a port to qt4 was lying to you. There are masses of new features in kde4.

I didn't contradict that anywhere. The fact is, however, that the porting needs to happen and reach a reasonable percentage of completion before the development of new features on the 4.0 stuff is viable. Unfortunately the porting is also unsexy and less fun than developing new features. But it needs to be done.

by otherAC (not verified)

Porting only makes sense when it's time to port it.

by Peter (not verified)

Jason Harris seems to have a similar view to mine: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/2575

by otherAC (not verified)

For what I understand from this thread, there is a lot of development with kdepim going on in kde4.
It's not like kdepim people are just sitting around waiting for something to happen, and meanwhile add some stuff to kde 3.5.6

by Peter (not verified)

I certainly hope you're right -- but unfortunately from my end it currently looks exactly like you say in your last sentence.

Maybe the PIM developers should blog more.

by otherAC (not verified)

>>Maybe the PIM developers should blog more.

Hmm, that goes off the time they can spend on developing for kde4 ;)

by Peter (not verified)

> Hmm, that goes off the time they can spend on developing for kde4 ;)

Point taken ;).

by Daniel D. (not verified)

To the people who took up the work on PIM package - big thank you for your efforts, regardless of the version you are working on. The + line had seen so many quality tweaks and improvements, from long-needed menu rearrangements, to the greatly needed Korganizer improvements.

I almost lost hope in KDE mail app and was looking into the only 2 other serious projects - Evolution and Thunderbird. Now you keep my hopes up, my big but humble thank you.

by tikal26 (not verified)

i still don't understand what Nepomuk is all about yet, but I like the explanation and I am looking foward to all of this things with strigi. I would really like to have this available and so far Beagle just doesn;t cut it for me.

by superstoned (not verified)

be prepared to get happy, strigi is progressing fast. essentially, Nepomuk will make a search with strigi smarter, as it uses additional information. with strigi, you can find a file which contains 'superstoned', but with strigi+Nepomuk you will also find the file you recieved from 'superstoned' and then saved to your harddisk.

strigi already finds files in zipfiles, and files in attachments and stuff, unlike beagle.

and last but not least, strigi will not just be smarter and more thorough, but also faster and more stable: it's indexing is up to 6 times faster compared to beagle, and uses a load less memory. so yes, it indexes more files (files in archives and attachments), it will index more information (thanx to Nepomuk), and it automatically computes a md5sum for each file (to identify duplicates) but at the same time, it's still faster...

by Lans (not verified)

... And that sounds too good to be true.
I look forward to try Strigi. (Haven't bothered to fix i t yet).