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aKademy 2007: Edu & School Day

Tuesday, 24 April 2007  |  Amahfouf

You are invited to aKademy Edu & School Day on Tuesday 3rd July. This day will focus on installing and running free educational software in schools, presenting software as well as getting feedback from teachers and community people. Read on for details.

Highlights include:

The day is freely open to everyone interested in Free educational Software. If you want to attend the conference, register for aKademy. Make sure you sign up before 30th April to register for accommodation.

If you use free educational software in your daily work and are interested in giving a talk, please let me know!

For more information see the aKademy Edu & School Day wiki page. Help spread the word using this flyer!


Merci - djouallah mimoune - 2007-04-25

Anne-Marie, j’aimerai bien vous remercier pour votre article, je crois que les licences payées par l’état pour acheter des logiciels propriétaires dans les écoles, doivent être mieux utilisé pour autre choses. Amicalement

one friendly appeal - nescius - 2007-04-26

could you please stop making the headers so silly? we really dont care which letter is big and which small, its not cool anymore. or at last stop duplicating it in rss channel..

Re: one friendly appeal - Anne-Marie Mahfouf - 2007-04-26

I am not sure what you mean here. If you mean that the first letters are capitalized in the title, well, this is the English way of writing titles. The aKademy and the mEDUXa capitalizations are not mine. About the rss channel: not sure what you mean either. It's a bit disappointing for me that you pick that up in my article while it occurs very often on the Dot that a typo fixe is made and it's probably akregator that should be fixed. It looks negative which is not nice, considering all the work I and the aKademy team are putting into that.