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Qt Apps Community Sites Launched

Sunday, 29 April 2007  |  Liquidat

Some days ago the the community around the web sites,, etc launched two new web sites: and Both sites will be a home for presenting Qt based applications like already is for presenting KDE applications. The difference between both new sites is that Qt-Apps will be pure FLOSS only, while Qt-Prop is a home for proprietary software. The launch was done in cooperation with Trolltech.


Redundance.. - Fast_Rizwaan - 2007-04-29

Just to please FLOSS lovers and Non-Free users.. and is created.. it should have been: 1. for the unbiased (who would like to see both prop. and free software) 2. for the FLOSS crowd. 3. for the NON-Free crows ;) is unsuitable just for free apps, because qt proprietary is a qt application too!

Re: Redundance.. - djouallah mimoune - 2007-04-29

for me, i would like prefered Linux-app, what's the hell will all those qt, gtk, kdelibs, libgnome. we want app, we don't care about the toolkit, and we don't care either if it is free or proprietary.

Re: Re: Redundance.. - Søren Hansen - 2007-04-29

I second that. A bit like would be nice. Additionally you could filter FLOSS/proprietary, Qt/GTK/FLTK/OpenGL/Motif/&c. and other stuff.

Re: Redundance.. - andre - 2007-04-29

I think its good as it is. New community sites do no harm. KDE-apps is a great success. I am however concerned that QT-apps integrate as bad into KDE as do Gnome apps. for instance the use of the top menu bar does not work with Scribus. For a DTP software that apple style menu on top bar really does make sense. I hope that someone would fork the QT-only apps and make KDE ones out of them.

Re: Redundance.. - Dragen - 2007-04-29

I would think it would be possible for Trolltech to make Qt-apps compile with kde-native support in the same way that they can be compiled with Linux, OSX and MSWindows support. However, they have probably thought of this already and decided against it. But I would have loved lyx and other qt-apps with proper kde-support. I might even have used Opera again :).

Re: Redundance.. - Diederik van der Boor - 2007-04-29

> for me, i would like prefered Linux-app, > what's the hell will all those qt, gtk, kdelibs, libgnome. For me it matters. Being build on KDE means integrates with my desktop, use my other KDE services, reuse my KDE preferences, fonts, icons and color schemes. It means the file open dialog won't suck, help system looks what I know, features are not stripped to death and it'll reuse the kdelibs already loaded (instead of loading new libs). Until cross-desktop standards fix these issues I'll care. I actually don't like the Gtk/Gnome apps that much, so I prefer to filter. It could apply a filter to the website, or use a separate website. Which one, I don't care, as long as I can exclude some app types.. ;) Just my $0.02

Re: Redundance.. - Derek R. - 2007-04-29

Of course we care about the toolkit. Not only about that, but we care about desktop integration and coherency. That's why I use KDE, and at what KDE excels.

Re: Redundance.. - MamiyaOtaru - 2007-05-03

You're speaking for yourself, and as we've seen from a load of comments from you in the past, you aren't in agreement with a lot of users. Lots of us do care about the toolkit. Lots of us do care about proprietary. For people who don't, wth are you doing using Linux?

Re: Redundance.. - Lee - 2007-04-29

Personally, I disagree. Some of us take the view that, by default, software should not limit your freedom.

Re: Redundance.. - superstoned - 2007-04-29

weird thing is, there are Qt only and non-free apps on And i agree with the other guy here, too many websites, pretty useless imho. Just confusing...

Re: Redundance.. - whatever noticed - 2007-04-30

They have been asked to move their software out of After a short period, all non-kde apps that didn't move itself will be removed.

Re: Redundance.. - testerus - 2007-04-30

Great. Now one has to search in three places instead of 1. :(

Re: Redundance.. - Matt - 2007-05-03

Or use Google (or preferred search engine) and include these terms in your search: ( OR OR

Re: Redundance.. - Chani - 2007-05-20

that sounds like effort. quick, someone set up a fourth site with one of those google search widgets, set to search the other three sites! ;)

so you like to play nice... - Vlad - 2007-04-29

Though your suggestion makes sence (qt-apps could aggregate submissions to both sites.. to remove posting redundancy), I think that we should be discouraging proprietary software. Creating the two sites in that manner is doing exactly that. In that line of thought, I wonder why create a qt-prop site at all? Just have open to FLOSS submissions and leave it at that. I can't imagine having the same community feel that qt-apps will have (and kde-apps has). There is a fair amount of bug fixing, patches, and new owner maintanence happening in kde-apps that wouldn't be present in a proprietary site. Vlad

Re: so you like to play nice... - David - 2007-04-29

But let's not forget that (Qt) propietry appslications play a very important role - they provide a source of income for Trolltech! And this as to be a good thing for KDE :-D

Re: so you like to play nice... - Brandybuck - 2007-04-30

KDE-look and GNOME-look both have proprietary wallpapers, so what's the big deal with qt-prop having proprietary apps?

floss??? - KDE User - 2007-04-29

As in dental floss? RMS is surely turning in his grave at that silly acronym.

Re: floss??? - claes - 2007-04-29

RMS is not dead

Re: floss??? - Andi - 2007-04-29

if he was, he could not turn in his grave ;)

Re: floss??? - panzi - 2007-04-29

But what is he doing in his grave when he isn't dead? Test-lieing? That's a bit morbid.

Re: floss??? - Vlad - 2007-04-30


say no to proprietry software - hannes hauswedell - 2007-04-29

we should not waste money or bandwidth on non-free software! first thing we should ban non-free content on kde-apps (and for that matter also on kde-look). splitting the community between qt-apps and kde-apps is not really a great idea i think (you could have marked qt-only-apps on kde-apps a different color...). espiecially since kde-apps will be more portable soon... anyway getting rid of non-free content on our community sites would be much more important!

Re: say no to proprietry software - andre - 2007-04-29

why this software zelotisme.

Re: say no to proprietry software - MamiyaOtaru - 2007-05-03

It's kinda what sets Linux apart from easier (for most people) to use OSs like Windows and OS X.

why split - testerus - 2007-04-29

KDE-Apps features Qt and KDE applications, proprietary and FLOSS. Why the split?

Re: why split - djouallah mimoune - 2007-04-29

because they can do it ? that's all

Wow - Gunksta - 2007-04-29

There are a lot of strong feeling about this idea. Some people are for it. Some people are against it. Some people seem to think RMS spends his time test-running coffins. I wish people could sit back and look at this discussion (and MANY MANY others) in a broader context. Freedom is important. It's very important. OTOH, I have a hard time with the obvious anger and passion of the hard-core free-software zealots. Look around the world. Put things into a broader perspective. I'm going to save my passion and vitriol for stopping the war in Iraq (Yes, I'm an American), global poverty, global warming, etc. In the meantime, I will continue to contribute and participate in the Free Software movement. In time, free software will win because it's rules defy the traditional laws of economics. So relax, make a donation to one more cause, and let's write some kick-ass software. Peace

hi - natalya - 2007-04-29

hello liquidat sorry for your name coming up red. any way i am getting great mail. hope sepeck to you soon. natalya.

Good Idea - Kanwar - 2007-05-01

This is a good idea since there are quite a few people out there who believe all QT apps require KDE to be installed. This is a good site to show QT-only apps -- just as we have GTK-only ones.

Bikeshedding - logixoul - 2007-05-05

To everyone: see before posting. Thanks.