KDE 4.0-alpha1 Released: "Knut"

The KDE Community is happy to announce the immediate availability of the first alpha release of the
KDE Desktop Environment, version 4.0. This release is a basis for the integration of powerful new
technologies that will be included in KDE 4. Read on for more details.

Highlights of KDE 4.0 Alpha 1 are:

  • A new visual appearance through Oxygen
  • New frameworks to build applications with, providing vastly improved
    hardware and multimedia integration (through Solid and Phonon), spelling and grammar checking, to name just a few
  • New applications that focus on a smooth user experience, such as Dolphin, the file manager, and Okular, the document viewer

KDE 4.0 Alpha 1 marks the end of the addition of large features to the KDE base libraries and shifts the focus onto integrating these new technologies into applications and the base desktop. The
next few months will be spent on bringing the desktop into shape after two years of frenzied development leaving very little untouched.

The final release of KDE 4.0 is expected in late October 2007.

The work on the framework makes application development easier and more satisfying. This will result in a crop of new features and applications over the next few years, underlining the position KDE holds as the leading Free Desktop and bringing Free Software to new users worldwide. A detailed release schedule can be found at techbase.kde.org, the new technical resource accompanying the platform, that provides extensive and high-quality documentation about KDE.

More information such as screenshots and installation instructions can be found in the KDE 4.0-alpha1 Visual Guide.

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by kde (not verified)


The new 'GNOME' looks pretty...:(

Congratulations to all KDE developers, that I'm sure has not taken part in this HORRIBLE 'UI' design!

by Jeff Parsons (not verified)

Keep in mind that this is a very early alpha release, and what you *see* here is likely to change drastically. However, with that in mind, if you'd like to itemise any serious suggestions you have for improvements, I'm sure they would be appreciated.

Sarcastic ranting, on the other hand, won't help anyone.

by Some guy (not verified)

That's Dolphin Mr. Dumbo, you still have Konqi.
KDE4 is still KDE. And everything is coming nicely, despite the many trolls who said it was vapourware.

If you want to troll go to Digg or Slashdot, not here. *freakin' jackass mumble mumble*

by Benjamin (not verified)

- will there be nightly builds?

- how to develop for KDE 4 or desriptions how to compile sources?

- are there virtual client images?

by Carsten Niehaus (not verified)
by Jonathan (not verified)

Wow, they are great! Simply amazing! I started up the liveCD and I thought this not possible. Although I have seen some screenshots, seeing it work is something else. Really, great.

The only icon I don't like is the folder icon. I don't know, it just looks strange. I think it's 1) the sight from the front and 2) it just doesn't look like a folder. I know this is still work in progress so I hope to see something else soon. I really don't want to offend you, it just doesn't fit with all the other icons that are so detailed and just great...

What do the others think?

by Anon (not verified)

"I really don't want to offend you, it just doesn't fit with all the other icons that are so detailed and just great...

What do the others think?"

Many people have said exactly the same thing - to me, it looks like a couple of floppy pieces of paper awkwardly propped up against one another.

I much prefer the older style, which is still used for folder-home:


Practically everything else is jaw-dropping beautiful, though - check out kbugbuster ( http://websvn.kde.org/*checkout*/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/pics/oxygen/scalable/... ) if you haven't done so already! :)

by Vide (not verified)

Yeah, I tend to agree although I must admit that looking again to the classic crystal folder, you're tempted to think.: what is this?? I mean, once we'll be used to these oxygen folders we'll not see them so badly... I hope :P

by Lans (not verified)


I also think the old folder looks mych better - in larger sizes. Can't get svn to work (almost succeed yesterday, then I ran out of space. Gah. At that time I really hated mt laptop. The Kubuntu packages don't work that well either) but I will try out the new live CD now. Maybe you just have to get used to it?

by Luis (not verified)

Well, it's matter os taste, I love the new folder, the first time I saw it, I thought too that it was ugly, and that it wasn't a folder. But you when you use them both, after you get use to the new one, the older looks like a crap.

Tried it, use one some time the old one (in KDE 3 if you want to) and then use the new one ;P.

by Luis (not verified)

Holy crap, I wrote too fast...

"Well, it's matter os taste, I love the new folder, the first time I saw it, I thought too that it was ugly, and that it wasn't a folder. But when you use them both, after you get use to the new one, the older looks like a crap.

Try it, use the old one some time (in KDE 3 if you want to) and then use the new one ;P."

Yes, I know, I should use the preview.

btw, sorry for my bad english.

by Chris (not verified)

Looks like MacOSX to me.

by Dan Leinir Turt... (not verified)

On the surface, yes, but take a look at the two task analyses that he did, in particular Task B - Group Project. Basically, the interface is entirely task oriented, includes collaboration support and all other sorta of nifty things like that...