KDE Commit-Digest for 3rd February 2008

In this week's KDE Commit-Digest: Custom legend entries and the beginnings of the Mercator map projection (and evidence of exciting other things to come) in Marble. Support for multiple online dictionaries and the start of a vocabulary Plasma applet in Parley. Kross scripting engines (supporting various scripting languages) in Plasma, and the much-anticipated return of the ability to resize the panel. Support for multiple "Picture of the Day" providers in the "Picture Frame" Plasma applet. More work on the redesign (code and visuals) of KWorldClock. Work on theming improvements across KDE games. Image information now displayed in fullscreen mode in Gwenview. Continued maintenance work in the Kooka scanning application. Support for HTML signatures in KMail. Continued development on the IRC Kopete plugin. Work on snap guides and a threaded tile backend in KOffice. A migration plugin for Sybase ASE in Kexi. Various efficiency improvements in KLinkStatus, KGet, and some KDE games. KDE 4.0.1 (bugfixes) is tagged for release. Read the rest of the Digest here.

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by yman (not verified)

It would be nice if there was a standard. lets say: apps.kde.org/[app name] for individual apps. projects.kde.org for software collections (KOffice, KDE-PIM, KDE-EDU, KDE games, etc)

by Jeremy (not verified)

Yes, thats what I wanted. Doing what we have now is confusing and needs some standard.

I would be glad to help if thats needed.

by logixoul (not verified)
by Intrepid Ungulate (not verified)

kde 4 is delicious but somehow i can't help feeling there isn't enough cheese in it. i'm thinking camembert, i'm thinking halloumi, i'm thinking stilton. exciting cheese with lots of flavour, makes you tingle just thinking about it. not like that gnome stuff which is just foot cheese, or the mac cheese which is fun with those apple chunks in it but is too prissy. good solid cheese.

i used to like windows cheese but it went mouldy.

remember folks, more cheese = better!

by Ian (not verified)

And don't forget the Port to compliment the cheese !!!

by Max (not verified)

Will KDE 4.1 be able to run on Haiku?
Or will the applications run on it?

From the little I know about it, it seems to have great potential. It's just missing an up to date window environments --> KDE to the rescue.. :)

It also seems to be a speed demon on slower computers. Maybe it is one on faster computers as well?

by Alex (not verified)

No idea.
Is Haiku POSIX compatible ?
The windowing system may be a problem, it seems it doesn't have X.


http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=236331448076587879&q=haiku&total... (I'm guessing they're further ahead, as the video is about 1 year old now.)


Does this help with info?

If I understand correctly Haiku is the open source version of BeOS. Apple almost used BeOS for OS-X, but decided to use Nextstep instead at the last minute.

by The Troy (not verified)

If all goes according to plan, Haiku will be POSIX compatible, because BeOS was.

by Hi (not verified)

Any new updates coming soon?

It's been pretty quiet around KDE and Windows KDE this week.

You guys are doing a great job!!

Just please update us. :)