KDE Commit-Digest for 2nd March 2008

In this week's KDE Commit-Digest: Work on WebKit integration, the ability to access Plasma data engines in Plasmoids rendered through WebKit, and a HDDtemp daemon data engine are added to Plasma, plus work on Plasmoid packaging and KRunner. Items can now be dragged from the Kickoff menu to the desktop or the panel. More work on syncing Akregator with online reader services. A GUI for declinations in Parley. Support for DGML tags in Marble. Genuine progress in the KTankBattle game. General improvements and the removal of the Helix engine in Amarok 2. A visual redesign of the KGet "Web Interface", with added translation capabilities. Continued work on KPresenter slide transitions, and KCron. Work on importing and exporting shortcut configurations in KControl. The "three stars per character" password mode returns to KDE 4 (from the KDE 3 series). Various speed optimisations across KDE applications. Ligature moves to "unmaintained" status. KDE 4.0.2 is tagged for release. Read the rest of the Digest here.

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by Oscar (not verified)

Is there a way to open the start menu from the keyboard? The "search" there is just what I need to start my apps but it's just so damn annoying to let go of the keyboard, grab the mouse to click on the icon just to grab the keyboard again to start typing the name of the app I want to start.

Can it be done? I looked at configuring shortcuts but couldn't find out how.

ALT-F2 + typing name of app will achieve a similar result

by Oscar (not verified)

Yes and no.
There is a subtle but important difference in what apps are showed on ALT-F2 and StartMenu if you type "web", and I can't scroll with ALT-F2, I can only choose the one at the top of the list.

So it's not quite what I'm after but thanks anyway.

you can tab on to the list then scroll with the cursor keys

by Oscar (not verified)

Oh, thanks. It does work. I can choose different apps. It's not quite the same but it'll do. Thanks for answering.

Also a big thank you to he who pointed to the bug-report. Good to know that this feature might show up.

Probably going to be fixed in the future.

by Level1 (not verified)

The shortcut should be alt-f1 by default, but it might be broken right now.

by phD student tha... (not verified)

thanks for the digest, it is very interesting.

I have one question for plasma devs.
What is the current status of the transition from Plasma Widget to WoC and other QT 4.4 new stuff ?
Do you need testing ?

Thanks in advance

(I am affraid I cannot help coding due to lack of time and the need to learn a lot of things before being usefull, still I can compile (not complicated to type make) )

by Max (not verified)


Let's see if we can get that number go up by at least 100 by the next digest.

by Riddle (not verified)


if you want KDE improved then switch to a distro like opensuse who are major contributors with developing KDE.

I would, but I just love the Kubuntu package manager. It's so dead easy to use. I love it. Every time I go and use openSuse, I miss how easy Debian/Kubuntu treats packages, and "universes", and "multiverses".

Rpm's, while better are still frustrating to use. I HATE DEPENDENCIES.

And you mean that deb's have no dependencies?

Of course it does. It's just more transparent to the user. It does it automatically. No questions asked that a beginner can't answer.

I tested both openSuse with beginners and with semi knowledgeable Linux users. Beginners preferred Kubuntu. (even over ubuntu, because it reminded them more of WIndows.)

by Dan Leinir Turt... (not verified)

Questions that apt-rpm asks that are different from the ones apt-dpkg ask? i'm sorry, i'm not sure i understand where you're getting at here...

i always liked how people seem to put "rpm" and "apt-get" on the same level, when in fact what you should do would be "rpm" vs. "dpkg" and "apt-rpm/yum/smart/watever" vs. "apt-dpkg" ;)

by Terracotta (not verified)

The Kubuntu defaults are really a lot better than the openSuse settings. It's a clean and neat desktop, though I'd love to see yast replace the several settings things, but for the rest :D gotta love it.

by Erunno (not verified)

Define "clean".

I never had the impression that my desktop was untidy after a fresh installation of openSUSE 10.3.

For starters Yast stinks to high heaven...it's clunky, slow not praticularly nice to use. Opensuse repositories are really fractured and I keep having to add custom repos to give me simple things like non crippled ktorrent. All the xtra repos all seem to end up giving me package conflicts, I seldom manage to install a lot of packages with that crappy dialog popping up telling me to resolve the conficts (ever had this happen with zypper in the terminal? its a nightmare) ... grrrrrrr.

Yast system settings are a good Idea (kubuntu does not have anything as comprehensive) but they are poorly executed.

I think out of the box suse is a lot more polished and fine tuned than kubuntu...It's just that tweaking it further leads to headaches. I always end up going back to kubuntu...might try sidux as its also based on debian.

by Grósz Dániel (not verified)

I think YaST is not slow at all, only package management is slow, which is expected to be solved for 11.0.

I haven't noticed that KTorrent would be crippled. Some software are crippled but because of legal reasons which are outside the scope of openSUSE devs, and whose installation is "next-next-finish" with "one-click" install.

Zypper messages are really not nice and hardly understandable by a beginner. I hope it will be improved.

Please stop posting this link on every dot article.

It's annoying.

*goes off to vote against it just out of spite*

He didn't. I think it's some one else each time.

Don't vote against it. That just makes it worse.

by Riddle (not verified)

If you vote against it, you make it MORE necessary to post the link. Very bad idea.

by Mike (not verified)

Current count is 469.

Do people not like KDE or something?

I like Kubuntu because it's so easy and mindless to install on ANY computer. I've yet to encounter a problem making everything just work.
I cannot say the same about openSUSE -- Although Suse "feels" more finished. Custom taskbars, graphical Grub menu, graphical startup, etc.

by spawn57 (not verified)

just submitted my vote :D

by Riddle (not verified)


Good morning everybody!!

Current count is 482. Thanks for voting people.

Hopefully we can make it into the 4-digits by the time 8.04 comes out. That would be a great goal.

484 current count.

by Anonymous (not verified)

Can I vote anywhere against continued Ubuntu spam here?

by Grósz Dániel (not verified)

What's the point in posting a comment here on every vote? Even if Kubuntu users need votes there, we don't need hundreds of comments here.

by Max (not verified)


539 people voted for KDE.

by anon (not verified)

yawn, commit digest for the 2nd march, published after the latest updates. really getting slack and slow here. Perhaps .dot could hire a monkey, I am sure they could get it out to us faster than Danny.

by a monkey (not verified)

Maybe we could hire an anon. Not quite as intelligent as a monkey of course, but always quick to type stuff up anyway.

Thanks Danny for the time it takes to do this. I know I wouldn't want to do it for any amount of money and you do it for free.

by yman (not verified)

+1 Funny

by Max (not verified)

+1 For being modded "+1 Funny"..

Okay... I'll admit it I'm addicted to slashdot.

by yman (not verified)

+1 for modding me up.

by cirehawk (not verified)

If a monkey is what's needed, you fit the bill quite nicely. I for one am looking forward to your weekly digests.

Thanks for your efforts Danny!

by alice in wonderland (not verified)

Ok, we will hire you. When can you start working?

by Mike (not verified)

Not again...
Every week the same whiners..

You want news faster? Go read the commits and write one yourself...

Why do you need digests to be up to date anyways? They're just a snapshot.

by Maarte (not verified)

You, are nothing more than a coward. I don't believe you have the guts or brainpower to post anything other than anonymous junk. You have no place within the KDE community, or any community. Take your pathetic complaints elsewhere. Danny? You're doing an excellent job as ever!

by kwilliam (not verified)

Don't feed the troll, and we love you Danny.

by T. J. Brumfield (not verified)

Danny does this for free, and I really like reading the digests. People must assume he can type this up in a couple of minutes. I think they overlook how much data is in the digest, and how much data must be sorted/filtered for him to put together the digest.

In that regard I won't flame, but rather sincerely suggest that someone should volunteer to perhaps help him.

by Grósz Dániel (not verified)

yawn, read and discussed 2 times this comment already.

by yman (not verified)

What good is it to have 3 stars appear in password fields, rather than 1?

by Darkelve (not verified)

Not sure, but I'm guessing this makes it more difficult to guess the length of a password when you see someone typing it? Maybe someone has a better explanation though...

by Hans (not verified)

To make you look cool when you type it.
"Woah, what a long password you have. And you typed it so fast!"

by Level1 (not verified)

I didn't want to use 3 stars before, but now that you say that I'm totally gonna do it.

by fred (not verified)

Congratulations Danny for the 100th Digest! Thanks for all your work for the community :-)

And also thanks to Derek Kite who started and produced our old CVS Digest!

Hats off to you guys :-)

by anon (not verified)

Has nobody maintained Ligature anymore? It is pretty sad :( We had a long debate Okular vs Ligature, and now one of them is no longer maintained...

by Anon (not verified)

Natural selection.

by JRT (not verified)

Natural Selection is part of evolution. There was no evolution here. So, I would have to say that this was unnatural selection which resulted from the KDE decision to drop KViewShell and replace it with an almost totally new application. Very sad indeed.