KDE Commit-Digest for 23rd March 2008

In this week's KDE Commit-Digest: Support for "undo closed windows" in Konqueror. GetHotNewStuff support for Plasma themes. Konsole, Konqueror, and Kate session selection added in Plasma applet form. New Plasmoids: "Generic Folder View", "System Command", KNotify-based "Popups", "Quick Launch", and to display data from Kalzium. Digikam now uses Phonon for video and audio previews, with improved use of Phonon in Dragon Player. Start of NEPOMUK support in Gwenview. A NEPOMUK "Social Query Daemon" for viewing storages across a network, and work on tagging GUI's for NEPOMUK using Dolphin. Work on services and queries, with the removal of the engine system (now using Phonon only) in Amarok 2. Continued development in Konsole. Various functional improvements in KTurtle. Support for synonyms in Parley. Support for custom themes in KNetWalk. A system tray application for Akonadi. Initial implementation of a remote desktops dock widget for KRDC. Work on the "reports" functionality of Kexi. Several long-awaited improvements in KCron. KDiamond moves from kdereview to kdegames. KAgenda moves to playground. Initial import of Palapeli, a jigsaw puzzle game. Read the rest of the Digest here.

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by Leo S (not verified)

Phonon does not need to support OSS directly. Phonon on linux uses either the Xine backend or the gstreamer backend. So as long as xine or gstreamer support output to OSS phonon should work for you.

From last weaks digest:
"David Faure committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/apps/konqueror/settings/konqhtml:
GUI: checkbox for the "Middle click on a tab closes it" option (which has existed for a long time, but didn't have a GUI)."


cool indeed!

by Max (not verified)

Are we getting more compositioning effects before KDE 4.1 is released?

We don't even have feature parity for the most popular features with Compiz fusion yet. I'd also be exited about more unique effects that Compiz fusion doesn't have yet.

C'mon it's only a few more months before KDE 4.1 is ready to be released. We need to have these effects ready to create buzz around KDE..


by jos poortvliet (not verified)

Port a few Compiz effects to Kwin ;-)
They are supposedly very small, often under 100 lines of code...

by Max (not verified)

It's time to bump this to the most recent digest again. :)


If you haven't done so, please vote to give KDE equal representation in Kubuntu. It deserves it!!! Many people work hard on KDE.


by Max (not verified)

619 votes currently.

by anon (not verified)

yawn. it gets boring having a certain distro come in here and ask for votes, is kbuntu that bad you have to spam the net for votes?

Someone's been voting us down: 618 votes

by /usr/ (not verified)

Related: More "magic" for Kubuntu:

by Marc Driftmeyer (not verified)

Could it be shown equivalent to these?
