KDE Commit-Digest for 13th April 2008

In this week's KDE Commit-Digest: Complete source rewrite, with many improvements, in KInfoCenter. Important work on the "Quick Launch", "Folder View", and "RSSNOW" Plasma applets. Initial work towards future support for a list of timezones tooltip for the digital-clock Plasmoid. KMoon is obsoleted by the Plasma "Luna" applet. "Ozone", a fork of the Oxygen window decoration style which respects system colour preferences. Get Hot New Stuff support for icon themes in KDE. KNotify notifications interface now conforms to the Galago specification. Screen selection in "presentation" mode in Okular. Work on tooltips in Dolphin. Enhancements, including theming, for error pages in KHTML (Konqueror). WebKit adaptations for various applications with HTML rendering widgets. Support for the "Space Navigator" hardware device in KOffice. Work on duchain support for QMake in KDevelop. New "PIMOShell" tool for administration of data in NEPOMUK. Backup functionality and work on the system tray application in Akonadi. Initial import of WordKubes, and Parsek, a game implementing the Thousand Parsec framework. Various improvements in Kubrick, which moves from kdereview to kdegames. Skanlite moves from kdereview to extragear/graphics. KBoggle moves to the "unmaintained" module. Amarok 1.4.9, a bugfix edition fixing Amazon cover art downloading, is tagged for release. Read the rest of the Digest here.

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by The James (not verified)


by The James (not verified)

Please don't complain. Creating the Commit-digest is very tedious, difficult work that requires a lot of time and effort. If you would really like to see the delay decreased, please volunteer your services. If you aren't going to contribute, then STFU.

by The James (not verified)

I'm glad we got that out of the way.

by ad (not verified)

Lol! That was awesome :D

by James Spencer (not verified)

That was pretty funny.

by Anon1234567 (not verified)

10/10 :D rotfl, it made my day

by A (not verified)


by Mark Kretschmann (not verified)

Repeat after me:


PS: I realize this appeal is futile; moderation is needed anyway.

by Nik (not verified)

Look at the authors, he did all the trolling and answering by himself ;-)

by fhd (not verified)

Damn, your right. This might be supposed to be some kind of funny joke.

by MamiyaOtaru (not verified)

It is, and people who have the joke gene appreciate it

by she (not verified)

people like you that shout for moderators are that need to be moderated ;-)

by Hans (not verified)

Not only that, it seems the troll has stolen your name too! D:

As always, thank you very much Danny. Your work is much appreciated.
(Note: I did get The James' joke...)

by Riddle (not verified)

Wow! I didn't get it until I heard the other's laughter. I guess I need to learn to check the names ;).

Now that I noticed, rotfl. Great joke.

by a monkey (not verified)

Let's see, one guy + 2,245 emails from the commit logs...can't see a possible reason a guy could be a little late on a completely unnecessary and unrewarding task.

Thanks for another great digest, Danny.

by MarcG (not verified)

What a fucking moron... don't worry Danny, you're great. Thanks for the digest, always a highlight of the day!

by Anon (not verified)

I love how basically everyone in this thread has completely missed The James's joke.

by Danny Allen (not verified)

I got the joke ;)


by T. J. Brumfield (not verified)

I think you should be 10 days early next time. Tomorrow release a digest for April 33rd. Just predict what you think might be committed in the future.

"New patch submitted for Kontact, changing all entries for Aaron Sergio to read Tom Green."

Like somebody said last week.

Whey do we have to go through this every week?

Danny volunteers his time and "it's ready when it's ready"!!!!!

Thanks Danny for doing these.

Just got the joke..

I'm slow this morning..

Great digest Danny!!!!

by I love KDE (not verified)

Yet another great digest. :) You are doing wonderful work!

Thank you!

by mimoune djouallah (not verified)

+ 1

by Riddle (not verified)


by Anon Reloaded (not verified)

Hi Danny,

Thanks for the Digest - highlight of my week, as always :)

I don't see any mention of this bombshell, though, which I think made it in time for the cut-off date and which will interest a lot of people:


Hope I haven't scooped something intended for next week's digest ;)

by Anon Reloaded (not verified)

Ah - I've just found it in the article body - never mind :)

by Barsanuphe (not verified)

Yes! At last! Tabs in Dolphin, making it usable for me! Huzzah!

by MamiyaOtaru (not verified)

meet the new boss..

by yman (not verified)

I think it would look better if the tabs were under the address bar. Also, is it consistent with other apps? I seem to recall Konqueror having a single "close current tab" button instead of individual ones for each tab.

by TeeZee (not verified)

Dolphin Tabs rockz!

by Michael (not verified)

Ozone is a great development. That was a thing I always disliked about Oxygen that you could hardly make out which window is active and which is not. Always thought it was a bug. Didnt know that such a fierce debate has been going on about this. Great that a solution has been found for us non-fundamentalist users.

by hmmm (not verified)

And think that a thin rule visible only when the window is active and which could have glowed in the user-selected colour could have done the trick (à-la modern system).

I have ambivalent feelings about that one, on the one hand, the oxygen artists are right in that their version is more beautiful; on the other hand, Lunák is right in that his version is more practical.

Oh, well, some genius will come up with an optimal solution, I guess. At some point.

Something like the attached screenshot, but less ugly.

by hmmm (not verified)

forgot to attach

by blah (not verified)

HOLY SHIT! That is ugly as hell.

by nuno pinheiro (not verified)

I would be ok with a lot of changes, as long as the (one slab thing) would not be corropted. But this was about a patch to make the windeco be colorable that would totaly brake that. That is an ok feature but iw not oxygen, its brakes the frist guidlines in oxygen theme.

by Morty (not verified)

There is no need to make the whole windowdecoration colorable, the titlebar is enough. You can make it a nice gradient from the selected colour to the windowcolour, making a smooth transition. This would both be efficent and solve two major bugs, and it would look nice.

If the oxygen guidelines will not allow this, it's obviously flawed and need to be fixed. When the spesification don't work in the real world, you have to change it. It's a no brainer, real world always thrumps spesifications and visions.

by nuno pinheiro (not verified)

Show me a mock that visuialy works and you have a believer :)

by Sebastian (not verified)

Just take a glance at Enlightenment e17 . There is a wonderful animation, i.e. a bright flash appearing from time to time on the currently active title bar. This is just NEAT! Means: I'd love to see this in KDE as well...

by Morty (not verified)

The effect I'm thinking about is like when you dip the edge of a paper in paint, and it soaks up the paint.

I have minimal skill with drawing tools, so this only shows the principle of how it will look with enabled titlebarcolour, obviously it needs tweaking.

by David B. (not verified)

What about a glow similar to the focus glow of buttons and other areas in the Oxygen theme? It could fit in well, since similar glows are used throughout Oxygen.

When a window goes to the background, how about removing 50% of the colour - similar effect when you log out and the desktop goes black and white.

by nuno pinheiro (not verified)

this is really the type of difrence i would like to see, but its seeams its not very good and couses fliquering.

Mm I think is a great idea though. Perhaps this is one for the developers to stop moaning about and fix the flickering? :)

There's the composite effect "darken inactive" that does pretty much the same. 20% works very well for me, and I find it ergonomically and aesthetically more pleasing than a coloured titlebar.

Yeah, but composite ain't enabled by default, and Oxygen needs to be able to work without it.

Besides, composite performance at the moment is not optimal

by Lee (not verified)

Agreed :)

by Frinring (not verified)

For one the name Ozone makes me smile. But than I think Ozone looks pretty ugly, pardon me. Still I also need more help with Oxygen to find the active window or recognize that one is passive. What about a coloured outline as indicator, like all focussed widgets have?

by nuno pinheiro (not verified)

I'm ok with changes, and I posted quite a few of possible ones in my blog and we are working on it, If some one shows me a colorable windeco that looks nice and oxygen I would be glad to make that into the oxygen windeco. The fact remains that I dont belive such an visual anser exists (and I have tried several variation).
At the time the intire discucion was about submiting a patch that made and makes the intire windeco a difrent color. Again that is an ok feature but its not oxygen.

by Goodjob! (not verified)

I really really like your suggestion to color the signs in the buttons of active windows:


Keep up your great artwork!

by nuno pinheiro (not verified)

We are thinking on redoing the butons all toguether, dont think they fit kite well on the grand look.