OT: Akademy 2008 videos? - Tom - 2008-08-11
Will there be at some point videos of all the great talks available?
BTW: Thanks Danny!
Re: OT: Akademy 2008 videos? - sebas - 2008-08-11
Yes, they need some postprocessing now and will be available shortly (as in some days, hopefully).
Yay - LiquidFire - 2008-08-11
Heh, for a little while the post showed the 13th July digest description. So I opened it and though "Wait, didn't I already see the one for July 13?". I refreshed the page and, sure enough, the new description appeared. :)
Anyway, great job with the catching-up, and thanks for all the hard work, Danny. We appreciate it!
Re: Yay - Danny Allen - 2008-08-11
Heh, I realised my sleep-induced error and quickly fixed it :)
p.s. 4 comments already?!?
My fault - Wade - 2008-08-11
This digest would have been out 20-30 seconds faster if I hadn't been tampering with Danny's laptop screen. But I did plug in his power cord, so I guess life balances out after all.
Re: My fault - sebas - 2008-08-11
Thanks Wade for joining Danny on the commit-digest team as another contributor ;-)
Good job, dot-machine-danny.
KHotkeys redesign - bsander - 2008-08-11
Any screenshots of that available?
Re: KHotkeys redesign - Iuri Fiedoruk - 2008-08-11
Or even more: Does any frontend implement this or it is just the backend for now? (like having it in mkenuedit and kcontrol(forgot the new name in kde4) or to set in the config file by hand?
WebKit address - KAMiKAZOW - 2008-08-11
Hi Danny.
The official internet address of Webkit is, not Just FYI.
Re: WebKit address - Danny Allen - 2008-08-12
Ah - I guess my link database was filled back when WebKit was less important ;)
Great! - Bernhard - 2008-08-11
Great work danny! You rock :-)
Btw: holy shit.. the dot is alive again :-) 7 new articles since my last visit here.. which was yesterday :D
PS: of course the whole KDE team rocks and not just you danny ^^
NX in KRDC - ac - 2008-08-11
That's awesome! I don't mind the FreeNX client, but having support for the NX protocol in a native KDE application just makes me smile ;)
Re: NX in KRDC - Mark Williamson - 2008-08-11
Hurrah! NX support in KRDC is indeed very very awesome. KRDC is a nice app already but it's really cool to have this available too.
Now if only I could make FreeNX work as easily as I can get Nomachine's package to work... Maybe I should try again.
Darkroom - janne - 2008-08-11
shouldn't Darkroom be part of Digikam, instead of being a separate app?
Re: Darkroom - m. - 2008-08-11
Until not short ago RAW import for digiKam was done with kipiplugin. Krita rejected kipiplugins for various reasons. Darkroom is planned as standalone/Krita plugin for RAW import.
Note: since one week digiKam has new, vastly improved RAW import plugin.
Re: Darkroom - reihal - 2008-08-12
Can it import CHDK type, 10 bit RAW?
Re: Darkroom - Janne - 2008-08-12
"Note: since one week digiKam has new, vastly improved RAW import plugin."
But it's different from Darkroom? That's jut my point: why two separate, yet similar systems?
Re: Darkroom - Karl Günter Wünsch - 2008-08-12
And what is that plugin called? Not that it would matter since digicam still is too dangerous in it's operation (overwrites images much too easily) to be let near any valuable pictures...
Commit countries - Vlada - 2008-08-11
I've noticed that map of commit countries is somewhat incorrect. It says "Serbia & Montenegro" have 2.42% share, but the map says Serbia has 0%, and Montenegro gets it all. You should either split the two countries, or show them both with the same share. I think Ivan Cukic is from Belgrade, so Serbia probably doesn't have 0% :-)
Re: Commit countries - Martin - 2008-08-11
This was posted at least twice already and it was answered here:
Please don't spam the dot!
I'm impressed - Iuri Fiedoruk - 2008-08-11
Not only by Danny's fast track into becoming current with the week, but also by the development in KDE after the 4.1 release.
Off my hat for Danny and all KDE developers!
DarkRoom - Eckhart - 2008-08-11
Now that's a really cool name that also precisely describes what that application is for (it even has a K in it).
Tiling is a must - Evan "JabberWokky" E. - 2008-08-13
Honestly, I've been using KDE3 under ion3 for now just because I wanted to wait and evaluate xmonad (vs. ion3) when I switched to KDE4. It's one of those "I need it, but I know 99% of people don't even know about it, so there's no hope of ever seeing official support in KDE4".
Now there's hope. Wow. Thanks, Lucas Murray!!!