KDE Commit-Digest for 18th September 2011
In this week's KDE Commit-Digest:
- New render plugin in Marble: GpsInfo
- A new service for powermanagement tasks such as suspension and shutdown
- Dragon Player now uses Phonon instead of xine-lib for DVD menus
- Overburn tolerance is increased in K3b from 10% to 25%
- Basic drag-and-drop support for contact list is added in Telepathy
- In Network Management, DSL connections can be associated to Ethernet interfaces
- First implementation of Plasma applet in wicd-kde
- Public Transport sees much work, especially around GTFS feeds
- Adblock improved in rekonq
- KSecret file serialization logic rewrite
- Calligra sees work on PPT and ODT formats, anchoring, search from cursor and other changes.
<a href="http://commit-digest.org/issues/2011-09-18/">Read the rest of the Digest here</a>.
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