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Beautiful Sunset wallper [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

KDE Store - Thu, 2024/07/18 - 9:05am
1280x720 2560x1440

Beautiful Night Landscape [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

KDE Store - Thu, 2024/07/18 - 9:00am
1280x720 2560x1440

Deep blue galaxy [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

KDE Store - Thu, 2024/07/18 - 8:04am
- 2688 x 1536 - 1920 x 1097

Behind the Scenes of Embedded Updates

Planet KDE - Thu, 2024/07/18 - 8:00am

An over-the-air (OTA) update capability is an increasingly critical part of any embedded product to close cybersecurity vulnerabilities, allow just-in-time product rollouts, stomp out bugs, and deliver new features. We’ve talked about some of the key structural elements that go into an embedded OTA architecture before. But what about the back end? Let’s address some of those considerations now.

The challenges of embedded connectivity

The ideal of a constant Internet connection is more aspiration than reality for many embedded devices. Sporadic connections, costly cellular or roaming charges, and limited bandwidth are common hurdles. These conditions necessitate smart management of update payloads and robust retry strategies that can withstand interruptions, resuming where they left off without getting locked in a continually restarting update cycle.

There are other ways to manage spotty connections. Consider using less frequent update schedules or empower users to initiate updates. These strategies however have trade-offs, including the potential to miss critical security patches. One way to strike a balance is to implement updates as either optional or mandatory, or flag updates as mandatory only when critical, allowing users to pace out updates when embedded connectivity isn’t reliable.

To USB or not to USB

When network access is very unreliable, or even just plain absent, then USB updates are indispensable for updating device software. These updates can also serve as effective emergency measures or for in-field support. While the process of downloading and preparing a USB update can often be beyond a normal user’s capability, it’s a critical fallback and useful tool for technical personnel.

OTA servers: SaaS or self-hosted

Deciding between software as a service (SaaS) and self-hosted options for your OTA server is a decision that impacts not just the update experience but also compliance with industry and privacy regulations. While SaaS solutions can offer ease and reliability, certain scenarios may necessitate on-premise servers. If you do need to host an OTA server yourself, you’ll need to supply the server hardware and assign a maintenance team to manage it. But you may not have to build it all from scratch – you can still call in the experts with proven experience in setting up self-hosted OTA solutions.

Certificates: The bedrock of OTA security

SSL certificates are non-negotiable for genuine and secure OTA updates. They verify your company as the authentic source of updates. Choosing algorithms with the longest (comparatively equivalent) key lengths will extend the reliable lifespan of these certificates. However, remember that certificates do expire; having a game plan in place to deal with expired certificates will allow you to avoid the panic of an emergency scramble if it should happen unexpectedly.

Accurate timekeeping is also essential for validating SSL certificates. A functioning and accurate real-time clock that is regularly NTP/SNTP synchronized is critical. If timekeeping fails, your certificates won’t be validated properly, causing all sorts of issues. (We recommend reading our OTA best practice guide for advice on what to do proactively and reactively with invalidated or expired certificates.

Payload encryption: Non-negotiable

Encrypted update payloads are imperative as a safeguard against reverse-engineering and content tampering. This is true for OTA updates as well as any USB or offline updates. Leveraging the strongest possible encryption keys that your device can handle will enhance security significantly.

Accommodating the right to repair

The growing ‘right to repair’ movement and associated legislation imply that devices should support updates outside of your organization’s tightly controlled processes. This may mean that you need to provide a manual USB update to meet repair requirements without exposing systems to unauthorized OTA updates. To prevent your support team from struggling with amateur software updates, you’ll want to configure your device to set a flag when unauthorized software has been loaded. This status can be checked by support teams to invalidate support or warranty agreements.


By carefully navigating the critical aspects of OTA updates, such as choosing the right hosting option and managing SSL certificates and encryption protocols, your embedded systems can remain up-to-date and secure under any operating conditions. While this post introduces the issues involved in embedded-system updates, there is much more to consider for a comprehensive strategy. For a deeper exploration and best practices in managing an embedded product software update strategy, please visit our best practice guide, Updates Outside the App Store.

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The post Behind the Scenes of Embedded Updates appeared first on KDAB.

Twiight house near lake [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

KDE Store - Thu, 2024/07/18 - 7:50am
- 1920 x 1097 - 2688 × 1536

Apple-Ventura-Dark [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Thu, 2024/07/18 - 4:37am
latte-dock is not necessary. This global theme has an automated script to make the plasma desktop appearance change completely, from the position...

Apple BigSur Dark [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Thu, 2024/07/18 - 4:35am
This global theme inspired by macOS BigSur, has an automated script to make the plasma desktop appearance change completely, from the position of...

Apple Ventura [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Thu, 2024/07/18 - 4:34am
This global theme has an automated script to make the plasma desktop appearance change completely, from the position of the panels, to even the...

Apple Darknes Accent Dinamic [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Thu, 2024/07/18 - 4:34am
Global theme which is darker colours, than the original macos theme. Additionally provided with one of the elemetaryos odin wallpapers.

Apple Sonoma Light [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Thu, 2024/07/18 - 4:33am
global theme inspired by macOS Sonoma (MacOs 14), used properly completely changes your desktop

Apple Theme Alt [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Thu, 2024/07/18 - 4:33am
This theme inherits all the elements and dependencies of Apple-Ventura-Dark. The only change is the wallpaper, since I want the theme to interest...

Apple Monterey Dark. plasma 5.27 or superior [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Thu, 2024/07/18 - 4:32am
This global theme inspired by macOS monterey, has an automated script to make the plasma desktop appearance change completely, from the position...

Windows-Eleven-Dinamic [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

KDE Store - Thu, 2024/07/18 - 4:27am
only for version 5.27 or higher

Sweet Ambar Blue [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Thu, 2024/07/18 - 12:05am
A dark and modern theme for Plasma [h1][color=red][b]¡IMPORTANT![/b][/color] [/h1] [h3][b] Recently this and my other themes have been attacked ...

Sweet Ambar Blue Plasma [Plasma Themes]

KDE Store - Thu, 2024/07/18 - 12:04am
Sweet Ambar Blue Plasma Theme [h1][color=red][b]¡IMPORTANT![/b][/color] [/h1] [h3][b] Recently this and my other themes have been attacked by a ...

GSoC 2024: Midterm Updates For MankalaEngine

Planet KDE - Thu, 2024/07/18 - 12:00am
Design Considerations

One of the main focuses while designing this engine was flexibility, to ensure the library is usable for a wide variety of Mancala variants. While certain abstractions are necessary to achieve this goal, it’s also important not to overly abstract the library.

Provided Functionality

MankalaEngine provides classes to assist in creating computerized opponents for many Mancala variants. As mentioned earlier, these classes are designed with a degree of abstraction to allow for greater flexibility on the developer’s end. In addition to these base classes, a concrete implementation tailored for the Bohnenspiel variant [1] is also provided.

The Board struct

The board struct is the base struct for a Mancala game board. It is used to specify the structure of the board used by a variant. As of now, this struct allows for a board with an arbitrary number of holes and two stores, one per player, as this seems to be the case for most Mancala games.

The Rules class

The rules class is the base class for the rules of a Mancala variant. It is used to specify the behaviour when making a move, what constitutes a valid move, when the game is over, etc. The only rule assumed to be shared by all variants is that the winning player is the one with more pebbles in their store, as this seems to be relatively common in Mancala variants.

The moveselection functions

The functions provided in the moveselection file are general adversarial search functions that can be used to select moves for Mancala games. In addition to Minimax [2] and MTDF-f [3], random selection and user selection functions are also provided.

The Minimax move selection function

Minimax works by recursively exploring the game tree, considering each player’s moves and assuming that each player chooses the optimal move to maximize their chances of winning. If we’re scoring a Mancala position using an evaluation function that subtracts the pebbles in Player 2’s store from the pebbles in Player 1’s store, this means that Player 1 will want to maximize the score, while Player 2 will want to minimize it. The diagram below shows how a position is evaluated using the Minimax algorithm.

Minimax Diagram

Each node represents a specific board configuration, and each level of the tree represents a turn of play. The tree nodes are squares on Player 1’s turn and circles on Player 2’s turn. Leaf nodes (nodes without children) are scored using the evaluation function. The rest of the nodes are scored by selecting the best score out of their children nodes - highest score if it’s Player 1’s turn and lowest score if it’s Player 2’s turn.

The Minimax implementation in the library also uses alpha-beta pruning, a technique used to reduce the number of nodes evaluated in the tree by eliminating branches that are guaranteed to be worse than previously examined branches.

A great explanation of Minimax and Alpha-beta prunning can be found in Sebastian Lague’s Youtube video about this algorithm.

The MTD-f move selection function

MTD-f works by repeatedly calling Minimax until it converges to a value. The Minimax used by MTD-f is implemented using alpha-beta pruning.

Since MTD-f calls Minimax several times, it’s also important to use a transposition table, which is a data structure that stores previously evaluated positions and their scores.

Below is Aske Plaat’s pseudo-code for the algorithm.

function MTDF(root : node_type; f : integer; d : integer) : integer; g := f; upperbound := +INFINITY; lowerbound := -INFINITY; repeat if g == lowerbound then beta := g + 1 else beta := g; g := Minimax(root, beta - 1, beta, d); if g < beta then upperbound := g else lowerbound := g; until lowerbound >= upperbound; return g; Evaluating Mancala positions

The static evaluation function used in this library consists of subtracting the pebbles in Player 2’s store from the pebbles in Player 1’s store. This is the same function that was used when solving the Mancala variant Kalah [4].

This way of scoring Mancala positions is particulary suitable for MTD-f, since, according to Plaat, the static evaluation function used should be coarse-grained, meaning that we should avoid using heuristics with little weight. As he says in his post about MTD(f), “The coarser the grain of eval, the less passes MTD(f) has to make to converge to the minimax value. Some programs have a fine grained evaluation function, where positional knowledge can be worth as little as one hundredst of a pawn.” [3].

The MankalaEngine class

The MankalaEngine class ties everything together. When instatiating it, you’ll need to choose a move selection function. It then provides a function, play, that, given the player whose turn it is to play, the rules to use, and the board in which the move will be played, executes the move selected by its move selection function. This allows reusing the common structure of a play across all Mancala variants while deferring variant-specific behaviour to the rules object.

bool MankalaEngine::play(Player player, const Rules& rules, Board& state) const { if (rules.gameOver(player, state)) { const Player winner = player == player_1 ? player_2 : player_1; rules.finishGame(winner, state); return false; } const int move = _selectMove(player, rules, state); rules.move(move, player, state); return true; } Next steps

The idea is to continue adding concrete variant implementations to the library so that developers wanting to create a Mancala game don’t have to implement them themselves. Additionally, adding the option to choose the difficulty of an opponent is also relevant. This may be implemented, for example, by allowing changes to the cutoff depth for the Minimax and MTD-f opponents, which is not currently supported.

As of now, the implemented Minimax only uses alpha-beta prunning and transposition tables. Adding more optimizations, such as move ordering, per example, might also be of interest.

Another possible route is developing a Qt application for playing Mancala that uses this engine. This would likely help generate interest in the project within the broader community.

If you’re interested in this project, you can check it out on Invent and come talk to us on Matrix.


1. “Das Bohnenspiel”, Wikipedia, 2023. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Das_Bohnenspiel.

2. “Algorithms - Minimax” https://cs.stanford.edu/people/eroberts/courses/soco/projects/2003-04/intelligent-search/minimax.html.

3. “Aske Plaat: MTD(f), a new chess algorithm.” https://people.csail.mit.edu/plaat/mtdf.html.

4. G. Irving, J. Donkers, and J. Uiterwijk, “Solving Kalah”, Icga journal, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 139–147, Sep. 2000, doi: 10.3233/ICG-2000-23303.