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Wings-Dark-Plasma [Plasma Themes]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/17 - 10:24am
Dark Rounded Plasma Theme, Transparent and Blur. Enabled Blurred Widgets and Adaptive Transparency ___________________ Light Rounded Plasma...

Wings-Light-Global [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/17 - 10:23am
Light Round Global Theme, Transparent and Blur. Enabled Blurred Widgets and Adaptive Transparency ___________________ Icons [COLOR="#5e81ac"]...

Wings-Light-Plasma [Plasma Themes]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/17 - 10:22am
Light Rounded Plasma Theme, Transparent and Blur. Enabled Blurred Widgets and Adaptive Transparency ___________________ Icons [COLOR="#5e81ac"]...

Wings-Dark-Icons [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/17 - 10:22am
Icons for Dark Plasma Themes Based on Default [COLOR="#55759c"] [B]Breeze[/B] [/COLOR] Icons __________________________ -Dark Rounded Plasma...

Wings-Light-Icons [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/17 - 10:21am
Icons for Light Plasma Themes Light Rounded Plasma Theme, Transparent and Blur, [COLOR="#5e81ac"] [B]Wings-Light-Plasma[/B] [/COLOR] :...

Wings-Dark-Aurorae [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/17 - 10:20am
Dark Rounded Window Decoration (Aurorae Theme), Follows Color Scheme (Window Background) Dark Rounded Plasma Theme, Transparent and Blur, ...

Wings-Blur-Dark-Aurorae [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/17 - 10:19am
BLUR Dark Rounded Window Decoration (Aurorae Theme), Follows Color Scheme (Window Background) Dark Rounded Plasma Theme, Transparent and Blur, ...

Wings-Light-Aurorae [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/17 - 10:18am
Light Rounded Window Decorations (Aurorae Theme), Follows Color Scheme (Window Background) Light Rounded Plasma Theme, Transparent and Blur, ...

Wings-Blur-Light-Aurorae [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/17 - 10:18am
BLUR Light Rounded Window Decoration (Aurorae Theme), Follows Color Scheme (Window Background) Light Rounded Plasma Theme, Transparent and Blur, ...

Greeze [KDE Plasma Screenshots]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/17 - 9:29am
Greeze Modern Plasma Gray Breeze Headerbar.

Greeze [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/17 - 9:27am
Greeze Modern Gray Plasma Breeze Colors for Aurorae Decorator. Extract to .local/share/aurorae/themes/

Greeze [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/17 - 9:25am
Greeze Modern Gray Plasma Breeze Colors for Aurorae Til Decorator Headerbar Like Gnome 1. Extract to .local/share/aurorae/themes/ 2. Go to...

Greeze [Application Styles]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/17 - 9:22am
Greeze Modern Gray Plasma Breeze Colors for Yakuake Skin Tab. Extract to .local/share/yakuake/skins/

Greeze [Plasma Color Schemes]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/17 - 9:20am
Greeze Modern Gray Plasma Breeze Colors for Konsole.

Greeze [Plasma Color Schemes]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/17 - 9:15am
Greeze Modern Gray Plasma Breeze Colors Scheme. For a better theme experience: Go to Settings -> Windows Decorator -> No Side Border

Greeze [Global Themes (Plasma 6)]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/17 - 9:11am
Greeze Modern Gray Plasma Breeze Colors for KDE Desktop. Extract Desktoptheme, looks-and-field and plasmoids folders to .local/share/plasma/

Akademy 2024 Program Now Live

Planet KDE - Wed, 2024/07/17 - 8:41am

The Akademy 2024 Program is now available.

This year's Akademy will take place in Würzburg, a beautiful city where you can enjoy interesting and fascinating talks, panels and keynotes. And for those who prefer to participate remotely, Akademy will also be available online.

Akademy officially kicks off with a welcome event on Friday 6 September, followed by a series of talks on Saturday 7 September and Sunday 8 September. From Monday 9 to Thursday 12 September, there will be BoFs (Birds of a Feather), workshops, meetings, daytrip and training sessions.

The talks will cover KDE's goals, how we're doing with implementing other languages to code for KDE (Rust anyone?), what's new in the latest wave of desktop and mobile applications, how KDE Eco is saving the environment, backends, frontends, KDE for work, life and fun.

For example, Nicolas Fella will tell us what a software maintainer does and why they are crucial to a project's survival, Aleix Pol Gonzalez will demystify embedded Linux, and Kevin Ottens will take us deep into the core of KDE Neon. You will also learn more about Plasma Mobile, funding your dream project and cool new KWin effects.

You can expect much, much more from a schedule packed with exciting talks and eye-opening presentations. Just take a look at the full program to discover everything that will be happening.

And that is not all! Stay tuned for the announcement of our two keynote speakers, coming soon here on Planet.

During the week KDE community members will attend BoFs and meet with colleagues with similar interests to work on their projects. They will also attend workshops, meetings, training sessions and daytrip until the event closes on 12 September.

Greeze [Application Styles]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/17 - 7:15am
Greeze Modern Gray Plasma Breeze Colors Scheme. Color Widget Colorized Panel Go To Widget Settings -> Text And Icon (Customize) Copy and...

VLC_flatpak [Dolphin Service Menus]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/17 - 3:26am
VLC service

claudemods-torpedo [Global Themes (Plasma 6)]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/07/16 - 11:13pm
claudemods torpedo taskbar and desktop theme this is my theme i created and use in my claudemods torpedo distibutions please note desktop apps and...