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Mkos-Big-Sur [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/06/09 - 6:20pm
Icon set that imitate look to the icons of the new apple operating system version 11, created 100% in inkscape, no blurry backgrounds, instead I...

Windows-Beuty [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/06/09 - 6:19pm
icon set based on windows-eleven and with some modifications to use in windows 12 theme

windows-eleven [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/06/09 - 6:19pm
win 11 based icon set by yeyushengfan258 and Eleven-icon-theme by kuroe-hanako, inspired by original microsoft windows 11 icons, I recommend its...

Plasma Control Hub [Plasma 6 Applets]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/06/09 - 6:17pm
[h3]Plasma-Control-Hub is a similar macos control center applet, created especially for use in plasma. This widget is not a fork of Prayag2's...

cedar [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/06/09 - 5:16pm
image of snowy cedar created with AI and edited with multiple tools to improve its sharpness and color palette

Apple Ventura Dark Plasma 6 [Global Themes (Plasma 6)]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/06/09 - 5:14pm
Unfortunately it is not possible to imitate more, or at least at the level that was achieved in kde plasma 5

Apple sonoma Dark [Global Themes (Plasma 6)]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/06/09 - 5:14pm
theme inspired by macOS Sonoma (MacOs 14)

Apple Monterey Alt Plasma6 [Global Themes (Plasma 6)]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/06/09 - 5:13pm
This theme inherits all the elements and dependencies of Apple-Monterey-Dark. The only change is the wallpaper, since I want the theme to interest...

Uzuri v3 Dark [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/06/09 - 5:09pm
Uzuri is a series of global plasma themes that try to have a fresh look with a single bar without a dock and with automatic configuration of...

Firefox profiles and Plasma launchers (X11)

Planet KDE - Sun, 2024/06/09 - 5:00pm

I’m a heavy user of Firefox profiles. Apart from using different profiles for different activities, I also have a few extra profiles that all run in the Default activity.

This means that I need to have different icons shown in Plasma’s panel in order to be able to easily differentiate which profile a window belongs to.

Sure, I use the tasks applet which shows the window title instead of the icon-only one (I prefer usability to minimalism), but still, it isn’t enough as sometimes the active tab in a Firefox window might not have the most informative title.

Plasma seems to rely on the application name and the window class when choosing the icon it will show in the panel. Which means that, by default, all Firefox instances end up having the same icon.

Librewolf with a custom profile icon Librewolf with a custom profile icon

Fortunately, Firefox allows you to specify the window class it should use through command line arguments.

firefox -P ProfileName --class WindowClassName

And, to connect a launcher to a specific window class, you just need to add the following line to the .desktop file:


So, in order to have a nicely supported Firefox profile, you can create a launcher with a desktop file similar to the following:

[Desktop entry] Exec=firefox -P SocialSites --class FirefoxSocialSites Icon=user-available-symbolic StartupWMClass=FirefoxSocialSites

It also works with Firefox derivatives such as Librewolf (which can be seen in the screenshot above) and others.

You can support my work on Patreon, or you can get my book Functional Programming in C++ at Manning if you're into that sort of thing.

Ark Flatpak - Compress service menu [Dolphin Service Menus]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/06/09 - 4:37pm
With this you can get the Compress service menu back on Dolphin for the Flatpak version of Ark

Ark Flatpak - Extract service menu [Dolphin Service Menus]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/06/09 - 4:33pm
With this you can get the Extract service menu back on Dolphin for the Flatpak version of Ark

ChatAI [Plasma 6 Applets]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/06/09 - 3:52pm
A range of chatbots as Plasmoid for your KDE Plasma desktop. In this initial version the chats included are: - DuckDuckGo Chat - ChatGPT -...

Tela-icon-theme [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/06/09 - 3:30pm
[b] Tela Icon Theme [/b] A flat colorful Design icon theme You can use this theme on all popular desktops ------------------------------ [b]...