QtCon Call for Papers
LaKademy 2015 to be in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
LaKademy 2014
Brazil has had great success with Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) initiatives, often due to the leadership of KDE people. LaKademy is a way to continue this advocacy, while making technical advances and strengthening the KDE presence. Certainly LaKademy provides local benefits. But the value created also has wider consequences. Brazil joins Spain and India in promoting the global reach and stature of KDE technology.
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KDE Brazil at Latinoware 2012
LaKademy — First KDE Event for All of Latin America
The first LaKademy is taking place in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil from April 27th to May 1st, 2012. People were invited from Brazil, Argentina, Peru, and Colombia. 12 known KDE contributors have confirmed their presence, along with 6 newcomers. Current KDE contributors recommended newcomers based on their abilities and their potential to become long-time KDE contributors.
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