Automated KDE Test Reports
Tuesday, 26 October 2004
With the help of several other people I have begun writing automated test scripts for KDE. Located in kdenonbeta/kdetestscripts the current tests range from icon checking, finding memory leaks, outdated header names, slow code, and many more. The majority of the problems found by the scripts can be fixed with one line changes to the code. If you are someone who has wanted to play around in KDE's code, but don't know where to start this just might be the spot for you.
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KDE Developer's Corner: KAutoConfigDialog Tutorial
Sunday, 24 August 2003
For developers waiting for all of the new goodies that KDE 3.2 will offer, here is a sneak peek at KAutoConfigDialog, in the form of a new tutorial added to the KDE Developer's Corner. KAutoConfigDialog is a class that allows a developer to easily create a configuration dialog for an application. It automatically synchronizes GUI widget values with values in the configuration file by matching keys and widgets of the same name. KAutoConfigDialog also manages the buttons in a normal configuration dialog along with many other features -- reducing duplicated code and manual work. For full details and screenshots check out the tutorial!
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New Developer Mailing List for Optimizing KDE
Saturday, 11 January 2003
This past week a new mailing list was created called kde-optimize (archive). The list is for developers who are willing to actively work on optimizing KDE or KDE applications, those who have profiled KDE or those who have the knowledge to help others optimize KDE. Two initial documents have already been created as part of this list. The first one is to teach users how they can improve the performance of their system. The second one is to give developers a starting point when looking to optimize applications.
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Kaim preview release
Thursday, 28 September 2000
The preview release for Kaim has just been posted up on the on the Kaim homepage.
Kaim is an AOL instant messenger. Along with having many other features, Kaim's main jewel is its chat window which is fully configurable, functional, and filled with a ton of features. After 6 months in the works the Kaim team is happy to announce this release.
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