
Videos of KimDaBa in Action

Monday, 26 September 2005
For those of you who do not understand how to use KimDaBa, there is now no reason not to use it. KimDaBa is the first KDE application to offer small flash videos with voice-overs describing how to use it. See the tutorials at KimDaBa's video page or read on below for Jesper's description of how and why to make video tutorials of applications. Read More

KD Executor Released for KDE Usage

Thursday, 8 April 2004
Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB has released the first beta version of KD Executor 2.0, our tool for testing and automation. KD Executor is a record and playback tool for Qt and KDE applications. In addition, it contains a test environment which uses this record and playback tool for testing Qt and KDE applications. We are proud to release a free version (free as in beer, not as in speech) of this tool to the KDE community. Read More

New Howto on Developing a Plugin Structure for an Application

Wednesday, 25 February 2004
I needed to learn how to develop a plugin structure for my baby KimDaba, and what better way is there to learn, than to write a howto about it? So I did, and with the help from the real experts (Simon Hausmann, David Faure, g++, et al), I'm pretty convinced this will be of value to anyone who either wants to add a plugin structure to an application, or who wants to write a plugin. Read More

KDE Image Database 1.0 Released

Wednesday, 3 December 2003
After exactly one year of coding, several months of bothering people with demos, and 2 long holidays (also used for coding), I've finally gotten my act together enough to make a public release of KimDaBa. If you have a large pile of digital images and need a sane solution for managing them, KimDaBa could well be the answer to your prayers. Read More