City of Vienna Chooses KDE
Wednesday, 6 July 2005
As mentioned on the official webpage of the
City of Vienna: a customized version of Debian with KDE, dubbed "Wienux" was chosen as the official alternative to MS Windows for the 18,000 PCs of the city. It is up to the individual workers to choose if they prefer a KDE Desktop or a Microsoft based system. The officials expect that about 4,800 machines can run KDE in the short term. Additionally, K3b is the official burning application of choice for "Wienux".
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PC-BSD: Desktop Computing, Served Up BSD Style
Tuesday, 26 April 2005
Following the heels of the successful Kubuntu effort, PC-BSD was created to offer both home and business desktop users a solid alternative to other systems available. PC-BSD aims to be user-friendly, especially in the area of software installation and management. Of course PC-BSD comes with a nice graphical installer which can also be used by other Free-BSD users to install the OS in a modern fashion.
Screenshots and an
ISO for Download are available immediately.
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KDE Receives USENIX STUG Award
Saturday, 16 April 2005
On Tuesday at the USENIX Annual Technical Conference, KDE founder Matthias Ettrich was awarded the Software Tools User Group award, shared jointly with Miguel de Icaza of GNOME. The award is in recognition of the impressive work of the Unix desktop projects over the last 9 years.
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aKademy: Samba3, OpenLDAP and Kolab 2 Tutorials
Saturday, 14 August 2004
John H. Terpstra, Samba core developer and author of many books including
"The Official Samba-3 HOWTO and Reference Guide", and Martin Konold from the KDE project offer during the
KDE Community World Summit 2004 "aKademy" in Ludwigsburg, Germany, tutorials about the deployment of the multi-location groupware solution Kolab 2, the OpenLDAP directory server and Samba 3. Read More
KDE Community World Summit 2004 "aKademy" in Ludwigsburg, Germany, tutorials about the deployment of the multi-location groupware solution Kolab 2, the OpenLDAP directory server and Samba 3. Read More
Donation to KDE
Wednesday, 8 November 2000
The German Linux solution provider
ID-PRO is auctioning a prototype computer for the benefit of a couple of free software projects, including KDE. On the occasion of PAUL's launching during the Systems in Munich, Germany, the prototype of ID-PRO's communication server, shaped like a prism and based solely on Open-Source software, will come under the hammer - signed by several well-known KDE developers, Linus Torvalds and a few others. The bidding started Thursday, 19 October 2000 and ends quite soon!
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