Kalzium Wins Award; Carsten Niehaus Interviewed
Monday, 13 February 2006
A Kalzium double bill today, with Kalzium gaining recognition in OsnaBrück University's annual prize giving, and this week's People Behind KDE interview. Find out everything you wanted to know about chemistry, the small print on toothpaste, and why not to visit Bavaria in the People Behind KDE interview with Carsten Niehaus, author of Kalzium. Read on for details of the prize.
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Nokia Engineers on KHTML, Collaboration and aKademy
Monday, 17 October 2005
So, you have KDE on your desktop and laptop systems, you've heard
that Apple uses KDE components for its web browser Safari and you've
tried Konq/Embedded on your handheld. But did you know that KDE could
soon be making its way into your mobile phone? At aKademy in August
David Carson and Deepika Chauhan from Nokia presented the work they've
done in integrating KDE components into the latest version of the
company's mobile phone software. I recently caught up with them to ask about the technical side of their work, why they chose KDE components and their experiences of aKademy.
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aKademy Developers Conference Prepares for KDE 4
Tuesday, 30 August 2005
The 2005 KDE aKademy continued today with the opening of the
developer conference: two days of talks describing upcoming KDE
technologies, giving programming tips and, of course, plenty of
informal hacking and discussion sessions between the developers. Today's talks included they keynote from Trolltech, a new multithreading scheduler library, meta-programming revisited and how to boot to KDE in 10 seconds. Read on for more.
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KDE Bug Tracker Hits Report 100,000
Wednesday, 23 February 2005
With bug number 100,000 reported, the hard-working KDE bug tracking system reached a milestone today. However, not everyone knows what goes on behind the scenes and how to help. In this article, I take a short look at using the bug reporting system, and how you can help KDE improve.
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