The KDE e.V. community report for 2016 is now available. After the introductory statement from the Board, you can read a featured article about the 20th anniversary of KDE, and an overview of all developer sprints and conferences supported by KDE e.V. The report includes statements from our Working Groups, development highlights for 2016, and some information about the current structure of KDE e.V.
The KDE e.V. community report for the second half of 2015 is now available. It presents a survey of all the activities and events carried out, supported, and funded by KDE e.V. in that period, as well as the reporting of major conferences that KDE has been involved in.
Featured Article – The KDE Incubator
The KDE Incubator is how KDE currently approaches new projects joining our "umbrella". This program aims to help projects with similar ideals to our existing projects join us with all that that implies. The incubator couples a sponsor from the KDE community with a plan to move/migrate a project into the systems KDE provides as a community, including mailing lists, websites, code repositories, etc. In this featured article, Jeremy Whiting tells us how The KDE Incubator works and provides an overview about the projects that have been incubated in 2015.
Akademy, KDE's annual conference, requires a place and team for the year 2017. That's why we are looking for a vibrant, enthusiatic spot in Europe that can host us!
The 17th edition of the International Free Software Forum (FISL) took place, as usual, at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul's Convention Center, city of Porto Alegre, from 13th to 16th July. FISL is the largest FOSS conference in Latin America and a quite traditional venue to get a comprehensive panorama of all sorts of FOSS-related new topics: technical advances, adoption cases, FOSS and education, hacker culture, just to mention a few.
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LaKademy 2016 group photoKDE is a free software community full of diversity and, as such, we foster several meetings and welcome people from all over the world. The 4th Latin-America KDE Summit (LaKademy 2016) took place from 26-29 May at Federal University of State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), Brazil. Since 2014, LaKademy has become a yearly meeting (it happened every two years since 2010) and that has proven to be a quite important step to create a "sprint culture", narrow the ties with the global community, and better support newcomers. In every new edition, old LaKademy participants are more experienced about how sprints work and, therefore, more skillful in the task of guiding newcomers through their way into the Free Software world.
This year, LaKademy brought together eighteen KDE fellows from Brazil, Argentina, and Peru ‒ interested in contributing to development, translation, artwork, promotion, and sysadmin. Contributions have covered projects such as Cantor, Minuet, Umbrello, BRPrint-3D, Plasma widgets, Plasma Network Manager, and color themes in breeze-gtk, as well as a revamp in pt_BR translation infrastructure/workflow, the creation of docker images for building KDE applications and the automation of KDE server configuration.
KDE is one of the biggest free software communities in the world and has been delivering high quality technology and spreading the principles of hacker culture for nearly two decades. KDE brings together users, developers, maintainers, translators and many more contributors from across six continents and over fifty countries, all of them working with the bonds and spirits of a truthful community.
The KDE e.V. report for the first half of 2015 is now available. It presents a survey of all the activities and events carried out, supported, and funded by KDE e.V. in that period, as well as the reporting of major events, conferences and mentoring programs that KDE has been involved in.
Featured Article – 2015
The featured article covers a bit of history and how it brought together nearly 300 students in its 2015’s edition. It presents an overview of 2015 keynotes, information regarding the many talks about all sort of KDE projects presented at the conference, and details about the lab sessions devoted to game development with Qt and QML. The article concludes with some thoughts on the KDE presence in India and its massive potential for raising new contributors.
Love! Ah, that “serious mental disease” which make us reveal the best (and, sometimes, the worst) of our unconscious fantasies, longings, fears, defenses and internal images. And we love many things, sometimes in unthinkable and wacky ways. Some people love the melancholic sound of the cello, ice-cream, dancing, and reading, while others may even love insects, slowly pulling shoelaces out of sneakers, or that feeling after sneezing. It doesn't matter what, we love anything that makes our neurotransmitters dancing frantically and aimlessly like there is no tomorrow.
The KDE e.V. report for the fourth quarter of 2014 is available (PDF). It features a compendium of all the activities and events carried out, supported and funded by KDE e.V. in that period, as well as the reporting of major events, conferences and mentoring programs that KDE has been involved in.
Featured Article - Google Summer of Code 2014
The featured article covers the results that students of Google Summer of Code achieved for KDE in 2014. It presents an overview of each student's contributions and a retrospect of KDE history in Google Summer of Code. KDE has been involved in Google Summer of Code since 2005. Since then, 389 students have made the journey into the awesome world of Free Software and KDE technology. In 2014, 39 young FLOSS lovers worked hard to improve KDE projects such as Marble, Parley, Kig, Plasma Media Center, Calligra, KDevelop, and digiKam.
Other Activities
The report also describes a synopsis of member activities during the fourth quarter of 2014. The digiKam Coding Sprint, in Berlin, focused mostly on porting digiKam to Qt 5 and KDE Frameworks 5. During the PIM Winter Sprint, in Munich, several user stories and scenarios for enabling user-centric design of Kontact were investigated. The KDE e.V. Board winter meeting, in Barcelona, included several topics regarding KDE as a community, and opportunities to improve. The report also presents a summary of KDE participation in Qt Developer Days 2014 in Berlin.
The report concludes with the finances for KDE e.V. in 2014, a synopsis on activities undertaken by the Sysadmin Working Group, and the contributors who joined KDE e.V. during the quarter.
Modern life has become increasingly dependent on software systems. Many daily used devices rely on Free Software for their basic functionality or additional services. TV sets, ATMs, smartphones, media centers and in-flight entertainment systems are examples of how Free Software has been pushing the boundaries of current technology. This is achieved by using well-proven solutions, developed in a collaborative, open, and trusted way. The Workspaces, Applications, and Frameworks delivered by KDE are representatives of the empowerment Free Software provides to our lifes. Examples are educational applications of the KDE-Edu suite, lots of KDE technology deployments in public centers for digital inclusion and a full open software stack for mobile devices with Plasma Mobile.
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Many of you already know that FISL (The International Free Software Forum) is one of the biggest FLOSS conferences in the world. From 8 to 11 July 2015, 5281 free software passionate people met in Porto Alegre (South Brazil) for the 16th FISL edition, enjoying activities such as talks, panels, hackathons, workshops, and community meetings. All kinds of FLOSS-related topics were in place: development, translation, artwork, education, robotics, entrepreneurship, audio-visual, women and gender, politics, academia and research ... Phew! that's tiring :) KDE has a long and memorable history at FISL and it wasn't different this year.
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Building local FLOSS communities isn't that easy! It requires first communicating in a very clear and sincere way our motivations, the nature of possible contributions, their global impacts, and the technical and social benefits we potentially get back. Then, we need systematic and effective means to generate culture, support newcomers, identify their strengths, and help them to overcome the many barriers they usually face. Ultimately, we must keep such a social-technical organism alive, establishing mid- and long-term goals, learning from the ups and downs, and handling the challenges of building thriving communities in places with continental dimension such as Brazil and Latin America.
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Today we celebrate 20 years since the first release of Qt was uploaded to and announced, six days later, at comp.os.linux.announce. Over these years, Qt evolved from a two person Norwegian project to a full-fledged, social-technical world-wide organism that underpins free software projects, profitable companies, universities, government-related organizations, and more. It's been an exciting journey.
From the early days of Trolltech in 1999, through an evolution of licensing (from the original FreeQt, to QPL, to GPL, to LGPL today), corporate cooperation from Nokia and Digia, Open Governance, and leading edge technology refinements, Qt has supported the spirit of free software, thriving communities, and high quality products.
The KDE Community thanks everyone who helps keep Qt rocking; we share our pride in being part of this history. Since 1997, Qt has provided the foundation upon which KDE has developed its workspaces, applications, and development environments. Moreover, Qt has contributed to a fruitful symbiosis where goals, contributions, and discussions blur the boundaries between the Qt and KDE projects. As a result, today KDE is the biggest Qt showcase in the world, and there's evidence that this successful and long-running partnership will continue.
LaKademy is over. April 27th to May 1st were days of hard work, meeting old and new friends, having much fun while realizing how far crazy guy imaginations can go. It was a great summit and sprint. Compared to the first (and only one so far) Akademy-BR in 2010, there is clear evidence that we are making progress building a strong and mature KDE community in Latin America. We met in a lovely hostel in Porto Alegre, Brazil and were well taken care of during the event.
LaKademy brought together 19 Latin American participants, including developers, translators, designers and promoters. The full report has more information about major LaKademy outcomes related to artwork, localization, promotion, and developing.
Thank you KDE e.V. and Claudia Rauch for your support.
KDE is very active in South America as any readers of the blogs at Live Blue will know already. The KDE Brazil team attended this year's FISL, one of the major free software events in South America, meeting up with some new users of KDE software and spreading the word of Konqui.
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