Krusader 1.30 Does Tabbed-Browsing
Wednesday, 26 November 2003
Krusader, the old school file manager for KDE, now supports tabbed-browsing in the 1.30 release. Each panel can create unlimited tabs, thereby keeping the twin-panel look and feel while allowing you to keep local folders, ftp, ssh open all at once. Screenshot here. Of course, this release offers a lot more. Enjoy!
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Krusader Project Needs Developers
Friday, 23 May 2003
Krusader (screenshot) is a twin-panel file manager for KDE, patterned after old-school managers like Midnight Commander and Norton Commander. It features basically all your file-management needs, plus extensive archive handling, mounted filesystems support, ftp and much much more. So far, the project has been developed by two developers, whose time is now not enough to continue the rapid pace of development. If you're a developer and you're interested in Krusader, we need your help!
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