
Amarok's Summer of Code Review

Thursday, 20 September 2007
This year, Amarok had two summer of code projects under the KDE umbrella. Both of these projects have finished while remaining in continued development and were extremely successful. Read on to learn about two innovative additions to the Amarok project. Read More

KDE Multimedia Meeting Video Interviews

Thursday, 23 August 2007
You might remember, that a little over a year ago graciously hosted the KDE multimedia meeting (or k3m for short). Whilst we were there, hacking away, the folks from Source21 joined us to do some interviews for their open source software vidcast. If you take some time to watch the video, you’ll hear from Martijn Klingens (KDE marketing,, Matthias Kretz (Phonon) and myself (Amarok) speaking about our respective areas of expertise. Don’t be put off by Martijn speaking in Dutch, Matthias and I both interview in English and subtitles are available for the Dutch pieces, put the subtitles in the same directory as the video for Kaffeine to pick them up. Get the video (mirror). Read More

KDE Participating in Google Summer of Code 2007

Thursday, 15 March 2007
KDE is happy to be participating in the Google Summer of Code program for the third consecutive year! As usual, we are looking for mentors and students to take us singing through the summer. Whether you have been part of the program in previous years or not, we need your help and fantastic ideas! Read More